Chapter 56: Calm Before The Storm

Dr. Branx had just detonated a bomb that was powerful enough to wipe out an entire galaxy. Trillions of people would undoubtedly be killed in the blast, and "War" was hit by it point blank.

Storm Ramparts!!!!!

Fortunately, "Wind" was there to active his technique which contained the explosion within a powerful wall of wind. Unfortunately, "War" was still within the blast radius.

After the blast had dissipated, "Wind" called out to him. ""War" are you okay in there?"

Suddenly, through the rubble and smoke, "War" walked out and dusted himself off revealing that he didn't receive a single scratch. "Of course I'm okay. Can't say the same for the old man though. I'm pretty sure he was more or less vaporized." He said.

This drew Branx's rebellion to a close and the 7 Elements received a special commendation for their swift action which saved many lives. Afterwards they returned home to Vercheg.

"It's nice to be able to head back home, I hope the wife's hit something good cooking for when I get back." "War" said slapping himself on the stomach. Two years ago "War" had went to the Emperor to nullify his engagement with Victoria Thureos, a princess of the planet Sora. However, he was still required to choose a bride for a political marriage. As for who he chose…

"Welcome home darling!" Margarita said greeting "War" as he and the others disembarked their ship.

"Margarita? What are you doing here? Get out of the way I want to see my wife. Get out of the way." "War" said brushing her aside. Despite her many protests on the matter, Margarita did not marry "War". "Ah, there you are." He said as he saw his wife, who had a swollen stomach as she was carrying his child.

Victoria Fernandez

Age: 23

Ht: 5'5

Wt: Don't ask right now.

Special Ability: Misdirection

"Welcome home, husband." She said as she bowed her head slightly. "Congratulations on another successful mission."

"Oh forget all of that, you got dinner ready or what?" "War" asked.

"Yes, but I'd like for you to wash yourself before you eat." She replied. "You smell like blood and ash."

"Yeah I guess I could use a bath." "War" said as he smelled himself. He then went up to Victoria and wrapped his arms around her. "You think I stink huh?" He said teasing her.

"Yes, you do. Now get your hands off me!" She said with a red face. "I'll remind you that our marriage is a political arrangement. I'm only here to do my duties as a princess of Sora. Even this child I'm carrying is simply another one of my duties. I'm only doing this out of obligation."

"Yeah but, that only explains one kid. This is your second kid you're on." "Fire" said overhearing their conversation as he walked by.

Victoria's face was now the brightest shade of red. "Hey "Fire", quit teasing my wife. That's my job. Bahaha!" "War" laughed as he put his arm around her. "Plus, she just gets embarrassed. Because even after two years of marriage she's still too embarrassed to admit that she likes me." He said poking her cheek.

"T-That's enough! I'll have someone prepare a bath for you." She said as she slipped away, trying to regain her regal composure.

A bit later "War" was sitting in the bath, which was an extravagantly large pool that was filled with various flowers and fine smelling oils. It was a bath fit for royalty. "Man I've been living in the lap of luxury these past few years. I used to bathe in creeks when I was a kid." He said to himself.

"You still do that sometimes." Victoria said as she walked in.

"I'm glad to see you here I was getting lonely in this big bath all by myself." "War" said jokingly.

"You know I'm here to wash your hair. If I left it to you, you'd still have that wild unruly hair like you used to." She said as she took a seat behind him and poured water on his head.

"A man shouldn't be concerned about his hair." "War" said dismissively.

"I suppose that's where a good wife steps in." Victoria replied continuing to wash his hair.

"Yeah I guess you are a good wife, aren't you?" He said with a laugh.

They sat there in silence for a bit before Victoria said. "You know, when you told me that you chose me to be your wife, I was initially pretty upset with you."

"Oh really?" "War" said obliviously.

"Yes, I thought you had our engagement nullified to spare my feelings. When you chose me anyway I thought that you had disregarded my feelings entirely." She continued. "So I am curious, what made you choose me?"

"That's a good question. Well there was a moment that I really fell head over heels for you." "War" said nonchalantly.

"W-When was that?" She asked blushing and trying to hide his embarrassed she was.

"It was around my fight with Venpa two years ago. Do you remember?" "War answered.

"You mean the pie I made for you after while you were recovering from your injuries? That's not much anyone could have done that." Victoria said almost disappointed.

"No, no. That was after, although that was good too, but I'm talking about before. Do you remember what you said to me when I asked you if you didn't want me to go? Remember everyone thought that Venpa was going to kill me for sure." "War" said.

"What? All I said at that time was something along the lines of; I don't care whether you stay or go, it's none of my business either way. That was all I said." Victoria replied.

"Yep, that was all you said, and you really captured my heart at that moment." "War" said remembering that moment fondly.

"That doesn't make sense. Why that moment?" Victoria asked blushing even more.

"You know I'm not the most romantic guy in the world." "War" stated.

"Yes, after two years of marriage I'm well aware of that." Victoria replied.

"I never really cared about who I'd marry, just as long as they were pretty and agreeable. But I'm a warrior, I constantly go out to dangerous battles. I'd be annoying if my woman kept weeping and wailing asking me not to go to battle every time. I need a woman who won't hold me back. When you said that I knew that you were the one for me." "War" said.

"But? Wouldn't that just mean that I didn't care?" Victoria asked, at this time she was already as red as a brick.

"No, if you didn't care you wouldn't have come to say anything at all." "War" said as he laid his head back in her lap. "So what about you? When did you fall for me?"

"I never did. I still hate you." Victoria said bashfully.

"Bahaha! How sad, I guess this is what they call unrequited love huh?" "War" joked with hearty laughter.

"Just shut up." She said as she wrapped her arms around him, and revealing her true feelings towards him.

As he was finishing up his bath "War"told his wife, "After dinner round up all the men. It's time for me and them to have an important conversation."