Chapter 86 Final Battle Final.



The giant form of All For One began to crack all over within moments. Inazuma immediately ran off with Midoriya, landing on a floating piece of debris nearby, and watched as the Decay quirk started to completely destroy Shimura's body.


Midoriya fell silent, watching the person he had vowed to save destroy himself.


"Why?" he asked, turning to Inazuma.


Inazuma responded with the reasons he believed this was the best path. However, Midoriya remained distraught, even though he knew that the life awaiting Shigaraki after this would have been filled with curses and danger. He understood that Inazuma was right, yet it still left a bitter aftertaste in his mouth.


At that moment, Inazuma carefully examined the sea of broken flesh, searching for the 2% chance he had hoped for.


Within seconds, his eyes widened, and he immediately sprinted at full speed.


Midoriya, momentarily disoriented, found himself lying on another piece of debris. When his focus returned, he saw Inazuma a short distance away, gently picking something up from the ground.


Midoriya stood up and approached him—only to see that Inazuma was holding a child, no older than two or three years.


"This…!" Midoriya's eyes widened in shock.


Inazuma removed the mask from his face, a wild smile playing on his lips.


'It worked, damn it.'


Inazuma had initially believed his communication with OFA was due to its possible connection to the Strength Force, a spectral energy related to the Speed Force. But thinking about it now, the ability might have been a gift from Jason—to help complete his mission. Because at this moment, he could feel Nana's presence inside the child, and she had sent a message:


The child in his hands was Shimura Tenko.


Not the child who had grown up trapped and abused, but a child with a clean slate, no memories of his past. This was what his quirk considered the path for him to live a normal life—for Shimura Tenko to be reborn, free of the chains and burdens of his previous existence.


Midoriya, too, understood what had happened. OFA allowed him to connect with Nana inside Shimura, though it was temporary. She would only be able to stay within the child with her consciousness for a few more years—until he reached the age of ten. But Shimura no longer possessed AFO or any lingering quirks; his evolved Decay had erased all modifications Garaki had made to his body.


Essentially, his body was now that of a perfectly normal human, free of defects.


However, Nana's presence ensured that he could use the quirk Float, and even after she disappeared, he would retain it as his own.


"So, Midoriya, can you make sure this child gets to live a good life? Because I won't be here to ensure that—I'll be going back to my home soon," Inazuma asked.


Midoriya gazed at the reborn child for a few moments, then gently took him from Inazuma's hands, studying him carefully.


"My mom's been a bit lonely ever since I started attending U.A. I think she won't mind an addition to the family," Midoriya said with a smile.


Inazuma let out a deep breath, feeling like he had made the right decision. Even though this had all been done so he could return to his own dimension, he still felt a sense of satisfaction in saving someone who had changed after enduring a harsh fate.



The battle had officially ended when it was revealed that AFO had been completely destroyed by the U.A. students. Aside from Class 2A, 2B, the U.A. staff, and a few heroes, no one else knew that Shigaraki had survived—reborn as Shimura. And they all collectively decided to keep this fact a secret forever.


Karna and Cana left two days later, spending that time using the rewards they had earned to buy supplies, knowing that their chances of returning were slim, if not nonexistent.


"Make sure to finish solving the problems in your world soon, kid. Blaming everything on fate and holding yourself back will only result in you losing a lot in the future," Karna advised Inazuma before departing.


"What about you? What did you do in the Fairy Tail world?" Inazuma asked curiously.


Karna grinned widely.


"At first, I was like you. But later, I said 'F*** it' and decided to do things my way—without regrets."


And with that, he vanished. His words brought a small smile to Inazuma's face.


"I think I get why I felt like you were Jason's favorite," Inazuma mused as he walked away.


Ensuring that Deku would still have One For All in the end had been accomplished—at least, in a manner of speaking. After discovering how Nana was currently surviving and her plan to permanently pass her quirk to Tenko, the vestiges of One For All made a similar decision.


They realized that OFA had originally been created to counter AFO, which was the reason for its exponential growth over time. However, if it continued to evolve unchecked, it would eventually lead to the Quirk Singularity, just as AFO had demonstrated in the end.

A/N: Hope you liked it! Every 100 Power Stones gets an extra chapter of Jason.