(9) going on a very enthusiastic walk(guess what their first mercenary mission is?)

(Billy and Rebecca pov)

As we went down the corridor worrying about John,Rebecca couldn't help but pray silently for the survival of John.

Billy also felt bad for their ally,despite how many batshit crazy things John has done he couldn't see a way out for the man he has dubbed the babayaga.

But before they could find a way back for them both the get their ally out of there,the sound of opera music was heard further down,alerting the two of a third party.

"It's that bastard again,we need to tread carefully,got the flamethrower?" Rebecca says to Billy who nodded while pulling it out of the bag they had on them.

But before they got to the bottom they heard clapping followed by laughter." Welcome Rebecca chambers and Billy coen,to my lair and your tomb."

"Why are you doing this?!" Rebecca said to the unknown man,with all the stress and anger she had accumulated through this experience she was put through.

The unknown man chuckled,"oh where are my manners,I am the leech queen,but I'm also." He began to say before he aged before our eyes showing an old man,who looked like the painting in the main hall.

"You're dr.marcus!!" Rebecca said in shock as the unknown man now names dr.marcus just laughed harder.

"On the day working on a serum using the queen leech an unknown incident occurred,a group of men assassinated me in cold blood under the orders of dr.birkin and his partner,I was dead,but incredibly my queen leech entered and ate my brain,granting me a new body,and a power to make them pay!"


Suddenly two fire axes came out of nowhere, one hitting the Marcus leech on the head and the other on the pipe above him,with pressurized stram hitting the queen leech,making it screech in pain showing a grotesque mass on slimy flesh and tentacles

(We've seen enough hentai to know where this is going)

Before we both could register what had happened a voice they knew all to well rang behind them both.

"YOU GUYS GO TO THE ROOM OVER THERE AND GET ON THE LIFT!!!AS FOR ME…IM GOING FOR A WALK." He said while pulling out his gun,firing acid rounds at the heap of flesh coming at us.

"Groaaaarrr!!!" We heard the monster scream with pain and anger at the man who was firing at him.

With no time to lose Billy and I went to the other room and turn on the lift,while John came not so far behind raining bullets faster than a mini gun can shoot.

Soon the lift was pulling the three of us up while John was firing contagion and was doing great damage.

*boom* *rumble*

The lift shakes as an explosion was heard throughout the compound,we see the leech queen struggle to catch up under the fire of bullets John was giving it.

Soon enough the flames of the explosion was hitting the leech,incinerating the monster once and for all,leaving us enough time to leave the lift before the entire building exploded.

"Are you guys still alive?" I hear John ask,with Billy grunting he was okay.

"I'm okay too." I say to the other two as I stood up observing the sheer destruction the compound went through.

"Rebecca take Billy's dog tag,the man…is officially dead."


(John pov)

As we all observe the wreckage that happened to the research lab and compound I couldn't help but wonder how they kept these monsters secret when they could walk out of there.

But as I realized what happened I remembered the theory of Billy coen being captured and used to become the nemesis tyrant.

"Rebecca…take Billy's dog tag…the man is officially dead." I say to Rebecca and Billy,the latter who understood what I was doing,and took off his dog tag handing it to Rebecca.

"Wait but where will you two be going?" Rebecca asks the two of us,at which I just looked at her.

"I'm going back to raccoon city and warning the two stars members I know about what we saw and getting your team help. What about you Billy?" I ask the now dead man.

"I…don't know,maybe go into hiding,I won't get a job easily that's for sure." I hear the slightly sad tone in his voice as he was trying to figure out what to do now.

"…well if you want I can get you a job at my journaling company,my colleagues will love you." I say,seeing Billy look at me like I was an alien…even though I technically am.

"I'd like that" was the only thing I heard from Billy.

"Well Rebecca,gather with the rest of your team,and get to the other mansion,while Billy and myself go on a very enthusiastic walk"

Billy nodded at what I said,and soon we start walking down the cliff.


[congratulations John,you have now achieved two Fate rewrites,the birth of nemesis,and Rebecca's new resolve]

[for the two achievements,they have combined the rewards (interdimensional technique chest and premium weapon chest) to interdimensional weapons chest,do you wish to open now?]


[now opening]

I see an digital icon of an iridescent chest open showing a bright light,temporarily blinding me,but as the lights dimmed I see two twin pistols.



Okay guys I'm giving John some dual pistols as a reward for rewriting fate for two events and characters,but I can't decide between these two dual pistols,so please vote now and I'll post the winning choice in the next chapter on Tuesday,where John while be going to hellsing ultimate for his first mercenary contract.

And your two choices are!

(Ebony and ivory)


( jackal and cassul aka alucards guns)

And with that I say later.
