Before I begin this new chapter I had a question for you all,should I downgrade the haki and take away one or two of them?

(Please vote from the three options)

1. Yes(and choose the one or two to get rid of)

2. No but downgrade them to beginner level

3.scrap haki all together and give John an inventory skill instead.

And considering the ten million sas dollars,I decided to make it to where ten sas dollars will convert to one U.S dollar so he won't be rich off the bat.

Now back to the chapter!


(Unknown povs,ten minutes before John woke up)

As John,Billy and Rebecca got into the main hall of the umbrella research lab,two individuals spot them via hidden camera.

"Who are those three?" Said a man in a white labcoat to the man next to him,th man in question is in a police uniform,with dark shades on his eyes quietly observing three individuals.

"The girl is a rookie from the s.t.a.r.s bravo team,Rebecca chambers." The man said to the man,but the answer didn't quell his curiosity and annoyance to the situation.

"Okay then what about the two males Wesker?!" The man said irritatedly,at which wesker replied calmly.

"On the subject of the two males Dr.birkin, the more muscular of the two is former lieutenant Billy Coen,he was being sent to us to be executed,but the other male…I don't have any recollection of him being under umbrella's employment, a researcher perhaps?"

Dr.birkin stared at the monitor and noticed something," hey wesker, that Rebecca person and Billy went ahead,leaving the third one in the main hall,should we silence him?"

"No need,the moment he wakes up he'll wander around without knowledge of what in the compound…he's a deadman." Wesker said to Dr.birking with a chuckle at the unconscious man's soon to be tragic fate.

"Hold on wesker! He's waking up,it hasn't even been ten minutes." Dr.birkin said to Wesker pointing at the now conscious John.

"And so it begins. He will be a great test subject for the BoWs in actual combat." Wesker said as John walked through the door the other two went through.

- ———- ———— - ———- ————- - ——-

—————- John pov——————————

"Okay so my first order of business is find Rebecca and Billy, this would honestly be better if I had the HUD map like the ones in sas4 ,then I can find them easier."

As I was walking down the hall way seeing two path,I heard a mechanical female voice.

[ user john wick has requested Hud installation,sending request.]

[processing…request was acknowledged,now awaiting approval]

[request has been approved,now installing]

Before I could ask who was speaking to me I felt an indescribable pain in my left eye,it felt like a long drill was digging into the base of my skull,the pain was so bad I couldn't even scream,I had to just take it.

But just as I felt the pain it slowly subsided,and I fell to my knees panting,"could have given me a heads up!"

[I shall remember to give you a heads up next time user]

"Thank you…but who are you exactly? I asked the voice hoping I wasn't going crazy.

[I am the system,I was created to act as a helper to ensure your survival,any questions?]

I thought about what to ask,and settled on asking the only four questions on my mind.

"I only have four questions." I said to the system, hoping nobody shows up to me talking to myself.

[understood user please ask your questions.]

"Okay the first two go together, can I only speak to you out loud or can I speak to you via thinking? And considering I don't wish to call you system all the time,so do you mind if I call you Circe?"

[you can speak to me via thought user,and as for you second question,I will accept being called Circe ,I'll also call you John instead of user if that works.]

"Yeah I can work with you calling me John ,makes things less awkward for me." I said to Circe.

[understood John,now what is your other questions?]

"Do I have any sas gear that I can use? I asked Circe due to me not being armed.

[yes John you gained a full set of armor from a secret achievement,it's in my data logs,do you wish to view them?]


[showing data logs] suddenly I see a holographic screen appear in front of me,startling me in the process.

As I was reading the logs I saw what missions I completed as well as the achievement I completed,and as I scrolled I saw the gear I earned.

"Okay so they are already equipped? But I don't see them on me,speaking of where is the laptop I had at the train?"

[to answer your first question,when you weren't conscious to open and equip the weapon and armors,we activated auto-equip,don't worry they will basically be fused within your body making them not visible or tangible to outsiders and as to your second question,the laptop is in your head,considering that it's my body which you can bring out with a command. also for your weapon,it will look like a normals lmg,would you also like me to explain what ammo contagion can use?]

