(1) meeting an otaku RoB and a second chance

"So you were walking home and as you were under a bridge a bus fell on top of you,not run over! Fell on top of you,am I getting this right?"

In an infinite expanse of white was a room with tons of resident evil games and memorabilia,and in that room was a giant man made of pure light who even before I came here he summed up my death in a simple sentence.'how the hell did this guy know,but at least he has great tastes in survival horror games.'

"Why thank you,you seem to know your resident evil games yourself. Want to join me for a speedrun?" The giant being said to me as I was confirmed he could read my mind.

I grabbed a Nintendo ds and started playing resident evil deadly silence with the being next to me,'honestly it's a shame so many people overlooked this port of resident evil,this one was a great game in of itself due to its multi-player co-op feature.'

"You said it my friend! But I think we should move on to more serious matters!" The being said while the air around us tensed up for how serious the being was acting.

"So you died due to a bus falling on you,but I hate those isekai machines who send people to only fantasy places,why don't they send people to video games or other mediums?! Why fantasy?!"

I nodded in agreement to the being,'seriously why do they always go for the fantasy hero setting and not any other genre,it's honestly gone stale.'

"EXACTLY!!! So I'm thinking, in order to stick it sideways to those things I'm placing you inside resident evil,and before you say anything,yes you get a system,and the one I've chosen is the SaS4 system,I also added various secret missions as well as achievements to make things more interesting."

'I remember playing sas4 mobile in highschool,it was an awesome mobile game and it gave me fond memories,I wonder if this guy can let me have a feature to play all three classes and go on sas missions like in the game for me to level up.'

"Great thinking! I'll also make it so when you sleep you can play the system game missions for leveling,and it will automatically wake you up if you are in danger,so you won't die while not conscious."

'Great now I wonder who this guy is called,that way I can give him something to call him by.'

"Oh you're right! Where are my manners,I am called the author."

'Ok then I'll just call you Arthur as a nickname,so where shall I start?'

"I'll place you in the start of resident evil zero just after Rebecca chambers meets Billy coen,but just to make sure you actually exist im letting you gain control over a very recently killed off journalist that was never mentioned in the game,so try to survive and have fun!"

And as he said that I saw everything go dark,and just as soon as everything went dark I was suddenly bombarded by the lights in an empty cabin with a laptop open and still running.

"Ugh God my aching head!" As I walked over to a mirror and saw my face,I looked like John wick but if he was in his very early twenties.

As I was glancing at myself I heard a ding coming from the laptop and cautiously walked over to the laptop and saw a mail icon with a number one on the side.

"It seems I got an email,but from who?" I said to myself as I moved the mouse to cloaca the icon,and I saw a singular email ,and its sender was from Arthur.

I clicked on the email and when it opened I got a surprise that put a smile on my face.

(A/N: any time you see a "' , that means it's an email or a recording)

"'Hey man I can see you saw yourself in the mirror,not bad right? I reconfigured your new body to be a young John wick and not a scarred up corpse,and you are also called John wick as well. But enough about your body,this is your very own indestructible laptop designed by yours truly! It's a cross between a supercomputer and a MacBook,and it has the sas4 game on there so you just press the play button on the game screen before you go to sleep and you can then play the missions from sas4 to level up and get stronger, and before you complain about having no money or the weapons and armor would make you stick out like a sore thumb,I made them to where you can only see them as they are in the game unless you willingly hand the weapon or armor over to someone the system allows,as they will be a part of the party you will have in the game. And finally ther is a smartphone that never needs to charge and will allow you and your future party members to speak in private without being tracked or spied on,that's about everything so I hope you enjoy your new life,and happy hunting John wick ◕‿↼)'"

After reading the email I closed the laptop and just as I fully closed it I heard two voices I knew all to well.

(Billy and Rebecca pov)

"You must be from…Staaars."

"And you are Billy…lieutenant coen,the person who is for execution."

*jiggle* *screech*

"?!" X 2

Both Rebecca and Billy stopped their interaction when they heard the locked door unlock itself and opened and out walked a man who looked to be in his early twenties.

Rebecca pointed her weapon at the new person who just walked out Billy who saw the man did the same.

"Stop! Identify yourself!" Rebecca said to the new person in front of the two armed people,with Billy nodding in agreement.

"Hold your fire,my name is Johnathan wick,but you can call me John,and as to who I am and why I'm here,I'm a former special forces trainee turned freelance journalist,I'm twenty three hours old and I got an email from a scientist who was a friend of my deceased mother,and what he sent me is beyond disturbing,so both of you come inside this cabin and I'll show you the email he sent."

Rebecca and Billy hesitating while pointing their weapons at John,they both nodded and with their weapons still pointed at the man followed him into the cabin where a laptop was running.

"Ok so both of you take a look at these photos he sent."

(Arthur remade the previous email and made it show the photos to back up John's claim in case you needed an explanation considering there was only one email.)

As both I and Billy saw the photos on John's laptop we gasped at what we saw.

