Chapter 4: Attack on the School

"Yeah I'll take care of it." I say before closing my eyes.

I'm going to sleep now though, that's an issue to deal with tomorrow whenever that occurs. It'll be different but if I'm so important I doubt I'll be left to die.

There's a point to this happening tomorrow, I just haven't figured out what it is just yet. Mina is probably testing to see where my strength is currently before I start training with everything.

{The Following Morning}

Still don't see that menu, even after sleeping all night. I really need to figure out how that works so I can bring it up at will.

On another note I need to figure out how I'm going to handle this whole attack situation since I've not fought many people. Usually if I do it's pretty quick but these also could be something more than a human.

The strength could be on a way higher scale than mine but I don't really know what to expect just yet. Probably should get ready.

Hoodie, jeans, whatever shirt I can find for underneath, and then I was basically good for the day. Nothing too complicated or dressy.

People dress up for school like they are about to make the biggest impressions in the world. Just wear what you want and get over it.

"Thinking about something good?" Mina questions from behind me.

Guessing I'm not going to get a break from this weird goddess.

"Did you watch me change?" I question while turning around.

"I-I wouldn't do such a thing. Ahem. Now we have to go, you'll need to be ready to fight of course." Mina responds with an embarrassed expression across her face.

Red as a tomato.

"Right. I'm as ready as I can be I guess." I say before heading out the door.

Back down the steps towards the front entrance like usual but this time the old man wasn't outside. I'm used to him saying good morning but people get busy.

The skies were dark, almost like it was going to rain today. These kinds of days were my favorite.

Rain is always peaceful and brings calmness to me.

{Just reaching the entrance of the School.}

"Lots of people here. Really should be careful." Mina speaks up out of nowhere.

Probably thought she was going to scare me by just appearing out of nowhere but that's not the case. I'm wondering what she thinks about before she speaks.

"Kenji I heard you knocked Jun out with one punch." A guy with short black hair says to me.

Not surprised that it spread as fast as it did but I'm wondering how pissed off he's going to be.

"Doesn't really matter." I say back with a serious tone.

I try to avoid making a big deal out not things like that to avoid anymore issues. It gets annoying real quick when you have to keep dealing with shit.

Before the guy could say anything else the bell rang and that meant it was time for class. The most boring thing ever.

Teaching us a bunch of shit that won't even help us.

Boom!!! Out of nowhere an explosion went off on the other side of the building and I could hear people screaming.

"Everyone remain calm and remember the drills!" The teacher shouts.

No one listened to the teacher at all which is expected because it's dumb to remain in a place like this. I need to deal with whatever is attacking the school though since that's what Mina told me.

"I did say this was going to happen. Now it's up to you." Mina says from out of nowhere.

Man I really hope I can do that one day since it seems like a useful ability to have. Popping in and out of spaces like this.

"Yeah I'll try." I respond while putting my hands in my pockets.

Standing from my desk in a calm manner while everyone around me ran like lunatics I realized that it's up to me to handle this. I'll go see what's causing the explosion and what's making people scream.

Walking out of the classroom I could feel a completely different aura from whatever is in the school. Kids ran past me with all different scratches across them while some were on the ground in pain.

All of this feels familiar, reminds me of the festival. It's not a big deal though, a lot has changed since then.

I know how to fight and now I have to utilize this new thing that Mina gave me somehow. This God in Training System.

I'll take care of everything though.

"Kenji where are you going!?!" The teacher shouts with a confused tone in his voice.

"Don't worry about it. Just focus on the kids who need the attention." I reply with a serious tone.

He didn't say much more after that since he knew I wasn't going to listen to whatever he was going to say next. It was time for me to face whatever these creatures are.

Something I'm not even sure I'm prepared to fight just yet. These things won't stop me from saving whoever I can. Even if I don't like these people.