Crazy Syndrome

" Sir I think Xin Yi is a spy " he suggested, " What if he is the one giving him information about you cause he his present at every scene" he said lowering his voice, cause even the wall has ears,

" You think so?" He asked,

" Yes sir"

" Keep an eye on him" he said to see him nod.

Six members from Xin Yi Martial artist club sat down in their parctice room with their marial artists cloths on, sitting in circles gossiping,

 " Eh did you know Xin Yi quit" one of them said,

" Yeah I am so glad he left he kept stealing the light that belongs to me" another one said,

" But isn't too much for him to leave master after all this time he treated him like a child " another one said,

" Zichen why are you so foolish isn't it evidence he his heartl-ahh" something was thrown on his head and he scrunched his face holding the back of his head as he stands up to see who threw it,

Ru Xuan who is also in her martial arts cloth, folded her hands across her chest and walked towards them,

" Jietiang you have such a good name but your personality said otherwise you useless brat" she insulted,

" Ru Xuan I know you are Xin Yi friend and who knows whether you are dating" he laughs,

" Ah as I can see your brain as leakage, and Xin Yi is more good than you just accept the fact" she explained and turned to the rest,

" And you you are all lacking behind in your trainings and you are so good at gossiping I think I should get an award for you guys" she laughed and appluased them,

" And who tells you Xin Yi quited, oh sorry you might have heard a fake news as I can see, she actually got a part time job not like you who only learns to fight" she insulted,

 " Hahaha see who is talking is not like you have any work apart from this also" he insulted her back and the other laughed,

She gritted her teeth,

" Who tell you that I have lots of part time jobs" she said and started to walk away.

" That jerk" she cursed under her breath.

Yi Nou sat on her sofa at her expensive house wearing a casual dress looking at her manager happily,

 " You look so happy" her manager named Zhiyu said,

 " Why won't I you got me a job" she smiles " I am so happy. So the script?" She asked stretching out her hands,

 " You are always in a rush" he said and handed the script to her, she collected it and opened it, {The title is You own me -Traditional series} she start reading the script and when she was done she closed it smiling,

 " So when is it starting, I am so glad I am going to be the female lead" she said happily and the smile on her manager face fell, noticing this she asked,

" What's wrong"

 " Uhm miss Yi...I..really don't know how to explain this" he said,

" What is it?" She asked her smile fell and she stands up from her sofa to look into her managers eye,

 " Uhm miss Xu Yi Han got the role, so your role his her personal maid" he explained, and scrunched his face waiting for whatever will happen to him,

 " Ah Ah Ah " she looked at him and fainted,

" MISS YI" He shouted and ran towards her

After a while she woke and she looked up seeing her manager who was holding her she grabbed the collar of his cloth,