Chapter 3: The Weird Goddess

I'm not sure what to think about this whole thing. She's still just some random person telling me some nonsense about becoming a god.

"A God? Seriously you should probably leave. I don't deal with weirdos." I say before turning away from her.

I went to grab the door handle but suddenly I couldn't move my hand anywhere near it. Almost like there was some sort of barrier keeping me from touching it.

"Are you starting to believe me yet?" She asks with a curious tone.

"What is happening? The door knob feels like it's impossible to reach." I respond while slightly looking back at her.

"I used my power to show you that this isn't some joke." Mina says while walking up to me

She wasn't joking but maybe I'm dreaming or something. It doesn't feel real but yet I remember those weird humanoid creatures from 7 years ago but they never looked normal.

Covered in black with these strange spike protruding out from their shoulders. I don't know if I'll ever see them again but this is feeling like a sign.

"Okay. You're still weird but what exactly do you need me to do or whatever." I say with a confused tone in my voice.

"Trust me for starters." She replied before letting out a sigh

Trust a complete stranger who has powers to keep me from touching the door? This day just gets worse and worse.

"Fine. Fine." I say with a bit of an annoyed tone in my voice.

This woman is annoying me and I don't know a thing about her. I only know her name and felt these strange force fields.

"Extend your hand towards me." Mina says with a smile forming on her face.

Take the hands of a stranger, f*ck it at this point. Not like I have much to lose right?

I took her hand and immediately began to feel a weird surge throughout my body for a few moments before it disappeared.

"What was that?" I question with a bit of confusion in my tone.

"Me giving you what you need of course." She answers with a smile on her face.

My body felt a lot different now but I didn't know what to make of it. I didn't feel like anything changed on me but there was a weird feeling now.

{System Active}


God Training System Activated.

Current Status- Human, Mortal.


What is this weird shit that I'm seeing before my eyes right now. It's almost like seeing a menu in a game but it looks like it's gone now.

"Was that normal? I saw some sort of weird menu." I say while scratching my head.

I've heard kids in class talk about games and seen some watching videos but I've never been much for them myself.

"I gave you a gift that'll help you grow stronger until your body can handle the full extent of the power. Should be pretty simple to get used to." Mina responds before turning away from me.

Something that helps me get stronger until my body can handle it? I guess that's interesting but why the hell would I need something like this.

Did sensei have something like this or did he have some sort of powers?

"What am I doing with this from here?" I ask with a curious tone in my voice.

"Keep training like you do and eventually you're bound to see what you'll have to deal with. I'll be around I promise you that." Mina answers with a bit of joy in her voice.

She's happy about this but yet I'm still left to fill in the blanks, how nice is that.

She disappeared after that which showed me that it really wasn't some joke being played or some messed up thing. Mina really was a goddess, disappearing into thin air is a cool party trick for sure.

Wonder if that's something I'll achieve? This place is a complete mess though, it completely took my attention away from every thought I just had.

It was a tiny apartment with one bedroom, kitchen, living room and some sort of small storage area. But every so often I let it get a little messy.

Sometimes it makes a good break from training, cooking, or just working out. I'm usually a pretty clean guy but again I tend to get a bit bored.

So I cleaned up the apartment for the next hour or so before laying down in my bed. Tomorrow is another day of school before the weekend but it doesn't really make much of a difference.

Every day is the same to me so why would it matter if it was the weekend or not. Kids from school get excited about it or have plans to do whatever they do but not me.

"Calling it a day already?" A familiar voice asks.

Don't tell me the weirdo is back. Sigh.

"I'm going to sleep, what do you need now?" I respond while looking up at the ceiling.

Silence was there for a few moments before she began to speak again. Maybe something will come of all this, perhaps a chance to take care of those weird creatures from a long time ago.

"Just checking on you Kenji. You are quite the important person after all. Tomorrow will be a big deal." Mina says while taking a seat on the bed.

She doesn't seem to give a shit about personal space or boundaries I guess. Really don't get this woman.

"Sure. But what's so important about tomorrow?" I question.

"The school is going to be attacked, along with the rest of Kyoto." Mina responds with a bit more of a serious tone behind her voice.

An attack? I'm not sure there's much I can do about that right now. However this power works, I've not even started to train with it yet.

"How am I supposed to help?" I question with a confused tone.

"You know how to fight. It'll help give some experience and you'll save a lot of people I'm sure." Mina answers with the serious tone dying down.

She has a weird amount of faith in me. Whatever I guess.