Deformed animals with sizes way bigger than they were supposed to be,cadavers on gurneys being dissected while a human body was suspended by a strange liquid in the background.

And along with the images came videos,it showed human subjects being torn apart by decaying humans,with one being a deep red color with foam coming out of its mouth,as viscera was flying everywhere and the people were torn apart inside a lab.

"Oh my god!" Rebecca exclaimed as she saw the carnage in the video.

"Yeah I know,my mothers friend was a medical scientist who stumbled upon these images and video files,and considering I did journalism he sent them to me,but he disappeared,but before he did he sent me coordinates and a fake id saying I'm an intern/assistant,and I went on this train,but then leeches fell and everything was silenced,everyone except me who had a cabin without windows or vents for them to get in."

Rebecca hearing John's explanation to being there was shocked by what she hears,umbrella the medical conglomerate was making these…monsters!

Billy who also heard John's reason had a different question in mind.

"But how did you survive,I've been here for a good day or two and I would've heard you killing these things."

As Billy asked that John smirked and from the bed near them he pulled two firemen axes that were in the emergency fire stopping kit from the train.

"Guns attract these things,so I chose a quieter approach,too bad my clothes get bloody as I looked for food to eat."

It was then the two saw his white shirt had a bunch of blood stains,and the fact he even survived from all that's happened was a miracle to them.

"Okay then my final question,you said you were a former trainee for the special forces,what happened? Did you get dishonorably discharged?"

" no I was discharged honorably due to the loss of my mother,Admiral Ashlynn H. Wick,she was leading the trainee platoon I was in when a shot was heard and my mother was shot in the head right before my eyes,the one who was responsible was a guy everyone called,'the grim reaper',and due to how distraught I was the people who oversaw the trainees gave me an honorable discharge ,and I never went back since."

(A/N: yeah so I added hunk as an assassin to kill John's mom to add a depth to him)

Billy was shocked by what he heard,he was framed for a crime he didn't commit and was about to be executed for it,but hearing John's story,he and Rebecca couldn't help but feel sympathetic towards their new ally.

But before they could say anything the train started shaking and was speeding up at a rapid pace.

"Shit something's wrong with the train!" John said as he put his laptop in his bag and grabbed his two axes and started running to the front of the train,Billy and Rebecca in tow.

As they all got to the front they indeed were speeding up as trees were moving past them at a pace that would be fatal for a crash from that speed.

"Shit we are almost at the end of the line! Quick we need to pull the levers to slow the train and lessen the speed,if we don't we're going to crash!" John said as he pointed to three levers,and with not hesitation,the three grabbed the levers and pushed/pulled them slowing the train down,soon the train slowed down in speed but as soon as the train was at a non lethal speed,the train lurched forward,knocking John out cold as the trains stopped moving,Rebecca and Billy noticed the knocked out John,and they grabbed him and walked out of the trains and saw that three fourths of the train cars were knocked off the tracks and on their sides,almost like they were pushed off the rails.

"Quick Billy we need to bring John inside,we'll be safe there for now."

Billy nodded and grabbed John by one shoulder while Rebecca opened the door that led them to the main entrance to what seemed like a mansion or training ground.

Billy placed John on a couch in the main hall that was eerily quiet,as Rebecca made sure to lock the door behind them to make sure nothing got in.

"Okay we're safe for now,let's looks for clues on where we are,I think John will be okay,we'll be back before he wakes up."

Billy hesitatant on leaving John behind to follow Rebecca,he jist nodded his head and followed her.

Soon after they both left to search for clues,amd as John was asleep,in his dream he heard a couple notifications.

[secret missions:(1) making a perfect backstory and (2) stop a train crash]

[rewards being distributed: complete]

[rewards for secret mission 1: premium gun contagion :10 star lmg with 3 augments available,and 5 molybdenum armor strongboxes]

[rewards for secret mission 2: 20000 xp,and one multiverse technique box acquired]

[user is not able to accept the rewards,now auto distributing]

[user lvl 1 has gone to user lvl 5,gained 15 skill points]

[user is not able to open strongboxes,commencing auto open and auto equip engaged][successful]

[user gained the following]

{hvm carbon fibre helmet(red),shotlite hummingbird v1(vest)(normal),r6 flame juggler gloves(black),graphene body suit pants(red),titan MeM sprint boots(black)}

[user is not able to open multiverse technique chest,commencing auto open and installation]

[user has gained advanced haki set]

[setting lock on conquerors haki,now can be used in extreme situations,and not at will]

[all rewards are successfully administered]

[achievement completed: die another day]

{die another day: can be gained by dodging an in canon event that would kill user: cause:stopping a train from exploding with you inside}

[reward:10 million sas dollars has been sent to users account,1 sas dollar is equal to 10 usd]

[now administering adrenaline shot to user]

[administered,user will now wake up in ten minutes]

[ten minutes had passed,now waking user]

"Ugg my body feels like it was trampled by mr.x!" John exclaimed while looking around the room.

"Oh…looks like we got separated,guess I'll look for them."and soon John walked through a door and soon his journey began.