"Yes" I said to Circe as I continued walking with caution.

[this version of contagion can use regular lmg acid rounds,and to answer another lingering question you have,in order to summon your weapons you just need to think about them and it'll be in your hands.]

I nodded in appreciation to Circe's explanation and instruction on using my gear.

"The log also says I got 15 skill points,I am guessing since I can use all 3 classes with what I'm assuming is a no level cap of 100,can you explain to me how to allocate these points?"

[of course John,you just need to think about allocating you skill points and a holographic screen shall appear showing all three classes,do you wish to allocate your points now?]


[ acknowledged, now displaying skill charts]

I then see a screen with three tabs,one of them says medic,showing a model of the class,right below the model shows the word skill points,and in a box held the number five.

'So I got five skill points for each class,so I'll I need is to place these points wisely' I think to myself as I looked at each of the options for the class based skill and the regular skill buffs.

'Okay I got it! Circe on the heavy class put two skill point on fast reload and two on fast movement,and put the final point on concussion'

[done,will you also allocate on the other two classes?]

'Yeah might as well,on the assault class put two on adrenaline and three on health regen'

'As for the medic put three on Medkit amd the last two in bio cleanse bomb'

[done,and to explain how adrenaline works, it will inject itself into you via your armor,and as for your medkit, when you toss the kit at living people it will release a gas with nano machines to stitch together wounds and fight poisons,leaving them good as new.]

[as for your bio cleanse bomb it will have the appearance of a Granade the size of two baseballs combined,and when it explodes it releases a type of virus that will not affect living things,so you and your allies will be safe,just shoot them down without much worry]

[now please note that due to the amount of skill point on these skills I explained,they will need five minutes to allow these skills to be used again,so be wise in using them.]

"I understand,now then let's go find Billy and Rebecca!" I said while picking up a bloody shotgun to give to Billy.

Almost as if my mentioning of them out loud I hear gunshots followed by a scream from Rebecca.

"And that's my cue." I say to hype myself up and I ran at the speed of an Olympic athlete,with contagion now in my hand and the shotgun on my back,I run through a door and see Rebecca and Billy struggling to fight off a group of eliminators and what looks like zombie lemurs with razor sharp claws.

'Wait…those are Wesker's monsters!those were a scrapped BoW concept when this game was being made!'

[correct John,a bunch of scrapped concepts from all the resident evil games were added to this world since it's not a game anymore for you.]

Before I could respond to Circe I see Rebecca trip,falling on her butt and an eliminator about to deliver a fatal blow.

"Get down Rebecca!!" I say to the now panicking Rebecca who complied to my command as I fired contagion at the eliminator as it delivered a shot to its head making its head explode like a firecracker.

Rebecca and Billy turned to look at me and Rebecca smiled,"John!" She shouted waving while Billy nodded at me.

"Stay sharp!" I yelled at the two as I fire more rounds at the remaining eliminators and wesker's monsters,each hitting a fatal spot rendering them either unable to function and die or have their heads explode,with the acid in the evidence rounds melting them down.

Billy whistled,"nice shots,but where did you get that gun?" He asks recognizing it as an lmg.

I tossed him a shotgun I picked up on the way to them,"when I woke up you both were gone,so I went through the door and fount the corpses of what I'm guessing were soldiers,one of them had a gun case with a note calling it codename 'contagion' it's an lmg that uses acid rounds that will melt flesh and bone."

Billy looked at it for a second making me nervous,but I remember from Circe that my guns will look like ordinary guns from their perspectives.

Billy who summed the gun up to being an experimental fire arm looked at the shotgun,"thanks for the gun,I was running out of revolver rounds."

"No problem" I say to Billy before we all froze as we heard noises coming from a vent near them and see a giant centipede looking at us like we were supper.

"HOLY SHIT IS THAT CENTIPEDE FROM AUSTRALIA?!" I shouted as we all were aiming our weapons at it preparing for the fight ahead.