The Aftermath And New Beginning

As the students began to disperse, Roshan made his way to Anos. "You fought well, Anos," Roshan said, clapping a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Simon may have won today, but you've shown everyone that you're a force to be reckoned with."

Anos sighed, looking at the rank A sword in his hand. "I thought this would give me an edge," he admitted. "But Simon's lightning magic was too powerful."

"It's not just about the weapon," Roshan replied. "It's about how you use it and how you grow from each experience. We'll train harder, and next time, you'll be ready."

Before Anos could respond, a loud voice echoed through the arena. "Attention, all participants!" It was Archmage Fiske again. "For those who have passed the practicals, please proceed to the main hall to receive your magic stones. For those who have not, do not be disheartened. There will be other opportunities to prove yourselves."

Roshan and Anos joined the throng of students making their way to the main hall. The air buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Inside, the hall was filled with tables laden with small, glowing stones – the magic stones that would boost their cultivation speed.

As they approached the tables, a familiar figure stepped in front of them. It was Simon Reynold, the boy who had defeated Anos, his face twisted in a smug grin. "Well, well, if it isn't the lowlife and his noble friend," he sneered. "Enjoying your moment of failure, Anos?"

Roshan stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "Enough," he said, his voice cold. "Anos may have lost the duel, but he fought with honor. Unlike you, who hides behind your family's name and resources."

Simon's grin faltered, but he quickly recovered. "We'll see how long your bravado lasts, Roshan. Just remember, in this academy, power and status are everything."

Ignoring Simon's taunts, Roshan and Anos walked over to the table where the instructors were distributing the magic stones. As Roshan received his magic stone, he handed it over to Anos. "I don't think I have any need for this. You'll need it more than I do," Roshan said as he placed it in Anos' hands.

"Are you serious? You don't need a cultivation stone?" Anos exclaimed in surprise.

"I'm from a noble family, you know. I can get 100 of these if I want," Roshan replied.

"Oh... thanks, Roshan. I don't know how I'll ever thank you for all this," Anos said.

"You don't have to," Roshan replied with a smile.

Anos nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "You're right. I won't let today's loss hold me back. I'll train harder and become stronger."

As they left the main hall, the students buzzed with conversations about the day's events and the new challenges ahead. Roshan and Anos made their way to the training grounds, determined to start their preparations immediately.

The training grounds were a sprawling expanse of open space, dotted with various training equipment and targets. Several other students were already there, practicing their spells and honing their skills. Roshan led Anos to a quieter corner, where they could train without distractions.

"Let's start with some basic exercises," Roshan suggested. "We need to build up your stamina and control over your magic."

Anos nodded, feeling a surge of determination. He watched as Roshan demonstrated a series of exercises, combining physical movements with spellcasting. Anos followed suit, focusing on his fire magic and trying to improve his control and precision.

Hours passed as they trained, the sun beginning to set on the horizon. Despite the exhaustion, Anos felt a sense of accomplishment. Each movement felt more fluid, each spell more controlled. Roshan watched with satisfaction, seeing the progress his friend was making.

As they took a break, Roshan handed Anos a flask of water. "You're improving," he said with a smile. "Keep this up, and you'll be ready for whatever the academy throws at you."

Suddenly, Roshan felt a pair of ominous eyes watching them from the shadows. He turned his head slightly to where he felt the eyes, but he couldn't see anyone. "Hmm, this aura, it feels familiar," Roshan mumbled to himself.

"What was that?" Anos asked, noticing Roshan's change in mood.

"We'll have to be careful in this academy. I felt someone spying on us," Roshan said, his voice serious.

"Well... most of the girls would want to take a look at the handsome young master of the number one noble family in the kingdom, you know," Anos joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"No, it's not that. This one had a hostile aura," Roshan said with a stern look in his eyes.

"Uh... you can sense aura? I thought that was only possible for archmages," Anos said, surprised.

"Um... I just had a feeling, I guess," Roshan said, trying to avoid further questions from Anos. "I think we should head back to the mansion. We'll be assigned to our dorms tomorrow, so it's only wise to get ready now," Roshan pointed out as they stood up to leave.

The walk back to the mansion was quiet, each lost in their thoughts. Anos couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, and Roshan's words had left him uneasy. As they reached the mansion, the grandeur of the building did little to ease their concerns.

That night, as Anos lay in his bed, he replayed the day's events in his mind. He remembered Simon's sneering face, the jeers of the other students, and the intensity of the duel. But more than anything, he remembered the determination in Roshan's eyes and his unwavering support.

"I won't let you down, Roshan," Anos whispered to himself. "I'll become the mage I was meant to be."

The next morning, the academy was abuzz with activity as the students prepared to be assigned to their dorms. Anos and Roshan stood among the crowd, listening to Archmage Fiske as he read out the names and dorm assignments.

"Anos Aelius and Roshan De Arcadian, you will be in Dormitory A, Room 3," Fiske announced.

As they made their way to their new room, Anos couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and anxiety. This was a new beginning, a chance to prove himself and grow stronger. The dormitory was a large, imposing building, with rows of rooms lined along the corridors. Room 3 was spacious and well-furnished, with two beds, a study desk, and a small bookshelf.

"This isn't too bad," Roshan said, dropping his bag on one of the beds. "We've got a lot of work ahead of us, but we'll manage."

Anos nodded, placing his own belongings on the other bed. "Yeah, we'll make this work."

Over the next few days, Anos and Roshan settled into their new routine. Their days were filled with classes, training sessions, and studying. Anos focused on improving his fire magic, determined to master his control and increase his power. Roshan, always by his side, pushed him to his limits and provided guidance.

One afternoon, as they were training in the grounds, they were approached by a group of students. At the forefront was Simon, the boy who had taunted Anos earlier.

"Look who it is," Simon sneered. "The lowlife and his noble friend. Enjoying your little training session?"

Roshan stepped forward, his eyes cold. "What do you want,?"

"Oh, nothing much," Simon replied with a smirk. "Just wanted to remind you that no matter how hard you train, you'll never be on our level."

"Is that so?" Anos said, stepping beside Roshan. "We'll see about that."

Simon's's smirk faltered, but he quickly recovered. "Enjoy your delusions while you can. You'll never surpass us."

As Simon and his group walked away, Roshan turned to Anos. "Ignore him. He's just trying to get under your skin."

Anos nodded, clenching his fists. "I know. But it just makes me more determined to prove him wrong."

The weeks passed, and Anos and Roshan continued to train tirelessly. Their bond grew stronger, their skills sharper. Anos's control over his fire magic improved significantly, and he started developing new techniques. Roshan, always pushing himself as well, refined his skills and strategies.

One evening, as they were practicing in the training grounds, they were approached by a young woman with icy blue hair and piercing eyes.

"You're Anos and Roshan, right?" she asked, her voice cool and confident.

"Yes, we are," Roshan replied. "And you are?"

"I'm Elena Frost, ," she said with a small smile. "I've been watching you two train. You're both quite impressive, but right now, I want to duel you Roshan." She added as a serious face suddenely overshadowed her smile.