Chapter 60 My mate is Gray

(My mate is Gray)

Kenny's POV

The afternoon was bright and the sunset was beautiful, I woke up and stretched. Since that day I saw my mate, I hadn't been myself anymore.

Keah persisted on seeing him again, I wore my long sweater and my short black jeans as I descended the stairs

"Mum, Dad," I called but the house seems to be empty

I shrugged as i walked to the kitchen where I drank the herbal tea mum prepared to help cure migraines

I can barely sleep after meeting with that Alpha and worst thing is that I have not been myself after meeting him.

I began to run temperature and having constant migraines. Mum said I'll be fine but I haven't even been attending classes since then, I had to prepare for my upcoming exams.

"Isn't this too much Kenny? Why not accept the mate bond?" Keah asked

"It's not about the mate bond, Keah, it's just I don't want to be someone's wife yet." I replied

"What? Well I want to be a mum." Keah retorted as I sighed

"It's not what I meant Keah, I want to be a great pack doctor before I will get married, I want to be like Luna, she's working and she's also performing her Luna's duties."

"Kenny, we can't be the same, it's not a crime you met your mate early." Keah suggested

I prepared hot beans, I love beans though mum don't like it but Dad loves them so I think I inherited that from him.

*ding ding*

My phone rang, I glanced at the screen, it's Dad. I smiled as Keah jumped excitedly

"Daddy, how are you?" I asked with a chilly voice

"I'm fine baby, have you drank the tea? How is your health?" Dad asked and I smiled

"I'm better now Dad, I cooked beans, will you eat beans?" I inquired but he sighed

"Is everything okay Daddy?" I asked

"Um.. baby, can you come over to the Alpha's palace?" Dad sounds nervous which made me frown

"Okay," I answered

"Something's wrong." Keah thought

"Yeah, we should go now."

I switched into a floral VL brand of pajamas. I packed my hair in a half ponytail using a pink bow to match the pajamas.

I then grabbed my bag and exited the house.

I locked the door and drove my car to the Alpha's palace.

I arrived at the Alpha's palace, I was feeling sick already. I only came to the Alpha's palace when I wanted to speak with Liam and Luna.

After my Dad called, I could feel he was nervous and his voice broke down for the first time.

I entered the Alpha's palace as the guards opened the door to the throne room.

"Mum, Dad, I'm.." I was stunned when I saw everyone, Aunt Angel, Luna, Mum, Dad, Uncle Frankie, Alpha.

What made me dizzy was my Mate, he..he is here with Aunt Flake and Alpha Clinton.

"Mum.. What's going on here?" I asked with shaky voice as mum side hugged me.

My eyes never left his royal blue's he looks like he's the winner and I'm the loser

"I'm happy we get to meet him again Kenny.. He's so handsome, those muscles, oh my gosh.." Keah purred with delight while I frowned.

"Show respect Kenny," Mum whispered

"Luna Flake, Alpha Clinton." I bowed and turned towards Luna "Luna, Alpha." I bowed and then greeted Aunt Angel and Uncle Frankie.

I've never been so nervous in my life. It took me hours to bow to the young man who was my supposed mate

I sat between Mum and Aunt Angel as Alpha cleared his throat and began

"Good to see you again Kenny, how's your health?" He asked and I smiled

"I'm fine.. I took the mixtures mum gave me." I replied

"Come Kenny," Luna tapped beside her

I happily sat beside her as I hugged her tight and she sighed as she brushed my hair with her palm

"Why are you all acting strange?" I asked as he chuckled.

What is amusing or funny, I rolled my eyes at him

"Is he your... Mate?" Luna asked and I frowned, why should they bring up the mate stuff?

"I don't want a mate Luna,I want to be like you.." I pouted as Luna raised her eyes in surprise

"Do you know him?" Alpha asked

"I met him at a party, believe me, I just saw him and nothing else." I said as Aunt Angel and Mum laughed

"Oh Kenny, you're so naive." Aunt Angel said

" Look baby, he was one of your friends when you were little don't you remember him?" Mum asked as I glanced at him

His eyes were filled with passion and lust. I looked away immediately, what do he think? coming here will help?

"Let's give him a chance Kenny." Keah said

"Really?" I asked mum

"He's my son Kenny, he's.. Gray." Luna Flake introduced as I gasped, really? Gray? I once crushed on this guy when we were little, but he rejected me.

"See? Told ya, isn't it a coincidence?" Keah teased

"Just shut up Keah." I warned

"Oh, hello Gray, long time no see." I blankly greeted

"Kenny, he's your mate, you should learn to behave." Dad cautioned as I frowned

"I'm already in love with Ricky, I love Ricky." I stated as Gray growled, both Alpha and Gray's father frowned at me.

"Kenny, just stop." Gray ordered, I scoffed, who do he think he is to order me?

"I only take orders from my true Alpha." I stubbornly argued

"Then stop." Alpha said

"Look Kenny, I know you don't like the situation now But Gray here is your destined mate, you both were made for each other." Alpha Clinton explained

"I didn't say I wanted one." I argued

"Just shut up Kenny, I want one, we both wanted one remember." Keah reminded

"Yeah, no way I'm gonna marry this dude." I frowned

"I don't care if you want one or not, but I want a mate, it's not my fault that the moon goddess mated you to me." Gray wrangled and i angrily stood up

"I don't want you, i don't need a mate okay? I can't marry you, have you forgotten you said i disgust you? And besides, i'm still a student." I spat as he growled

"Kenny!" Dad yelled.

"Daddy.." I called as I ran to him with my teary puppy eyes

"Daddy... Are you gonna give me to him? Mummy?"

I was scared as hell, I don't want to leave my family, I can't leave my pack

"No.. Kenny... We just want you to know that he's your mate and a mate is the best thing that could happen to someone's life." Mum said

"Yeah, without a mate, you're incomplete." Dad added

"Does that mean.. You won't give me away?" I asked with my baby face as Uncle Frankie patted my hair

"No.. We won't give our baby Kenny away." He said

I giggled, I love this guys and thinking about leaving them is torture to me.

"Don't worry Kenny, I'm just glad you're my daughter-in law, you know... Gray's never fond of women but he kept insisting that we visit, he said he.. Wants to see you again." Luna Flake said as I hugged her

"I know you won't make me sad." I said.

I glanced at Gray and he looked troubled, I sat beside Luna and hugged her tight.

"So what are we saying, Will you give her time Gray?"

Alpha Chris asked as Gray's eyes darted to me and I looked away, hugging Luna tight

"Just 2 years." He decreed and my voice choked

"What? What about my dreams of becoming a pack doctor? I must fulfill my dreams." I bickered

"No, you only have 2years, so you better break up with that Ricky of a guy or else I shorten it." Gray noted

I wanted to reply but Luna shook her head as she squeezed my shoulder in a comforting manner.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I ran to the door

"Kenny!" Dad called but I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.. I need to be alone now....