(22)a remorseful scientist and project adaptos

Since nemesis doesn't exist anymore due to John saving Billy I decided to add a new character and an even more dangerous tyrant.

The new tyrant is called tyrant adatptos and is made from a death row inmate turned test subject for a scientists own virus called the T-adaptos virus.(the scientist will explain when John meets him.)

But enough of that onto the chapter!


As I ran through the zoo I noticed that many of the undead animals were killed off due to the elephants rampage,lions crushed into paste and hyena's cut in half by its enormous tusks.

"It seems the elephant managed to deal with the more annoying BoWs for me…hey Circe did I level up for any of this?"

[you got a few things John,you managed to level up 3 times and are at level 13!]

[you also got a couple of achievements during your time in raccoon city]

"Cool,put the three points into regeneration for each class." I say to Circe and I shoot myself with ebony and see the hole in my hand disappear fast.

"What are my achievements?"(john)

[for defeating the infected elephant alone you were given a multiversal melee weapon strongbox,will you open?]

"Open the strongbox."(John)

[opening…congratulations you got the sharpened volcano fragment(tf2)]

I see the sharpened volcano fragment appear in my hand,it was 3 and a half feet tall and was made from obsidian with the lava still flowing all across the jagged parts of the axe.

"How the hell did the pyro even use this?" I say to myself as I feel the lava flowing through though the axe.

I put the axe behind my back and begin walking out of the zoo and walking into an empty street with the occasional groans of zombies that are trapped in vehicles.

I go east following Leon's instructions for two blocks when I hear a gunshot in an abandoned Internet cafe ,and go to investigate.

As I walk though a door that was jimmied open and see a man with a white lab coat dead from a gunshot to the back of the head.

"This looks like nickoli's work. He must have been here." I say to myself as I move closer and see a laptop that was still running.

"It looks like this scientist was trying to write something." I mutter as I take the laptop out of the dead scientist's arms.

I open it up and see what looks like a message in Microsoft word as well as files behind the message that shows images and videos of a thirteen foot ghostly white humanoid being put in an acid bath and its body melting fast for a minute before its body regenerated,almost like it was adapting.

The other video was of a teenage girl and a stars officer and the teenage girl sprouts wings and blood red hair rips the officer in half.

"What the hell.." I mutter to myself as these weren't BoWs from any of the games and were definitely now scrapped concepts.

'This must be the butterfly effect.' I think to myself as I go back to the message and read aloud.

I thought I was helping people,I swear to god I thought I was helping people.

My name is jun Hernandez and I'm a scientist from umbrella.

After losing my only living relative to cancer I took it upon myself to make a cure catching the attention of oswell E. spencer,the head of umbrella.

He was impressed by my studies in biomedicine and bio engineering among other subjects and invited me to America to their main headquarters.

As a single male living in the Philippines this was an opportunity that I couldn't pass up.

He gave me a lab with a serum base he called the T-serum saying it will act as a catalyst.

So after months upon months of trial and error I did it! I made a serum using the adaptive properties of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria known to adapt to extreme environments as well as the tardigrades.

I dubbed my creation the T-adaptos serum,a serum that would allow the body of those injected with the serum to be able to fight many diseases from leukemia to Alzheimer's.

But it was when I stumbled upon a suspicious worker did I find out about the dark side of umbrella.

The suspicious worker was supposedly a spy from what security told me but I noticed a flash drive was placed in my pocket.

My curiousity got the better of me and I saw horrors that would make the holocaust look like a friendly social gathering.

Human bodies dissected while alive,various animals floating in mysterious liquids and files of these…monsters!

The worst of them all were the two made by my own serum,it turns out I wasn't making a serum but a virus.

The two monster are called tyrant adaptos and tyrant Lilith.

These things must be destroyed! They are currently being controlled vie an electronic brain but it adapted and is now bringing havoc in the streets of this already infested city!

But I made a failsafe!

In the depths of the raccoon city hospital I made a rail gun device called Zeus' wrath capable of piercing through the toughest of materials.

Let this be known that I have a heart and that I want to make things right.

I just hope nickoli doesn't find me.

As I finish reading the message I realize one thing,my existence brought anomalies that I couldn't account for,and now it's up to me to stop what I brought to the world.

And turning around I head to the raccoon city hospital.


Well I hope you all enjoy these new tyrants,I made my own files on these when I was in highschool and discovered resident evil for the first time so I'm glad I gave my creations life In this series.

Also thank you scarystorynumber0 for suggesting I give John an axe as a melee weapon,and I had a hard time choosing which one to give him without them being godkillers,and settled for the pyros sharpened volcano fragment,it's modified by the system to be indestructible,so hopefully that will explain how it can hit titanium and not crack in the future.

But thank you all for reason and I'll post a chapter 22.5 which will show the files of tyrant Lilith and tyrant adaptos.

And with that I'm out,peace😁✌️