The air in the training grounds felt charged with anticipation as Elena Frost stood before them. Her icy blue hair and piercing eyes gave her an almost ethereal presence, commanding attention. Anos and Roshan exchanged a quick glance, both curious and wary of this unexpected challenge.

"Elena Frost," Roshan repeated, studying her. "I've heard of you. You're known for your ice magic. Why do you want to duel me?"

Elena's smile faded, replaced by a look of determination. "I've been watching you two train, and I see potential. But I also see a need for a real challenge. I want to test your skills, Roshan."

Roshan scrutinized her closely. "Who forced you into doing this?"

Elena faltered for a moment before regaining her composure. "I only want to test your skills. No one can force me into doing anything."

"No human, maybe," Roshan muttered. "What if the one forcing you isn't human?"

Anos nudged Roshan, whispering, "That's not the way to talk to a girl, y'know."

"If you don't have the courage to duel me, I won't force you. But that would mean you're just a coward, scared of being bested by a girl," Elena taunted.

Roshan looked down for a moment, then nodded. "Very well, let's make this a fair fight," he said with a grin. He couldn't shake the feeling that someone had sent her, but he pushed the thought aside.

Anos stepped back, giving them space. The other students in the training grounds noticed the confrontation and began to gather around, forming a loose circle. The air buzzed with excitement as whispers spread through the crowd.

Roshan and Elena faced each other, their expressions serious. "Are you ready?" Roshan asked, his hands glowing with a soft, blue energy.

Elena nodded, summoning a small flurry of snowflakes that danced around her. "Ready."

With a signal from Anos, the duel began. Roshan moved first, his hands weaving intricate patterns in the air as he summoned his ice magic. A flurry of icy shards formed around him, their edges gleaming in the sunlight. He launched them towards Elena with a swift motion.

Elena reacted quickly, raising a hand to summon a wall of ice between them. The ice shards collided with the wall, shattering it into pieces that scattered around them. Elena retaliated with a wave of her hand, sending a barrage of icicles towards Roshan. He deftly dodged and deflected them, his movements precise and controlled.

As the duel continued, the onlookers watched in awe at the display of skill and power. Anos observed closely, noting the contrast between Roshan's fluid, agile attacks and Elena's controlled, strategic defenses. Each clash and counter was a testament to their training and abilities. It was clear that both duelists were pushing themselves to their limits.

Roshan sent a gust of freezing wind to scatter the ice shards, then followed up with a series of ice spikes aimed at Elena. She sidestepped them, her form a blur, and countered with a beam of frost. The frost beam and ice spikes met in mid-air, creating a shower of ice crystals.

Elena pressed the attack, sending a wave of cold that froze the ground beneath Roshan's feet. He jumped into the air, summoning a whirlwind of snow to keep him aloft. From above, he unleashed a storm of ice shards, forcing Elena to summon a protective barrier of ice. The shards hammered against the barrier, creating cracks and fractures.

Seeing an opportunity, Roshan descended rapidly, his hands glowing with frosty energy. He aimed a powerful strike at the weakened barrier, but Elena anticipated his move. She dispersed the barrier and redirected the energy into a concentrated beam of frost aimed directly at Roshan.

Roshan managed to twist in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the beam. He landed and immediately countered with a powerful gust of freezing wind, pushing Elena back. She skidded across the frozen ground, but regained her balance quickly.

Elena raised her hand, summoning a blizzard that swirled around them. The cold was intense, and Roshan could feel his movements slowing. He generated a barrier of ice to shield himself from the worst of the cold, but Elena was relentless. She created spikes of ice within the blizzard, launching them at Roshan from all directions.

Roshan spun, his ice barrier deflecting most of the ice spikes, but a few managed to pierce through, grazing his arm and leg. He winced, feeling the sting of the cold. Summoning his remaining strength, he conjured a powerful ice storm, sending shards of ice through the blizzard.

