umbrella files: tyrant adaptos

subject: T-A001

Code name:adaptos

Subject class: tyrant

Overseer of the subject:Josef nickoli

This behemoth of a BoW was created using a new virus strain called the [Redacted] virus,it was originally made to make any subject adapt and evolve making them nearly impossible to kill.

This viral strain,created by Dr.[Redacted] used the dna of tardigrades and the Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria,giving it extreme adaptation under extreme circumstances.

Subject was made using a recently killed serial killer who had a habit to relentlessly hunt down his victims before killing them in the bloodiest and gruesome ways possible.

When the cadaver was injected with the strain the effects were almost instantaneous as it started to twitch violently before stopping for a whole week and a half.

Fellow researcher [Redacted] suggested implanting an electronic brain as a means to control the subject to prevent any unpredictable outcomes and variables.

The proposal was approved and a week later the brain was installed with various commands in its interface allowing voice commands to control it.

We let out two whole packs of hunter alphas to test its adaptive capabilities in combat,the subjects healing ability is astounding,outpacing the paleheads.

The hunter alphas were wiped out in half an hour.

During the outbreak we decided to test adaptos in a heavily populated environment to test its capability to follow and objective.

An hour in subject ran into stars member jill valentine and another teenager,was promptly put down.

Another half hour passed and it got back up with thicker skin making it more resistant to gunfire.

It seems to adapt and evolve as it encounters Jill valentine and the teenager,will observe the duo to send more data.

[Addendum] the subject has adapted to its electronic brain and has gained sentience over itself,commands no longer work under it.

It is now pursueing jill valentine and the unknown teenager and two UBCS operatives, going to raccoon city hospital,will send the data over to my superiors.


Well folks I have some bad news,a friend of mine lost her grandmother to Alzheimer's and I'm going to have to give you this file I made during my highschool years.(I added Jill valentine and Steve to the file as well as Carlos and Tyrell,just figured I let you all know)

I hope you all like the file because I suck at making these files,but thank you all for reading and I got a friend to console,peace✌️