(4)unexpected missions got me batty

"Leech queen?" Rebecca asks John as he was turning the page to read what else was on the paper.

Billy chimes in as he realized something, "wait…that guy!! He was controlling the leeches that attacked all the passengers! Well almost all of them." He said looking at John.

"Hold on you two there seems to be more warnings of different kinds of monsters…BoWs is what they are calling them."

They gestured at me to continue at which I continued to read.

The queen leech was a project that was being done by Dr. James Marcus, one of the founders of umbrella,the project was being done in the waterworks of this research lab.

If there was any place in the facility it would hide in it would be there,but my friend fount that flames hurt it. My body is starting to shut down ,but if you are reading this,don't hesitate and kill that…monster.

As I saw it was the end I noticed one final message scrawled in blood.

Flamethrower is in chapel

"It seems like this guy had died from blood loss,but not before leaving us a placement on a way to combat the leeches."

Billy and Rebecca were listening to the soldiers final message and realized the place is getting more and more dangerous by the minute.

"What do you think we should do?" Rebecca asks as Billy was also in thought,while I was looking at a possible mission to do.

"We should look around this room first,maybe we can find something to help us in the long run…maybe." I say with a hint of uncertainty.

But before I could start I heard a ding go off in my head.

[new mission has been found!]

[mission: killing the giant infected bat and its mutated minions]

[rewards upon completion: two sas party invitations ]

[to answer the question you were going to ask,this sas party invite will allow you to choose a person and allow them to be part of the system as a party member,but I will have to show you who can be added]

'Well how many people people can be invited so far?'

[only two people, Ada Wong and sherry birkin]

I froze as I heard those names,one being a hard to understand mercenary,and the other a child.

'Hmm,Circe can you replace sherry birkin with someone else,she's only twelve,so we should wait till she's at least fifteen.'

[understood John,two more candidates were added while you were administering command]

'Who are they?'

[steve burnside and Ashley graham]

'Am I allowed to ask for one invite up front? I want to add someone now.'

[you can John,but it will cost you one million sas dollars and a time limit will be added to the mission,are you sure you wish to do this?]

'Yes,I really wish to add Ada Wong for now.' I say in my head as the I was searching the room with the other two for anything useful.

[done,you now must complete the mission within twenty minutes,happy hunting John.]

Upon hearing the missions time limit I was happy for it not being done in five minutes,but as I was about to continue looking I find a map of the compound.

"Hey guys I fount a map!" Bringing Billy and and Rebecca's attention to me as Billy fount some keys to a vehicle.

"Okay so I have a feeling we should go to the chapel,it may have be a good idea to have that flamethrower " i say while Rebecca and Billy nod in understanding remembering the note.

[Ada Wong has accepted the invite,now adding a chat function to the system]

I smile at the news of Ada,as I turn to the other two,"okay guys lets move,we got a flamethrower to grab!"


(Ada Wong pov)

"Okay I'm sending the files of project Eveline to you know."a Chinese woman in a red dress said to an unknown client while sending a bunch of files to an email on the pc in front of her.

As they files were sent to the user he checks her Swiss bank account and sees her account go up two hundred grand.

She smiles at the screen in satisfaction as she wonders what else the night would bring.

Suddenly,a voice was heard in the room she was staying in.


[congratulations Ada Wong you have been chosen to be a member of the SaS mobile assault group,will you accept?]

Faster than a normal person would react, Ada dove to the ground doing a roll and aimed her weapon,looking around the room,but nobody was there,"who's is this?! Identify yourself!!" Ada yelled only to get a giggle from the voice.

[im not a human being,and no I'm not a hallucination,I am Circe, a system A.I for the SaS mobile task force,and you have been chosen to be second in command.]

"Sorry but I work for the highest bidder,so unless you have cash I'm not budging!" Ada said to the unknown being called Circe.

[what if I told you that this job can give you things more powerful than money,and money is just a minor thing?]

"…explain before I decide to say no."

[the SaS mobile task force is a interdimensional group that deals in world ending events,and when missions are done you get weapons and skills from the fourth millennium,so if you wish to survive even a nuke,this group will make you sure you can]

Ada who has done a lot of unspeakable acts in order to survive,she was understanding of what Circe was getting at,so after thinking things over for a bit,she decides to join.

