(10) ebony and ivory,and…hellsing estate?!!

Hey guys author here,so ebony and ivory won by a landslide,now then besides that here comes the first mission as a mercenary.


[congratulations,you have obtained ebony and ivory(dmc franchise)]

John couldn't help but feel shocked at what he had obtained,the iconic pistols of Dante motherfucking sparda!

How could he not have the urge to geek out?!

But before he could remotely go full geek on his new toys,he noticed a falling leaf stopped moving,and glanced at Billy who was stopped mid stride.

(Alert! Interdimensional mercenary commission has been made)

(Place:was left blank)

(Reason: the family estate is being invaded by an army of ghouls,and we are losing men)

(Number of participants:2(leader is non-negotiable)

(Rewards:???+ SaS member invite for that world)

(Time to prepare:none)

(Time limit to being there:one month,time outside shall be frozen indefinitely until your return)

Seeing the commission I thought of my team which brought the chat room online.

John: well team it seems we have a commission from an unknown world or client,and it appears I already claimed the first spot,anyone want to join me?

Ada: there are too many variables on what an army means in the context given,im going to have to say pass on this commission.

Rodrigo: I'm fine with going,but I want to hear Steve's opinion considering the commission number.


John: wait how do you know that?

Steve:an announcement was made in our base,BUT YOU HAVE TO LET ME FIRE THOSE GUNS!!!

Steve:but back to the question at hand,I may be good with guns I'm not confident in taking on and army,so Rodrigo can take the first mission.

John: then it's settled prepare for teleportation.

And as I say that everything went dark and a feeling of suffocation was present,like I was being compressed in a large tube.

But just as fast as it happened it ended,I took a breath full of air, the smell musty,Rodrigo was next to me.

"Where…are we" Rodrigo asks ,as I was feeling a sense of familiarity to this room,but can't figure out why.

Suddenly a voice of a woman was heard." You are in the hellsing estate.

Faster than I would normally react,I pull my pistols and aim at the voice,but she wasn't alone.

In the room was a large circular table with nine middle age men,looking at Rodrigo and myself in surprise,and one woman was present,and I knew who she was all to well.

"Hold on I know you,I read about you in a book!!"

"In a book?" The woman asks,and I nodded carrying on what I was saying.

"Yeah this book was called hellsing,a fairly popular book in the horror genre in my world,and you my dear are sir integra fairbrook windgates hellsing,if memory serves me well."

"…yes,my name is integra,but to think I am just a character for a book." She says with a sigh,but I remembered why we are here.

"Oh right! We're you the one who commissioned our services ? If so let's restart introductions,I am Johnathan wick,and the man beside me is Rodrigo ducal,and we are you interdimensional mercenary agents."

One of the men spoke up,"hold on…what do you mean by that?"

"Well sir,have you heard of multiverse theory? It's a theory suggesting that your universe isn't the only universe,and that there are an infinite number of universes,we are from a universe that deals in zombie killing."

"…good heavens" was the only response I got from the man before we hear a ceiling grate open up,and a woman was about to fall out of it.

But before she could hit the ground I ran towards her and grabbed her,at which she looked at me with a look of surprise on her face,followed by blushing.

And as I put her down,an older gentleman also clambered out and landed on his feet.

"About time Walter,these are some reinforcements I commissioned for a month,Johnathan wick and Rodrigo duval"

I walk up to the man named Walter and held out my hand,"a pleasure to meet you Walter,im Johnathan"

Walter grabbed and shook my hand,"a pleasure to meet you Johnathan,and that lady next to you is seras Victoria " he says pointing to a slightly blushing police girl.

Integra soon broke the atmosphere,"sorry to interrupt but communications are down,alucards being…"

Walter chimed in,"alucard?"

"An asshole yes" integra says with a look of anger on her face.

Walter noticed my guns and whistles,"those are some great pieces you have there Johnathan,may I?"

"Oh,you mean ebony and ivory,yeah they were a gift from my grandfather." I say making up a believable backstory for these guns.

"Hmm,these look like a slightly more powerful version of alucard's jackal and cassul,you grandfather has great tastes." Walter says handing me back my guns.

"Alright then,Rodrigo can you set up some turrets,one in this room and one outside?"

"Yeah I got it,I'm placing an hvm machine gun sentry in here,and an hik heavy shot protector outside to pierce the enemy defenses."

Rodrigo then places down a briefcase,and it opens transforming into a machine gun sentry.

Everyone looked at it in shock,and to calm them down I explain to them that the turrets won't target them,only the zombies and those with malicious intent.

This made everyone in the room relax.

And as Rodrigo sets up the other,integra walks up to me,"…do you think I can pay to have a bunch of these installed around the manor?"

"As long as you provide metal,be it scrap or other,he can install them anywhere you wish."

This notion made integra give a small smile towards the help she now has.

I look at the hud map and see hundreds of red dots with one orange dot in the center of them marching towards the hall.

"Looks like the enemy has arrived,prepare for battle Rodrigo,and if any of you can fight don't hesitate to help."

Their first battle as mercenaries has begun.


Hope you all can agree with the mission time,this will let John gain much needed combat experience.

Also just a question,but should I have seras be a possible lover for John,I wanted to make seras fall for John,but wanted the opinions of you the viewers.

Since I decided Leon deserves Ada,and I didn't want to ntr Leon,so yeah, on the options of yes or no,please put a plus one,hope you all are having a good day.
