(3) Bug hunt and unknown room

Hey,author here,considering I only had one vote on whether Mc gets haki or not,due to there only being one voter,I'll wait till I get at least ten votes before making the changes accordingly, so until then Mc will never use haki,only his sas skills and his HUD map.

(To Register your vote,refer to the beginning of chapter two)

Now onto the chapter!!!


As the three of us were aiming our weapons,the creepy crawly from hell was studying its prey,and after a few seconds of studying is it screeched and charged at us.

As Billy and Rebecca dove out of its attack range I activated my bio cleanse bomb and threw it near the centipede.

As the bomb went off,it releases a deep green smoke that envelopes the monster who was slowing down due to the effects of the bomb.

"Shoot its head! The gas is a temporary paralyzing it!" I say as I shoot the underside of its head which was soft,a the centipede monster screeched in pain and rage,locking eyes at me.

Rebecca and Billy saw what John doing and without hesitation both started shooting at the underside of its head,which didn't have a hard carapace covering it.

I'm the span of three minutes the only sounds that could be heard was the screeched of the monster and gunstots hitting it in rapid succession.

*thud* *splat*

The centipede was finally dead as its now mostly gonna head fell of its body with a sickening splat and the body fell with a thud,making the ground beneath the three tremble slightly.

'That bio cleanse bomb lasted way longer than it should,hey Circe, can you explain?'

[sure thing John,considering you are in the two thousands ,the zombies here are way way weaker than the sas zombies which are from the fourth millennium,even the walkers would become sitting ducks because the bio cleanse bomb's gas is two hundred times stronger than any paralyzing agent in the modern era you are now in]

'Is there anything else I should know'

[yes,for killing the centurion,you gained 4000 xp and have gained a level,you have gained 3 skill points and got a steel strongbox,to add to the other steel strongbox you gained when you killed the centurion,would you like to open them now?]

'Not now,let's wait a bit,something is off in this room,there was never a boulder near the wall in this game before'

Billy who was noticing I was thinking walked up to me before snapping his fingers catching my attention.

"Hey Hawkeye john,what are you thinking about?" Billy asked as Rebecca stared at me waiting for my answer.

"I feel like something is off in this room,anyone got a match of a lighter? I need to test something." I say to the two at which Billy handed me a lighter he snagged off one of the corpses when he was on the train.

I flicked it and as it went alight I saw the flame move towards the wall with the boulder.

As I got closer to the boulder with Billy and Rebecca following me,the lighter went out and I smile.

"There's a draft behind this boulder! Billy could you help me move this boulder,there seems to be something there."

Billy who heard my request nodded before telling Rebecca to use his shotgun and aim it at the boulder in case there is an infected behind it.

As we were pushing the boulder aside I noticed that it wasn't as heavy as I thought,but I was corrected as I saw Billy drenched in sweat trying to help move it.

'Hey Circe,why is it so easy for me to move this boulder?'

[as you have the heavy class you have the strength of about four men,hence making it easier for you to push something an ordinary person like Billy can't.]

As I was listening to Circe's explanation we moved the boulder to the corner of the room,Billy was breathing pretty hard,looking at me like I was a foreigner from the eighteen hundreds.

(A/N: well considering you were transmigrated,you technically are)

"Damn John how much can you lift?!" He said as I was walking back towards the two.

"My doctor told me when I was younger that my muscles are three time more condensed as the average adult man,so I have the strength of three adult men." I say to Billy as Rebecca was listening nodding to the explanation.

After we let Billy catch his breath and I gave him some water I had on me,the three of us walked past where the boulder was stationed and we saw a hatch,with faded letters on it.

Secret weapons chamber

Warning: only first class personnel are allowed in this room, violators will be severely punished.

As I read the tag on the hatch door I notice it was cracked open,and as I opened the hatch I see a short ladder that led to a set of stairs.

I asked Billy to keep his revolver on him as I went down,saying there might be an infected down there,and to shoot at a moments notice.

As I reached the bottom and confirmed there was nothing in the corridor,I signaled the two that it was safe they came down,and as we walked down,we saw a door,I walked to it and saw it was unlocked.

Pushing it open I saw two corpses ,one with a labcoat and a pc running in the background,and a soldier with his throat slit and a semi auto pistol in his hand,the labcoat adorned man had a gunshot to his head,they both look like they were dead for a couple days maybe even a week.

"I wonder who these two were." Billy said as he observed the two corpses. Rebecca who also saw them was not as calm at the scene before the three of them as I walked towards the labcoated man.

"This man was the informant that sent me the email." I said as I turned the pc towards the two showing the email with a notification that said sent in the middle of the screen.

Billy and Amanda who put the pieces together didn't know what to think as they saw the blood on the mans shoulder,making them think the dead soldier killed the informant as he was bitten.

And as they were looking at the pc I walked over to the dead soldier and in the empty hand of where a knife was,I saw a piece of paper in his hand.

I picked it up and read it aloud.

We tried to warn them of the risks,we both did…but they didn't listen!!

We saw the people showing signs of infection,we even told Sergei about it and he told us to stop worrying!!

He didn't even take into consideration what we both said about the signs,and threatened to kill our friends or family if we don't comply to his demand and get back to perfecting the serum.

My friend who was fooled into thinking he was making a cure for cancerous growths and I was pulled into a sense of false security as we did our jobs in the past.

But now…as we heard the horrified screams of both scientists and soldiers alike,we knew we were fucked!

Soon my best friend showed signs of being infected,I had to kill him with my own hands,and slowly I realized I was showing signs as well,so if any of you are reading this,as my one final act of atonement,I'm giving you a warning.

Beware the queen leech!


(So these are OCs I added to make the plot thicken, and to add more mystery to it)