(21)this doesn’t count as poaching does it?

I'm going to be honest,I'm not feeling well right now so I'm going to have to make it a shorter chapter,hope you all understand.



The elephant locked eyes on me and began its charge,it was still a bit slower compared to my own body but its range was no joke with its mutated tusks that were sharper than any sword and three meters long it was piercing any unlucky zombies that crossed its path as they become undead shush-kabobs.

I turn around and run left dodging the behemoth of a bow as it tore down a bathroom area covering the entire ground with poop water and blood,making the terrain slippery.

"Activate hold the line and adrenaline." I mutter to myself as I stay still and make an already fast firing contagion turn into a mini gun firing acid shots into its flank showing its rib cage in the process.

It roared in both pain and anger as it looks at me with eyes filled with murderous intent as it mutates further making its skin unbelievably pale and it starts regenerating.

"Oh come on! Did it fuse with a pale head?!" I shout in anger as I ran again as it charged at me not wanting to take its eyes off me.

"Gotta think where could I deal with this thing?" I mutter to myself trying to think of a way to put this mammal from hell down.

"Maybe I can freeze it in place and shatter its body!" I say to myself as adrenaline was used again and I run out of its site and into a penguin enclosure.

As I enter the room with the penguins I couldn't help but be shocked,the birds were fine up close.

"Hey Circe can you get a reading on these penguins? Are they mutated?" I ask Circe on the command center of the orbital fortress.

[im not picking up any mutations in them,why do you ask John?]

"I'm sending them all to you,get some of our other colleagues to take them to an area with water." I say to Circe hoping she would agree to my selfish request.

What? I can't bring myself to kill living animals and they aren't mutated I think to myself as I hear Circe teleporting them to the base.

[I've placed them in the pool area of the station with some of bane's men to keep an eye on them,hope that helps.]

"Oh it really helps Circe,because I now have enough to work with and set a trap!" I say to myself as I begin making various trip wires with cryo grenades and hoping that my idea works.

Next I place a couple heavy sniper turrets on two different areas of the room with only the entrance open.

I walk out of the enclosure and see the elephant getting more and more frustrated that it couldn't find me.

"HEY DUMBO!! COME AND GER ME!!" I yell at it and it turns its head and begins its charge as I run back into the penguin enclosure entrance and reload my contagion.


The entrance gets torn to rubble as the elephant forces its way in missing the first and second trip wire traps.

But it hit the third one freezing its front legs shattering them.

The elephant roared while it fell activating the other trip wires making the water and cryo grenades work in tandem making the very room feel incredibly cold as I see the elephant struggle to move.

After a few seconds the heavy sniper turrets activate and begin firing at the now frozen elephant and watch as most of its body shatters leaving only its head that was slowly losing the light in its undead eyes.

"This wouldn't count as poaching would it?" I say to myself as I set off one more cryo grenade freezing its head and shatter it with one final shot.

'Well that's done' I think to myself as I go to the chat.

(John) hey guys I made it to the raccoon city zoo and most of the animals are zombified.

(Steve) well was there any survivors John?

(John)no but I found out the penguins weren't mutated or zombified,so Circe brought them to the base.

(Ada) you brought…actually never mind I came across a guy named Leon about to be a dog's dinner so I helped him out.

(Rodrigo) I'm with Carlos exploring the hospital seeing if there are any survivors.

(John) well I killed a giant mutated elephant but it took a lot of cryo grenades.

(Seras) hey John I found a survivor by the name of sherry birkin.

(John) okay seras make sure she's okay,her father might me looking for her,but if he is alread infected kill him now before something bad happens.

(Seras) Roger!

(John) okay I'm goin to continue finding my way to the police station,message me if you need help.

(Everyone) got it!

I turn off the chat and walk into the lion enclosure,hoping I can find more survivors.


Well I hope you all enjoy this chapter,im not feeling 100% so I'm making this a shorter chapter.

But love you all and keep sending me your ideas,peace😁✌️