Chapter 3: A Rumble Of Doubt

Although "Water's" opponent had been defeated, his thirst for vengeance had not been quenched.

He had raised the water from the arena into the air above the spectators and was preparing to launch an attack.


Just as spheres of water were dropping from the sky, a large hooded man with the character for earth on his back jumped out to the arena and delivered a chop to the back of "Water's" neck knocking him out.

"Sorry about that folks, I guess he got a bit too excited."

The man then left carrying "Water" under his arm.

"That was a close one, we would have been in BIG trouble if "Water" had attacked all those people. Oh well, all's well that ends well." Said the man in the "fire" character robe.

"So you're man Karasev, got beaten badly how do you feel about that Branchman?" Edward asked.

"Well, it certainly is a surprise to see him lose. He was an assassin that had been employed by most countries, and he had the most recommendations of any fighter. He'd never failed a job before so we all had a lot of confidence in him, but to be honest it's just as good that he lost he was a serial killer after all. So basically this fight was a win-win from the start."

"Ah I see, well at least my match still has a chance to be relevant, now I just need Rodgerio to lose. Do you think he would take a dive for us?"

"You've meet Rodgerio before, so you should know that he would never do that. Not to mention that with his ability I can't imagine him losing."

"Yes he doesn't seem the type to play ball with us. I suppose I'll just have to put on an especially excellent performance in my match to make up for the fact that the tournament will already have been decided at that point."

"Wonder why they insisted on fighting all seven matches even if a team already has four wins?"

"I don't know, but it will give me a chance to show off my skills regardless. So after Rodgerio wins his match, and the tournament is decided in our favor will you still allow him to fight The final match?"

"No of course not, he was only brought in as a desperate last resort just in case anyway. One of the reasons we brought you on was so we wouldn't need to use him."

"Yes well, I'll show during my match why I'M the ace of this team."

'Ladies and gentlemen are you ready for our next match? It'll be a good one as the Imperial team fights to maintain a shot at victory down 3-1. Let's keep the party going with this next fight.

Introducing first out of the eastern corner...."

"This massive man stands 8 feet 4 inches tall, weighing in at 714 Ibs, he has a record of 1257 wins and zero losses, he is one of the pillars that supports the Empire, he is the iron wall that protects the Empire, he is....."




Age: 31

Ht: 8'4

Wt: 719 Ibs

Special Ability: Earth

"Earth" entered the arena to roaring applause as he threw off his white cloak on the ground revealing his hulking appearance. He was an extremely tall and muscular man with dark skin and long black dreadlocks and a goatee.

"Whoa! That guy is huge!" An Earthian spectator said.

"Yeah mostly these guys have looked pretty normal, I almost forgot that they were from a different planet." Said another.

"Now introducing his opponent fighting out of the western corner, he stands 5 feet 11 inches tall, weighing in at 204 lbs, he's making his War Festival debut, he's an adventurer that's explored all over Earthia, It's...."



Rodgerio Rodriguez

Age: 29

Ht: 5'11

Wt: 204

Special Ability: Three Crystals


Rodgerio was a man with an average athletic build. He had longer white hair and tan skin, he wore a black and white tank top with a necklace that had three different colored crystals on it.

"Whoa, that's Rodgerio Rodriguez! I follow him on TicTube, what's he doing fighting here?" An Earthian spectator said.

"Who Cares this is awesome!" Said another.

"Quite peculiar isn't it Mr.Cunningham? How a social media star can develop an ability that puts him on par with some of the world's best." Branchman said to Edward.

"First of all it's, SIR Edward, I am a knight afterall, but yes it is a curious thing how he managed to obtain that power."

"Hmph, you're as much a knight as I am a rodeo clown." Branchman said under his breath.

"Did you say something Rich?"

"No, nothing Sir Edward."

At the referee's signal the third match began

"Both fighters ready?"


'' think it's important to make proper introductions before a fight."

"My name is Rodgerio, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"The name is "Earth" and the pleasure is mine."

"I'd prefer to settle this without violence, but if there's no other way then I'm sorry, but I'll have to crush you right here and now." Rodgerio said sternly.

"I understand. I too wish we could end this without bloodshed, but

unfortunately there are times when a man has to fight. So don't be sorry and let us have an honorable duel." "Earth" responded.

"Then allow me to get this duel started. My Three Crystals technique allows me to manipulate three crystals each color crystal has a different effect."

"Ah, explaining your ability to enhance its effects. A basic tactic in aura ability combat. Given that I am called "Earth" I'm sure an explanation of my ability is unnecessary."


"The Yellow Crystal emits an energy beam to attack my enemies, and as you can see it's quite powerful."

As Rodgerio was talking he pulled the yellow crystal from his necklace. It then expanded while floating in the air and fired a beam at "Earth" that sent him flying.

"Earth" got back to his feet and brushed himself off.

"Now that was a good hit, I suppose I should respond in kind."


"Earth" stomped his foot on the ground, and a rock slide Shot from the ground and rushed towards Rodgerio.


A wall of blue crystals shot up out of the ground and blocked "Earth's" attack.

"My blue crystals form a defensive barrier capable of stopping nearly any attack."

"Very impressive, but I'm not done yet."


Jagged rocks shot out of the ground and shredded through Rodgerio, leaving him badly bloodied.

"And now for my final technique."


A green crystal flew off his necklace and started to glow. As soon as the crystal started glowing all of Rodgerio's wounds were healed.

"A powerful offense, an impenetrable defense, and the ability to heal myself.

As you can see my ability clearly gives me the upper hand. I'd prefer to not kill you so please just surrender."

"You should know that I can't afford to simply surrender here."

"I understand, but I had to ask."


The yellow crystal multiplied and surrounded "Earth" and hammered him with blasts, leaving him smoking in a cloud of dust.

"Maria, I promised you at your grave to put my violent past behind me, and since then l've been exploring the world that you loved so much. I've even been sharing my journeys with others. I know I had to use violence again, but I hope you can make an exception just this one time. I mean the fate of the world was at stake after all."

As Rodgerio thought of his past, the smoke cleared to reveal his opponent's body.

And "Earth's" body did not have a single scratch on it.

"That's why I can't stand to watch him fight. He's too nice and lets his opponents get some hits in just so they don't get embarrassed. Doesn't he realize it's more embarrassing for your opponent to go easy on you?" The man with fire written on his back said.

"That's impossible that was my strongest attack!" Shouted Rodgerio in disbelief.

"Your ability was incredible, know this you are not weak. Just as you did for me I too would like to give you an opportunity to surrender rather than die here."

"There's no way I'd ever give up the fate of my world is on the line I'll fight till my dying breath!" Shouted Rodgerio with a fiery resolve in his eyes.

"Of course, just what l'd expect from a warrior of your caliber. You have my upmost respect. I'm sorry to have to do this, but I'm sure you can understand that I can't afford to lose either."


"Earth" stomped his foot on the ground and the entire fighting stage was shattered and the ground caved in, leaving a gaping hole in the middle of the arena. Only "Earth" and the referee were still standing on small patches of ground. After the attack was finished

"Earth" raised this arms then clasped his hands together and the ground of the fighting stage was repaired back to its original state.

"Whoa, another incredible victory for the 7 Elements as "Earth" puts them back in the game bringing the score to 3-2 with his victory today!" The announcer lady said.

"Rest in peace Rodgerio, you fought well."

"Earth" said as he put his hands together and bowed his head.

After a second consecutive spectacular defeat what was once roars of excitement from the Earthian crowd had now turned into a…

Chapter 3

A Rumble of Doubt