Chapter 2: A Drop Of Fear

The match was over and Toro was standing over the corpse of his opponent. Toro put his hands together and bowed his head to show his respect for his deceased opponent as well as gratitude for the fight. This sign of respect was shared by the remaining members of the 7 Elements. All except one.

He was a masked man with a white hooded robe with the character for water on his back. At the sight of his beloved comrade being slain all he could do was tremble with rage and the only words that could leave his mouth were...




"Oh great he's snapped again and it's worse than usual" Said a short man standing next to him wearing a white cloak with the character for fire on his back.

"Although I can't blame him this time we did just watch "Lightning" get killed." He continued

"I'm at the end of my fuse too."

The stadium was shocked into stunned silence. Nobody could have ever expected the match to go the way it did. In fact there were only 3 people in the stadium who actually thought that Toro could win.

One was obviously Toro himself, another was his younger brother Coyote, and the last one was surprisingly enough Elaine Cunningham. Elaine's belief in Toro's victory stemmed from her older brother's encouragement.

However, as for Edward himself...

"I never really expected anything from that loser, I guess these so called Imperials were never something worth worrying about at all if some common street thug can easily beat their strongest member." Edward said to Rich Branchman who was standing next to him

"Yes I agree, but now we have the issue of the Chinese. They were supposed to be owing us a favor but now it's the other way around

"Well that sounds like your problem, meanwhile my problem is that now my match isn't going to matter because we'll have already won by then."

"Heh, maybe you'll get lucky and the next two fighters will lose."

"One can only hope."

As the two cackled smugly Elaine walked towards them causing Edward to resume his facade of an honorable gentleman.

"It's exactly like you said brother!

He won, and it was an incredible victory." Elaine told her brother excitedly.

"Well yes, the match went more or less as ! predicted." Said Edward lying through his teeth.

"So brother can you explain the technique that he used I don't think I understand how it works."

"Oh um, well it was... it was a summoning type ability most likely."

"He most likely used his ability to summon an invisible sword, or he might have a projection type

ability that allows him to throw some kind of slashing attack."

"Wow, it's amazing that you can figure out his ability after seeing it for just a brief moment."

"You've got it wrong." Said someone walking towards the siblings.

The two turned to see who was talking and saw Toro's younger brother Coyote

"You're totally wrong about my brother's ability Mr. Goldilocks."

"Mr. Goldilocks? How dare you, you brat!"

Edward thought

"My brother's ability is called War Master, and it's not a summoning type or projection type it's an enhancement type ability."

"Oh? Oh! I get it now! He didn't summon an invisible sword or project any slashing attacks. He infused his aura

with the effect of 'cutting', thus giving his arm the same capability as a sword."

"Very nice Mr. Goldilocks,

I guess you're not as dumb as you look."

In Edwards mind: "Twice! That's twice!

You'll pay for that boy!"

"I still don't think I quite understand." Elaine said.

"Well let me put it this way, have you ever read the story "The Master" by Atsushi Nakajima?"

"No I'm not familiar with that story

In particular."

"Well it's about a guy who's training to be a master bowman, and to make a long story short he eventually becomes so skilled that he no longer needs a bow to shoot. In fact he eventually forgets what a bow even looks like."

"So you're saying that Toro is similarly skilled in swordsmanship?" Edward asked

"Hehe close but not exactly Mr. Goldilocks.

His ability is called WAR Master not Sword Master."

"So what's your point?" Edward asked as his patience for Coyote's antics was wearing thin.

"The point is that my big brother is that skilled with every weapon of war, hence the name. His martial arts skills plus his ability makes him practically a living weapon."

"Oh that is impressive." Edward said but inwardly he thought,

"Hmph, I'll take your many insults as payment for this information on Toro's ability.

I could have been caught off guard if I didn't know about his ability before hand, now should I ever have to fight him I know he will be no match for me."

"Oi Coyote!

How long are you going to keep blabbering on about my ability? Let's get going already." Toro said as he entered the room.

"Hey big brother where have you been?" Coyote said conveniently ignoring the part where his brother scolded him.

"I hit the showers."

"So what did you think of your fight big brother?

Did you have fun?"

A smile cracked across Toro's face.

"Yeah, that guy was incredible.

It was a great fight and it was close but luckily I was able to win."

"You know it's rude to lie like that." Edward chimed in, ''It's clear that, that fight was completely one-sided."

Toro's smile left his face at Edwards words.

"Tch! What would you know Mr. Goldilocks?" Toro stepped towards Edward but then stopped.

"Eh, it's not worth it let's get out of this stuffy box Coy, I scored us some seats up close in the front row."

"Kay!" Coyote said following his brother out the door.

"Oh that sounds like a wonderful idea would you mind if I join you?" Elaine asked

"Eh, I don't care what you do." Toro responded.

"Oh thank you!" Elaine said conveniently ignoring the indifference that Toro treated her with.

"Would you care to join us brother?" Elaine asked Edward.

"No I need to stay here and strategize for my match with Branchman." Edward responded

"More importantly I couldn't stand to be around those ill-mannered peasants for another moment"

He thought to himself.

"Alright I'll see you later brother, good luck in your match!" Elaine said as she waved goodbye.

As they made their way towards their seats Elaine peppered Toro with questions about fighting.

"So where did you learn how to fight Sir Toro?" She asked

"Mongolia" Toro replied

"Oh fascinating! How did you end up there?"

"Heard there was a strong guy there."

"So what was your teacher like?"


'You know I wouldn't have expected a princess like you to be that interested in fighting." Toro said.

