Diamond Auction

" You are quite strong " Hoayu praised, Xin yi and Muchen turned their head.


" Hoayu you are in the same room with my master be careful" he warned after getting away from Xin Yi, Hoayu nodded and walked ahead of them,

 Xin Yi sighed, " Your days are numbered " she said, and Muchen whispered in her ear,


" Are you okay master? You can switch rooms with me" he suggested,


Xin Yi hissed " it's not my first time" she said and entered the fighting room and another guy was her fight partner,


The guy eyed her and looked at her up and down he then smirked and positioned themselves to fight.


Xin Yi didn't bother about how the man looked at her and she just positioned herself ready to give him a beating,


The whistle blew and they all came at eachother, Xin Yi starts by dodging the blows he was passing to her, she took the opportunity and blowed him in his stomach and he scrunched his face, he got angry and blowed Xin Yi on her head, she breathed in heavily and let it out, she gritted her teeth and she screamed, " Ahhh " while turning and a back kick was given to him in his stomach making him fall to the ground.

 " Wow!" The coach was so fascinated with her skills, ' a guy that looks this fragile like a female does have move wow' he thought and he called Xin Yin to praise her,

 " Master! " Muchen shouted seeing his master coming back, Muchen has bruises on his cheeks with almost the punch he received,

 " What is it?" Xin Yi asked looking at Muchen and also Hoayu came in,

 " Xin Yi be careful around that guy he his dangerous," Hoayu warned looking at the guy Xin Yi just fought with,

 " Why I am not scared of him" Xin Yi isn't the type that fears people,

 " His name his Muyang, he killed lots of bodyguards that messed with him, he always act like he is a boss"


 Xin Yi dressed in the main bodyguards outfit and stood in the middle of 4 bodyguards including Muyang.


A handgun was given to each of them and a walkie talkie,


Li Qiang came out of the main mansion door, wearing all black, a black smart trouser and black a silk shirt with three button unbuttoned revealing his white broad chest, he had a fringe hairstyle with most of his black hair reaching his eyebrows, straight big nose that looks sexy, with his pink thin and full lips that looks subtle and soft, Li Qiang looks like the son of the devil or more the devil himself.


Xin Yi looked at him and monitors his movements has he walked towards her,

 ' HOW MY GOD THIS FUCKING MAFIA LOOKS SO DAMN HOT!!' She screamed in her brain and she gulped, 

 Li Qiang stands in the front of Xin Yi, " I hope your work has been explained to you?" He asked,

 " Yes " Xin Yi nodded,

 " Good" he said and entered the Bentley Mulsanne back seat, Xin Yi also entered the front seat, sitting with the driver. The other bodyguards entered a different car.


They reached where they were going by noon, Xin Yi opened the door for Li Qiang to come out and she closed the door after he came out leaving the car to the driver to go and park, and the other bodyguards also came down and they walked through a step that's taking them underground Xin Yi wondered where they were.

Li Qiang walked confidently in their front they reached their destination to be greeted by a slow jazz music, noticing Yuchen the MC welcomed him, " Mr Gou Li Qiang welcome" the MC greeted and Li Qiang smiled at him and went to his seat with Xin yi following him to stand behind him, while the other just stood around monitoring the place,

 " Get ready guys" Muyang said through the walkie talkie and they all nod " Yeah" the all replied.


" Get ready guys" Muyang said through the walkie talkie and they all nod, " Yeah" they all replied.

 " Welcome MR and MRS Bo to the diamond auction event" the MC greeted, MR and MRS Bo are mafia couples who are in their fifties, MRS Bo held her husband arm while smiling at the MC who smiled at her while he bowed his head a little, they walked to their sit and sat and MR Bo removed his wife hands from him and he looked at him twisting her mouth.


All the guest had arrived. Mr Li Qiang sat beside the old couple and also another young Mafia who is also handsome but not as Li Qiang, he glanced Xin Yi many time even though she noticed but didn't turn to the side.

 Lu Kiacheng the son of the second most powerful mafia at china, he is also an underboss like Li Qiang but they both hate each other even though their families still works and sell illegal products among each other.

Kai wore a brown checkered trouser with a cream silk shirt with four of his buttons unbuttoned revealing is milky white chest with his upper six packs showing, he has a one side bangs hairstyle is brown hair shining, Kai is a biggest play boy he doesn't take girls for information unlike Yuchen who takes girls for information. Kia generally like female and has played lots of them showing off his wealth, he his also full of arrogant.


Three different diamonds necklace where pushed in covered by a wine cloth, and the MC walked forward holding the mic and annoucced " WELCOME TO THE DIAMOND AUCTION, WE ARE GOING TO START FROM THE, " HEART OF KINGDOM" WHICH STARTS FROM 110,000,000.00 SO WHO IS INTRESTED?" he asked 

 The Bo's couples ' the wife' raised their number which is number 4, " 120,000,000.00!" 



" 140,000,000,00." said another member of the auction, MRS Bo gritted her teeth while looking at him. 


' Wow this people are fucking rich' she said in her mind she saw her boss not bothering about the event and wondered what happened. Kai also waited waiting for Li Qiang to make a move.

 " ANYONE?" The MC asked, 


" 200,000,000.00!" another person offered and this time it was a female who wore a short black cloth her white skin stood out in the cloth and what is more sexy is her dress being a v shape revealing her half boobs, and also her lips painted red, she puts on a dangerous makeup and she smiled when no one was able to compete with her and finally the diamond was sold to her.

Xin Yi looked at her and she was fascinated by her looks and wealth.


Xu Yi Han the beautiful actress but is a mafia family, Xu Yi Han is Kai's younger sister but the both hate eachother and always does their things differently,

 Xu Yi Han looked at Li Qiang but he didn't move his head to look at the side, 

 Finally it came to the last Diamond and Kai saw Yuchen smile, 

 " NOW BRINGING OUT THE BIG GUN, ' A HERITAGE BLOOM' " The MC said " STARTING FROM ' 1,449,220,000.00 yuan'" he said and Kai raised his number 2 

 " 2,000,000,000.00!" He said and MRS Bo back fell on the seat upset her husband didn't make any move to get her anything.

 ' Let's put this all to an end ' Li Qiang said in his mind and smiled a sinister smile,

 " 10,000,000,000.000!"