
Xin Yi's eyes went wide looking at the scene infront of her. And immediately she felt nauseous again, she turned around and vomited, Muyang didn't turn to her again and just focused on his master,

 Li Qiang not caring about Xin Yi offed the chainsaw and passed it to Muyang who collected it,

 " Will you tell me?" He asked the man,

 The man face filled with tears and contoured with pain,

 " NO..MATTER...WHAT...I..WON'T...TELL...YOU" He gathered up his courage to talk while gritting his teeth,

 " Okay" Li Qiang grabbed the dirty handkerchief and used it to clean his hands, and he started to walk out with Muyang and Xin Yi following him,

 " YOU...BITCH..KILL...ME!" He shouted,

 Yuchen didn't answer and just walled out.


 In the car Xin Yi looked at Li Qiang at the back with the help of the mirror, she feels so assured about how wicked he his.

 When they reached the hotel Li Qiang and Xin Yi got out of the car and Muyang went to park the car,

 Li Qiang and Xin Yi walked inside the hotel, Xin Yi walked has far has she could from him which he didn't care,

 Suddenly Xin Yi felt Li Qiang whispered to her ear, " You must get use to it" he whispered and walked away, Xin Yi gasped and watched him left. 


 They all returned back to China. Xin Yi, Muchen and Ru Xuan sat at their same hot pot meetup with lots of alcohol,

 " Xin Xin are you alright?" Ru Xuan asked, Xin Yi who looked gloom.

 " I have been asking her that since she came back from Italy" Muchen said

 " Ah! Is their food that bad?" She asked cause her friend is so obsessed with foods taste,

 Xin Yi sighed, " Li Qiang is a wicked and dangerous creature" she looked up and looked at the both of them,

 " What happen?" Ru Xuan asked,

 She raised her hand and made a sign for them to come close,

 " He amputated someone's leg" she whispered,

 Ru Xuan shouted causing people to look at her realizing this she stood up and bowed at them,

 " I whispered because I don't want people to hear and there you are shouting"

 " I am sorry, by the way Muchen you don't look surprised?"

 " Me why would I, I have seen more than that" he sounds more like he his boasting,

 Xin Yi threw her chopstick at Muchen and it hit his face,

 " You think it's something to boast about, your boss is a criminal which includes you"

 " And you" Muchen said 

 " Xin Yi why don't you just quit" she is so worried about her friend in a blink of an eye it would be her friend next,

 " I have lots of things to uncover, nothing will happen to me honestly I will take care of myself" she assured her and smiled.

 " We should go now it will soon be our curfew time" Muchen said and stands up,

 " Bye " Xin Yi said to Ru Xuan and they all parted.

.....Xin Yi just finished showering to go to bed, she came out of the bathroom with towel around her chest with a towel wrapping her hair.

Muyang who came inside the room after asking permission from Haoyu, he stayed in front of the table shocked of what he saw. Xin Yi let down her hair revealing her long hair and she used the towel to wipe her hair,

 Muyang jaw fell and immediately went out when Xin Yi went back to the bathroom.

 Muyang walked so confused about what he saw, ' Xin Yi is a female' he said to himself, he walked to his room and shut the door closed.


 The next morning Li Qiang called for Xin Yi. Xin Yi stood infront of Li Qiang expecting him to talk.

 Li Qiang looked at Xin Yi and stands up from the chair and rest on table he looked so serious,

 " There is something you are keeping" he said looking at her, "You know many people that lies to me ends up dying just like the one you've seen" he said and shiver went down her spine,

 " Wwwhat do you mean" she starmmers,' did he know her secret did he knows her secret' she bit her lips and looked at him, he looked at her back

 " Why are you stammering?" He asked, " Muyang told me you can't stand gore. The other day I met you, you were so confident about how sharp you were, I didn't expect you to be so blunt" 

 Xin Yi sighed without him noticing, ' he didn't find out ' she said to herself,

 " Iii" she looked at him and gritted her teeth, " YOU JACKASS YOU MUDRER I HATE YOU" She yelled and went out of his office,


 XuYi Han sat on the sofa in her expensive apartment, she kept her eye on the big poster she made of Li Qiang, she kept staring,

 "Ahh Li Qiang Li Qiang when will you give your heart to me" she said to herself, " I kept on loving you day and night, morning and evening pls love me back" she begged the poster,


 Boss Gou and his guard barged into Mr Yuxuan house breaking his door.

 Mr Yuxuan seeing him shocked and asked all his children and wife to go and hide but it was to late cause Boss Gou was inside already,

 " Ahh!" He screamed and his wife and children knelt down. 

 " Yuxuan Yuxuan you dare to kill my son when you give birth to bunch of useless, all you know is sex and money, and nothing on how to teach your children. This is your last warning if you don't want all your children disappearing" he warned, and started to walk out with the bodyguards following behind him,

 " Am not scared of you " he boasted even though there is still glint of fear,

 Boss Gou stopped without looking back, "But I can sense fear" he smiled and continued walking, { Slow MO( dangerous sounds) showing the Yuxuan family scared}


 Li Qiang called Muyang to his office, " Who told Boss about what happened with Yuxuan I thought i asked you to not let him know?" He asked,

 " I know nothing about it sir I have been trying to figure it out myself" he moved closer and whispered " Sir hope he didn't send anyone to spy on you" 

 Li Qiang's thick eyebrows furrowed he rest his back on his chair and start thinking about it,

 " He asked about Xin Yi. YES! I think he knows about Xin Yi" 

 Muyang remembering what he saw yesterday,

 " Sir I think Xin Yi is a spy "