The story follows a troubled boy named Aiden who dreams of being the "main character" of a different, more exciting life, escaping the harsh reality of his abusive home. After a violent altercation with his alcoholic father, something strange occurs. In a moment of desperation, he hears a voice in his head and blacks out. When he regains consciousness, he finds his father mortally wounded by his own hands. Haunted and confused, Aiden struggles to understand what happened, while the voice in his head begins to suggest that something beyond human control is at play. As he waits anxiously at the hospital for his mother to wake up, the mystery deepens with the cryptic phrase: “INITIATING PROGRAM.” His life is about to take a turn he could never have imagined.
Early stage of the novel but seems interesting. Almost the same vibes as other OP MC works but unique in its own way. Keep up !!👍