[wonderful,now I'm adding a chat function to allow you to talk to John,and when he is done with his current mission,you both will be teleported to a room in the SaS satellite base,the base will be locked until John deals with the queen leech and escapes arklay mountains]

"Arklay…that's in raccoon city, I think I'll book a flight there,and meet this…John." Ada says wondering what she's got in store.


(John pov)

Five minutes have passed as we ran to get to our destination,as I mowed down any and all infected that came our way.

"Hey Rebecca which direct do we turn to?!"

Rebecca hearing my question pointed at a tower three hundred meters across a bridge."we just need to go past this bridge!"

Billy who was looking at the water noticed something swimming towards them,"hey we're about to get company!!"

We all stop as we saw twenty giant frog monsters jump onto the bridge,their bodies reaching up to our waists and one that was as big as a military hummer.

"Hoooooooly shiiiiiiit!!!" I say as I readied my trailblazer pistol, a gun that fired energy rounds with an electric explosion effect trance of 1.8 meters as the note says in the strongbox case.

Billy and Rebecca both ready their weapons as well,Billy with the Ria 30 strike force I gave him(the system modified it to use regular shells as well) while Rebecca had the hvm 001 pistol(also modified to take regular bullets)gave her as a more powerful gun.

(A/N he opened those three strongboxes he had in his system and decided to give them to Billy and Rebecca to bolster their firepower for the times mission)

The lurkers and the alpha lurker stared at the three armed assailants,and shot their tongues out of their mouths hoping their barbed tongues will catch their dinner.

But Billy fired his gun as a giant pillar of fire hit a lurker leaving a foot long hole in its head due to the incendiary effect of the slugs the strikeforce uses.

The lurkers saw this but didn't waver,they were going to have their dinner!!

But John had other plans as he used adrenaline and his firing speed was like a machine gun.

The energy bullets rained down on the smaller lurkers and they were hit with a lit of electricity to the point of exploding,the alpha lurker glared at John with absolute hatred.

But just before the monster could retaliate,Billy shot it killing it in one strike.

Billy whistled as he looked at the weapon John gave him,"damn where has this gun been all my life?! It shoots heave blasts but it gives barely any recoil,and it's lighter than a normal shotgun."

"Well it is from an umbrella secret lab so of course it's powerful." I say to Billy so he doesn't ask too many questions.

But our celebration is cut short as we hear three high pitched screeches and look up in the sky and see three giant bats on top of the bell tower,a bunch of bat corpses lay strewn across the ground.

'This wasn't on the mission! Circe what's going on?!'

[we have a problem John! The one giant infected bat became 3 giant infected bats,and they ate their minions and grew twice as big! So now the system is trying to correct it,kill them now while you still can!]

Just as we hear the screeches I hold my hand out,telling them to not make noise or open fire yet.

We walk with absolute caution,making sure we don't alert the bats out of hell to our presence.

And as we walk into the now broken doors of the chapel we see many more bat corpses strewn across the room,and I see a spiral staircase.

Seeing the staircase I pull out a pen amd write on my hand before showing it to the two.

(Here's the plan,we quietly go up the staircase to the bell tower at the top of the chapel,and we fire at the bell from a safe distance,since the bats most likely have sensitive ears well overload their brains with sound killing them without a fight)

After reading the plan they both nodded and silently we walked up the stairs,making sure we make no noise whatsoever,and after a grueling 3 minutes of climbing without any noise we see the bell thirty meters away.

I gestured to Billy asking for the strikeforce,and I readied my shot.


The shot was fired and before the giant infected bats could even react the pulleys hit the bell making the bell ring way louder than they could handle.

We see the bats fall to the floor writhing in absolute agony! As we watched them writhe less and less for a good five minutes before they all stop moving.

[mission complete!]

[due to the mistake on the mission the system has decided to compensate you twice for the two extra giant infected bats.]

[you gained another SaS party invitation,giving you two invites to use]

[you also gained the premium smg weapon the CM 369 Starfury]

[The system hopes you are satisfied with your compensation]

The three of of decided to go back down and grab the flamethrower we saw on the table at the base of the church.

But as soon as we got to the bottom,time stopped entirely as I see Billy frozen mid stride.

[now teleporting to the SaS satellite base,please standby]

A portal soon appeared in front of me as the message was given,and without hesitation I go into the portal.