"Well to be honest I'm not particularly fond of fighting or violence of any kind, however I always find learning new things to be fascinating." Elaine replied.

"Can I ask you just one more question Sir Toro?"

"Eh, sure I guess." Toro replied

"What did you mean when you said that your fight was a close one? I hope it's not rude of me to say so, but it seemed to be clearly one-sided to me.

You defeated him in a single blow after all."

"Yeah, I can see how a layman like you or your brother would think that. You see, during our fight we both gave it our all from the beginning.

Basically we mutually decided to end the fight with a single exchange at full power, I just happened to be a little stronger than him. If we had felt each other out to start the fight it would've looked more competitive, but the result would have probably been the same."

"Do you understand now?"

"Yes I see, so Sir "Lightning really was incredible as well."

"Yeah he was." Toro said with a faint smile.

"But Sir Toro I understand why you would say it about me but why would you call my brother a layman when it comes to fighting as well?"

"You said only one more question."

"Yes, but it's just that my brother is a world renowned fighter, everybody knows that Edward Cunningham is an expert in spear fighting."

"Tch, whatever." Toro said dismissively, "Wait a minute did you say Cunningham? That name does sound familiar."

"Oh that's right! I don't believe we ever introduced ourselves to you. I've grown so used to people knowing who we are already I forget about making introductions. How presumptuous of me l apologize."

"So then you have heard of my brother Edward and his knowledge and skill in combat."

"Edward? Nah, never heard of the guy, but you're Elaine right? Elaine Cunningham, you play the piano?"

"Oh, yes.

"I heard you play in Madrid, you're pretty good."

"When did you go to a piano recital big brother?

That doesn't seem like something you would go to."

'''Don't be ridiculous Coy, I didn't go to a piano recital. I just happened to be passing by, and overheard her playing."

"Oh well, thank you." Elaine said while blushing slightly.

"Anyway you two should stop blabbering these are our seats and the next match is about to start."

'Ladies and gentlemen are you ready for the next match? Will the Earthians put the nail in the coffin for the Empire's conquest, or will the 7 Elements finally show their elite skills and grab their first win?"

"Let's find ou! Now introducing first..."

"Fighting out of the eastern corner, standing 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing in at 192 Ibs, he has a record of 738 wins with zero losses, he's known as the most brutal fighter among the 7 Elements it's."



Age: 21

Ht: 5'10

Wt: 192

Special Ability: Water

The man that entered the arena had an average build and wore white armor covered with a white cloak with a blue mask covering half of his face.

"Now coming in out of the western corner, standing 5 feet 9 inches tall, weighing in at 180 Ibs, he's making his War Festival debut, he's the world's most prolific serial killer as well as an accomplished assassin.

In work and leisure death is a part of his everyday life. I present to


"The Cold Killer!"

"Milt Karasev!!!!"

Milt Karasev

Age: 51

Ht: 5'9

Wt: 180

Special Ability: Dark Swamp


Milt Karasev was a grizzled old man with and average build, long messy white hair, and unkempt white beard. He wore a black suit with a large black trench coat and a black headband.

"Whoa, a serial killer AND an assassin?

Now that's what I'm talking about." An

Earthian spectator said.

"I don't know that guy sounds like bad news." Another said

"Yeah, and that's exactly the type of guy you expect to see in a tournament like this."

"Eh, that "Water" guy has always creeped me out." An Imperial spectator said.

"Yeah it's always so brutal when he fights."

The two fighter's entrances produced mixed reactions from the crowd.

It was a mixture of

excitement and unease with two savage competitors about to go toe to toe.

"Are you two ready?"



Milt's attack consisted of mud pouring out of his hands and filing the arena.

After Milt unleashed his attack "Water" did the

same and rain began to fall from the sky.

"Mud, that's his power?

That's lame I was expecting better." Said an Earthian spectator.

"Wait, ever since that Spanish guy cut the clouds the sky's been clear. Where is this rain coming from?"

"Hmph, just mud, you ignorant fools. This mud is merely a vehicle that delivers my REAL ability."

Milt Karasev's ability, Dark Swamp, disperses fear particles through the mud that he emits. Anything that touches his fear particles becomes paralyzed with fear.

"Go ahead and attack my mud with your water, it'll only spread my fear particles more making my ability take hold faster."

"Mmmm, I can't wait to see you paralyzed with fear. I'll take my time cutting you to pieces, and with the whole crowd watching. How wonderful!

Karasev said with a twisted smile on his face.

The mud of Karasev's Dark Swamp had now nearly reached "Water's" chest, and his water was only spreading it faster.

The fear particles in the mud had now taken complete control of his body and filled his heart with fear.

Or at least, it would have...

Unfortunately for Milt Karasev "Water's" heart was already fled to the brim with rage, leaving no room for fear.


The rain that had been faling increased its intensity several fold, to the point that the mud had finaly dissipated. The rain's intensity continued to increase to the point that the water had completely filled the fighting stage.

The water now had two giant violently rotating whirlpools form with Milt Karasev stuck between them. After a short while, the water completely dissipated revealing that Karasev had been completely ground down to nothing.

"Wow! Don't call it a comeback folks, but "Water" puts the Empire on the score board in dramatic fashion. The score is now 3-1." The announcer woman said.

"Oh wow! The fight went exactly the way you said it would Sir Toro!" Elaine said.

"Yeah I figured it'd be a boring one-sided fight. still that "Water" guy was pretty impressive." Toro replied.

After starting the tournament up 3-0 the spectators from Earth had waves of confidence. However, after witnessing such a brutal victory by their opponents the wave of confidence was now tainted by a...

Chapter 2

A Drop of Fear