Elena was forced to dissipate the blizzard to avoid the ice shards, leaving her momentarily vulnerable. Roshan saw his chance and charged forward, icy energy arcing between his hands. Elena summoned a thick shield of ice just in time, but Roshan's ice shattered it, the fragments scattering around them.

With a final, desperate move, Elena unleashed a torrent of frost, engulfing Roshan. The freezing cold threatened to overwhelm him, but he held his ground, his own icy aura pushing back against Elena's attack. They stood locked in a stalemate, their powers clashing in a dazzling display of frost and ice.

Roshan could feel his energy waning. He knew he had one last move left in him, a powerful ice spell that could turn the tide in his favor. But as he prepared to unleash it, he saw the determination in Elena's eyes and the exhaustion on her face. She was giving it her all, just like he was.

In that moment, Roshan made a decision. He let go of his spell, allowing Elena's frost to wash over him. The cold enveloped him, and he fell to one knee, breathing heavily.

"I yield," Roshan said, his voice steady despite his exhaustion. "You've won, Elena."

Elena's eyes widened in surprise, then she quickly masked it with a haughty expression. "Hmph! You're worthless," she said as she walked away, undoing the ice magic on Roshan.

Roshan watched her go, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Well, you're pretty good for getting this far with me while I'm only using 3% of my full power," he mumbled to himself. "At least, you got the win he wanted," he added quietly.

Anos hurried over, concern etched on his face. "Hey Roshan, don't feel bad. That's why she's called the Ice Goddess. You're amazing for lasting this long; you're rank E while she's D rank."

"Yeah, it seems she was being forced to duel me," Roshan said.

"You said that earlier. Why do you think so?" Anos asked.

"The look in her eyes," Roshan replied.

"You shouldn't jump to conclusions over such small evidence. I don't think anyone would dare give her orders, including the teachers," Anos said.

"Yeah, you're right," Roshan agreed. "But I peered into her memories for a while. Although I didn't see the face clearly, I heard something about selecting a worthy vessel," Roshan thought to himself, keeping this revelation to himself for now.


Elena walked briskly through the darkened corridors of the academy, her mind racing. She reached a hidden passage concealed behind a tapestry, which led her to a secret underground chamber. The walls were lined with eerie symbols, and the air was thick with an unsettling energy. At the center of the chamber stood a group of hooded figures, their faces obscured in shadow.

"You have returned," a deep, resonant voice echoed through the chamber. The speaker, a tall figure cloaked in darkness, stepped forward. "Report."

Elena knelt, her eyes fixed on the ground. "I have dueled Roshan De Arcadian and proved that he is not worthy," she said.

There was a murmur of approval from the hooded figures. But the tall figure raised a hand, silencing them. "Did he fight with all his strength?" the leader asked.

Elena hesitated. "He yielded before the end, but he fought well. I believe he gave his best."

A soft chuckle emerged from the shadows. "You are mistaken, Elena. Roshan was holding back. He did not reveal his true power."

Elena's eyes widened in shock. "What? But... he seemed exhausted. I could feel his energy waning."

The tall figure stepped closer, his face still hidden. "You have much to learn. Roshan De Arcadian is no ordinary mage. His potential is far greater than you realize. Your task was not just to test him, but to ascertain the extent of his abilities."

Elena's heart sank. She had underestimated Roshan, and now she felt a pang of regret. "What should I do now?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The leader's voice turned cold and commanding. "Roshan De Arcadian poses a threat to our plans. He must be eliminated. You will find an opportunity to kill him, and you will not fail this time."

Elena felt a chill run down her spine. She had been assigned to kill someone she had just fought and respected. But she couldn't refuse; her allegiance to the cult was absolute. "Yes, my lord," she said, bowing her head.

As she rose to leave, another hooded figure stepped forward, handing her a vial filled with a shimmering liquid. "Use this to weaken him. It will dull his senses and inhibit his magic. He won't stand a chance."

Elena took the vial, her hands trembling slightly. "Thank you," she murmured.

The leader's voice echoed once more as she turned to leave