Everyone wants me dead

" 10,000,000,000.000!" Li Qiang made the shocking announcement and Kai was caught off guard and he glared at Li Qiang who smirk at him without turning his head but his eyes,

Xin Yi's mouth opened, but she closed it immediately seeing the other bodyguards not shocked about what happened,

 " That's my man" Yi Han said calmly almost like not moving her lips has she looked at Li Qiang.

" NO ONE ELSE AND THE DIAMOND IS SOLD TO MR GOUUUU!!" The MC screamed and all the audience where disappointed.

Gou Li Qiang stood up with pride and Xin Yi followed him, reaching the restroom, Xin Yi stopped when he entered the males restroom,Li Qiang stopped and turned to her,

 " Why aren't you entering?" He asked 


" Ah I am not using the restroom and it will be inappropriate to enter the room with you " she smiled and he just nodded and left her outside.

Li Qiang entered the restroom as if he knows what will happen he stayed in the middle with his hands in his pocket.

 Two men's came out of different restroom doors, and came at Li Qiang and he defend himself when a blow was coming at him by moving back, Li Qiang grabbed his arm and used his leg to kick him in his stomach, the other men pulled Li Qiang behind him and he had to release the one he was beating, and he pushed him to hit his head on the washing hands base but thankfully he wasn't hurt.


Xin Yi heard the noise inside and she rushed in seeing the scene she gritted her teeth, Xin Yi grabbed the man's back and punched him many time, Yuchen also grabbed the other man and punched him repeatedly, Xin Yi hit the man's stomach,

"Emergency in the restroom " Xin Yi said through the walkie talkie and 2 minutes after the other bodyguards came in and held men's arms and they where handcuffed, and pushed out of the room.


 They reached the mansion and Muyang came to Li Qiang and asked what they should do with the men's,


" Take them to the torture room " he said foaming in anger upset about what happened,


" Yes sir " he answered and Xin Yi wanted to follow him,


" Come with me " Li Qiang said and he started walking and Xin Yi also followed behind him,

 They both walked to the torture room that is a dungeon as they walked in, it became darker but when Li Qiang clapped suddenly the light on and Xin Yi held her nose cuase the place smell so disgusting, smell of corpse, and blood, Xin Yi saw a dead body that has turned grey, in front of her she screamed and Li Qiang didn't even bother to look back,


" You are so wicked" she said to him but he didn't reply and just kept walking.

 When they the reached where they going he entered a room with no door that ' Toture room' was written on top of the room she also entered to see the men's wearing just boxers their hands was tied up and also their legs, Muyang stood infront of them and also two dungeon guards standing.


" Who sent you " he asked, them but they didn't reply,

 " WHO SENT YOU?" He asked again but this time gritting his teeth, but still didn't answer, " GET ME THE GUN" He shouted and Xin Yi shivered,


The gun was given to him and he shot the gun on their legs, they shouted but Li Qiang didn't bulge, the men's face was contoured with pain, the second one whimpered and tears fell on his eyes, Xin Yi felt hurt by what happened and she pitied them, 

 " WHO SENT YOU? " He asked again, the second one shouted and he said,


" I WILL TALK MR YUXUAN SENT US!" He confessed and the other one bit his lips in regret, " PLS LET US GO!" He begged but that's not what Yuxuan had in mind and he shot the both of them dead, Xin Yi mouth fell didn't they begged him,


" Mr Yuxuan is a coward just like his guards just small torture and they spill the bean " he added " Don't forget to deliver them to him. Xin Yi!" and Xin Yi followed him while the others nodded, and said " Yes sir " all together,


Xin Yi and Li Qiang came of the dungeon that was back of the mansion, " Mr Gou those men's they told you the truth and you still killed them" she confronted him,


Li Qiang walked closer to her and she moved back until her back hit the wall and she let out a soft sound, " you think i will let them go so they could come at me again uh? That's what you want me to do? Lots of people are outside there wanting to kill me and you think I should sympathize them? You must be kidding" he said and walked away leaving Xin Yi,

 Xin Yi looked at his back as he walked away.


 Xin Yi walked inside her room upset about what Li Qiang did,

 " Master how was your first work?" Muchen who was already in her room waiting for her, his smile slowly fell seeing Xin Yi upset face,


" What happened master? Who made you upset Muyang right" the look on his face right now is like he could kill Muyang but the truth his he can't, he his just full of mouth, 

 " That fucking Li Qiang" she cursed and pointed her finger at Muchen like he his Li Qiang, Muchen raised his hands up and moved back shocked about what happened to Xin Yi,

 Haoyu came out of the bathroom with no clothes on but just his boxers, he puts his hands on his waist and walked closer to them,


" Xin Yi don't you know you can't be insulting-"

 " Shut up" she gritted her teeth and looked at him with anger, 


" Oh am sorry" he begged and walked back to the bathroom,


Xin Yi let her hands down and Muchen also he walked closer to her,


"What happened?"


" Li Qiang is wicked, he his a mudrer" she said,

 " You knew about it before you start working here don't you?" He asked,

 " I know" she answered,

 " Then why did you become his bodyguard? There must be a reason please answer" he begged for her to answer him,


Xin Yi looked at him and went to sat on the bed, and Muchen also followed,

 " I just wanted to expose him I want him to be arrested" she whispered to his ear not wanting Haoyu to hear anything, even though she lied to him.


" What! But it's dangerous you are a mole" he said surprised about what he just heard,


" I don't care I hate all this fucking things, honestly, I want to put an end to this " she said and breathed in breathed out heavily,

 " What are you putting an end to?" Hoayu asked looking at both of them,


" Ah nothing {chuckes} we are just talking about somethings" Muchen said and he pinched Xin Yi and she also smiled at Hoayu,

 " You guys are acting suspicious " he looked at them and walked to the wardrobe.


 Xu Yi Han celebrity car door was just opened for her she got down from the car and stood to wave for her fans who were waiting for her, also the reporters who were all set with their cameras, they all cheered when they saw her getting down from the car.

Xu Yi Han stood elegantly and she waved at her fans, she wore a red velvet long gown that was parted in the front revealing her white long legs, the red velvet dress she wore made her white skin stood out, also the diamond necklace she bought.

She smiled with beautiful plump heart-shaped lips painted red, she waved at her fans and walked on the red carpet, her fans waved at her and she also waved and smiled at them,


Xu Yi Han went to sit at the first row which was appointed to her, many actors where already sitted and she bowed when she passed beside them and they also bowed back, she sat down and used her hand to push her hair away. Many actresses looked at her necklace and were jealous of how she always got good products.


The event started by noon, the MC walked forward " HI EVERYONE GREETINGS TO ALL OUR ACTORS, WELCOME TO THE 2O24 AWARDS SHOW"