Chapter 61 Hidden gift

(Hidden gift)

Lily's POV

After that very day I heard what Liam said to his friends about me, I felt like something in me was broken, he called me a feeble he said I'm weak.

I lost my appetite and I haven't been attending classes ever since that very day, I locked myself in.

You know, it just hurt to hear such from someone you've been into since childhood.

"Baby, still wanna talk about it?" Mum asked as I sighed, I opened the door and decided to free myself a bit

"Oh my, look at you Lily, what happened to you?" Mum inquired as she scanned me

"I'm alright now mum." I assured her

"No, you're not, we need to go see the pack doctor, hurry up and get dressed." Mum ordered

I just nodded, mum is someone that doesn't go back on her words no matter the persuasions.

I walked back to my messy room and cleaned myself up, then I wore a short circle pleated gown as I walked towards mum's car.

She sighed as I walked into the car. Observing me for a long time before the car finally came to live.

"You wanna talk to me about it?" Mum asked

"Nope." I simply answered

"Honey.. I don't like seeing you like this and believe me your dad will be angry if he sees you like this. You've been like this for a week now, though he traveled with the Alpha, I still don't like it." Mum stated

"I know Mum, I'm trying to be okay, it's not like it's easy for me anyway." I noted as I frowned.

Liam's words really hurt me and you know what hurts the most? Those words came from him, shattering my hope I had in him for 15 years, fuck it!

"Does this have anything to do with Liam?" Mum inquired

a gasp escaped my lips, how did she found out?

"Mum.. I think.."

"I'm your mother baby, I know every in and out of you, you can't hide anything from me you know." Mum elbowed me as a smile escaped my lips.

"Mum," I called

"Yes baby." She answered

"How do you know you've fallen in love with Dad?" I asked her with a frown

"Lily.. You're still young for that." Mum said

"I know... I just don't know how I feel anymore."

At some point, I really want to open my heart to mum but I'm afraid of her reactions

"You are in love with him aren't you?" Mum exposed, I was just surprised that she got to figure out

"How'd you know?" I asked as she smirked

"Cos I'm your mum."

We arrived at the pack's hospital, Moonlight Hospital. I don't really fancy visiting hospitals, I really hate hospitals.

"Mum, there's no need for this you know?" I asked her

"Lily, you have to go for your monthly check up, we've missed 2 months already." Mum insisted.

"Excuse me, I'm here to see Doctor Damian." Mum said to a nurse, she went through a large book and gave mum a card, I sighed as I followed her.

We arrived at Doctor Damian's office, Mum knocked on the door as the door was pushed open and doctor Damian rushed out of his office

"What's going on?" Mum asked Doctor Damian

"A little girl was attacked by a rogue, and she only have 10 minutes to live." He explained

Mum gasped in shock, I was bewildered as well

"There are rogues? We are bound to be attacked soon." Mum stated .

"Yeah, we've informed the Alpha, he's brave, he knows what to do." Doctor Damian said and left.

I followed him while Mum was still in shock, now I guess that's the reason Dad traveled with the Alpha for a week, just to find solutions to the pack problems

There are three men I'm always proud of and I respect to the last because of their dedication to the pack. Dad, Alpha and Uncle Nicky.

I want to be a warrior when I get my wolf, I want to fight battles alongside other warriors and be the first female warrior in Moonlight pack.

Luna was a warrior, but she's not a member of the pack's Army. I want to be a member as well as a warrior.

I walked towards the little girl's ward, I peeped through the glass window, she's really little, she's not up to 12. I sighed, why do rogues attack Packs? Can't they form their pack and let the packs live happily?

I took compassion on the little girl and pushed the door as I entered the ward

"Lily, come here let's await the doctor, Lily." Mum called

"What are you doing here? We're not joking here." A rude female doctor said, I walked over to the crying girl and I felt like I could heal this girl.

I watched how deep her wounds were, what wickedness, can't they have pity on the little girl?

"I can calm her while you work." I said as the doctors exhaled deeply.

"She's only got 10 mins, we're trying our best." One of the tall dark skinned doctors stated

"Please save me... You can save me." The girl's words came out in whispers and sobs.

It tightened my heart seeing this little girl going through so much, I swallowed as I held her palms then sang her a song Mum do sing for me whenever I'm in pain, she calmly slept off as the doctor began stitching.

Soon, I felt like something was leaving my body as my hands began to vibrate and my eyes were glowing yellowish-gold.

The doctors then started pointing at me but I can't make out what they were saying... I felt like screaming but I swallowed it and gently closed my eyes. I began losing consciousness, the last thing I saw was mum running to me


I woke up to Aunt Selena brushing my hair with her palm, it was tender and it made me felt relaxed

"Ugh." I moaned holding my head, the headache was much.

"She's awake." Aunt Selena announced as mum badged in followed by Luna and Dad.

"Dad? You came back?" I smiled as I hugged him tight

"Yeah, I will always come back for you, you need to rest sweetie." Dad carried me back to the hospital bed

What? I'm in the hospital? Ugh.. I don't like it here at all

"But i don't like hospitals.." I pouted as Luna giggled and sat close to me.

The door opened as Alpha, Uncle Nicky, Kenny and... Of course Liam entered.

I scoffed as my eyes fell on his green ones, I don't consider him friend anymore.

"How did you do that Lily?" Alpha asked

"Do what?" I was confused as hell, what did I do?

Kenny smiled as she sat beside me, I threw her a

'What's going on?' Look and she just sighed

"You healed the little girl?" Liam stated more like a question

"I was not talking to you." I retorted angrily

"Did you guys have a fight or something?" Kenny asked as I scoffed then I turned to Alpha

"I didn't heal her, I just sang her a song." I was confused ,what's actually going on?

"It's okay dear, just rest okay? It's a good thing you're alive." Luna said to me, I glanced at Alpha, his expression was stoic and unfazed.

I knew Liam got his attitude from him, but he's even worst than Liam.

I lay back on the bed as my mind drifted back to Liam's question, how was I able to heal anyone?

"Baby, I've got some work to do, I'll be back in.." Dad started

"It's okay, I've learnt to live alone anyway, I've got mum and the others." I retorted without glancing at him

My Dad had always been busy with the pack duties, he hardly spent time with me, even when I was 3 to this age.

He even missed 7 of my birthday parties so it's not something new, I love him so much and I'm ready to sacrifice anything but he should just be safe.

"I'll make it up to you." He said and pecked my temple

"Be safe." I informed him, he nodded and left.

"Honey, I'll go prepare your meal." Mum preceded and left.

Luna and Kenny remained, Kenny looked thin than I last saw her, I sat up up and stared at her....