Chapter 5: Monstrosity

Without thinking about it I continued down the hallway towards the sound of the screaming students. I usually wouldn't interfere with people but I'd never want anyone to go through what I did.

"Are you stupid? Why the hell are you going that way." An annoying voice asks from behind me.

Sounds a lot like Jun, I'd recognize that assholes voice anywhere.

"Why don't you go with the rest of the kids from class." I respond before continuing to walk.

For a second he sounded like he was about to speak but then he held back. Must've realized that he can't really do much to stop me from going.

I don't get why he cares all of a sudden though, he's been giving me shit for years.

Footsteps began to get louder and louder all around as Kenji made his way over. Each step getting louder.

It seems like they are definitely aware of me making my way towards them since it sounds like more than one creature. I'm not hearing any screams or any sort of talking so something is different here.

As I turned the corner of the hallway I made contact with the creature making the footsteps. A giant creature with black skin like the humanoid beings I saw but it had multiple deformities.

It has multiple faces with mouths extending past a normal person's jaw. Claws going down to the floor. Spikes coming out it's back, what the hell am I looking at?

You'd think I should be a bit terrified but honestly I'm a little pumped up that I'll be fighting the things that killed all those people.

"Krrr. Krrr." The creature began to make weird sounds.

It makes weird sounds too I guess. My fists are my weapon against this thing though so I don't know if I'm supposed to use anything else.

"You got this." Mina says from behind me.

Sigh. I guess I don't got much of a choice.

Without another second going by Kenji ran in towards the creature. Not knowing what he'd be capable of doing here yet it was a gamble for him either way.

I just need to attack it and see where everything goes because it's not like I'll know how to use this shit that Mina gave me. Damn girl could've told me how to do everything at the very least.

Pow!! Kenji immediately landed a punch across one of the creatures faces and it looked stunned for a moment before immediately going to attack.

The fight has only just started but now He could actually attack without any sort of fear or hesitation. Not that he had it to begin with.

Getting up close and personal with this thing made me realize it's not that fast even though it should be. It's body would indicate that it is light on its feet but nothing has been shown during this fight.

I've felt pretty fast myself though so I wonder if that's normal or with the help of that power or whatever that the goddess gave me.

"See you're not doing so bad." Mina says with a bit of joy in her voice.

"Stop distracting me." I reply while focusing on the fight.

Crash!!! Smashing it's claws into a wall and causing debris to fly everywhere the creature continues it's fight with Kenji.

Each passing minute led to more and more destruction of the hallways but no one was hurt at this point in time. Kenji continued on fighting against the creature while noticing he's not doing much damage.

"You'll have to utilize a bit more power in your hits." Mina suggests while watching.

She really has the nerve to tell me how to handle the fight I'm dealing with right now. I know how to fight but maybe that's a hint at the god Training thing.

I tried to look around for something to indicate that menu from before but I don't see anything. It's possible that it only comes out at certain times.

It'll be useful to know so I can use this damn power already.

"Krrrrrrrr!!" The creature screeched before lashing out again.

"Someone's mad." I say with a serious tone.

Must not be used to someone surviving so long against its attacks but it doesn't matter to me because it'll be dead soon.

Kenji began to channel the power from the system into his fists. It was a strange feeling coursing through his fists for a few moments until he punched again.

Fwooosh!!! As the punch connected with the creatures claw it sent a small shockwave throughout the hallway. Cracking the walls as it went past.

Before my eyes I could see the creatures hand was completely gone but it was still standing there looking right at me. The only problem I had was that my hand felt like it couldn't move anymore.

Crack. Yep it's definitely broken and I have a feeling it's related to that power.

Did I use too much of it without being able to handle it yet? This must be what that weirdo was talking about this whole time.

Gives me a headache trying to think of how to hold back the power I just used. I barely even knew how to use it there to begin with but whatever.

I stepped back a bit before listening to the creature howl in pain. It wasn't happy about the damage it just took one bit but yet I'm still unscathed other than my hand.

"See you'll get used to it but you need to take it easy with it." Mina says while crossing her arms.

"Why don't you just help take care of the thing already?" I question while looking back at her.

"Because I have to let you grow and deal with this on your own." Mina answers before leaning back against the wall.

It's one of those situations, of course it would be. Sigh. I can deal with this bastard either way but it would've been less of a pain if she helped.