Roshan walked out of the library with a satisfied smile. Although this wasn't enough, he had obtained most of the information he needed. According to what he had seen from Fiske's memories, Elena and Fiske were both members of a cult that worshipped the ice dragons. The cult had been trying to revive the dragon lord but couldn't due to the absence of a powerful arch soul mage. Soul mages dealt with the essence of life itself, and such a mage was essential for their ritual. They decided to revive the dragon lord through a human host and needed someone with great talent in the ice element. Elena was chosen for this purpose.

He also discovered that this dragon lord wasn't "Leviatho," the one he had killed back then. The name of this one was "Ghelgath," who seemed even more powerful than the former. Initially, Elena was chosen, but when they discovered Roshan, they couldn't decide and so they opted to kill him, as decreed by the "High Priestess."

"Hmm, I wonder who this High Priestess is," Roshan mused. Even Fiske didn't know her name. The cult members were ranked as follows: INITIATES, NOVICE, ACOLYTES, HIGH SORCERESS, DEACONS, ELDERS, THE HIGH PRIESTESS.

Initiates were the lowest rank and the High Priestess was the highest. He also heard some names, which he kept to himself for now. As he walked to his dorm room, he continued to sift through Fiske's memories. When he arrived, he pushed the door open only to find Branson and Anos playing chess.

"Hey, Roshan. Why don't you stop being a magic geek and try being a chess geek?" Anos called out to Roshan.

"Chess, huh?" Roshan asked, thinking hard to see if he had any memories of the game.

"Don't tell me a noble like yourself can't play chess," Branson mocked.

"I know the basics, I guess," Roshan said.

"Then come play with me. I've been winning against Anos; he sucks at it," Branson laughed.

"Okay, let's go," Roshan said, sitting opposite Branson.

"I'll play as black and I'm not going to take it easy on you," Branson scoffed.

Roshan moved his pawn to e4, starting the game with a classic opening.

e4 e5

Qh5 Nc6

Branson raised an eyebrow at Roshan's aggressive queen move but didn't falter. He responded by developing his knight.

Bc4 Nf6

Roshan placed his bishop on c4, eyeing Branson's f7 square. Branson mirrored the move with his knight, feeling confident.


Roshan's queen darted to f7, delivering a sudden and devastating checkmate. Branson's eyes widened in shock as he realized his mistake.

"Checkmate," Roshan said, leaning back in his chair.

Branson stared at the board, disbelief etched on his face. "Impossible... How did I not see that coming?"

"It's called the Scholar's Mate," Roshan explained, his tone even. "It's a classic opening trap. You were too focused on trying to capture my queen."

"Hey, wasn't I supposed to be doing the teaching? You liar! You said you only knew the basics," Branson yelled, frustration evident in his voice.

"People lie," Roshan said as he collapsed on his bed. "Wake me up when it's morning," he added, closing his eyes.


Simon Reynolds took a deep breath as he approached Elena Frost in the academy courtyard. His heart pounded in his chest. He had admired Elena from afar for a long time, her beauty and icy demeanor only adding to her allure.

"Elena," Simon began, trying to keep his voice steady.

Elena, who was reading a book under the shade of an ancient oak tree, looked up with her usual cold, piercing gaze. "Yes?" she replied, her tone as frosty as her magic.

Simon swallowed hard. "I was wondering if... if you'd like to go out with me sometime. Maybe we could get dinner or—"

"No," Elena interrupted, her voice devoid of emotion. She returned her attention to her book as if Simon had never spoken.

Simon's face flushed with embarrassment and anger. He stood there, speechless, for a moment before he turned on his heel to leave. As he walked away, he noticed Roshan approaching Elena. Simon's eyes narrowed as he watched the interaction unfold.

"Elena," Roshan said with an expressionless face.

Elena looked up, her expression softening slightly. "Roshan."

"I was hoping to get your opinion on something in the library," Roshan continued, his voice friendly and relaxed.

Elena closed her book and stood up. "Sure, lead the way."

Simon's fists clenched as he watched Elena follow Roshan willingly. His disappointment turned to rage. How could she dismiss him so easily and then follow Roshan without hesitation? Fueled by anger and jealousy, Simon marched towards Roshan, determination in his stride.

"Hey, Roshan!" Simon called out, his voice tight with barely restrained fury.

Roshan turned around, his expression curious. "Yes, Simon?"

Simon glared at him, his hands balled into fists. "What do you think you're doing with Elena?"

Roshan raised an eyebrow. "We were just heading to the library to discuss something. Is there a problem?"

"You think you can just waltz in and take her away?" Simon snapped, stepping closer to Roshan.

Elena's eyes narrowed. "Simon, this isn't any of your business."

Ignoring her, Simon took another step towards Roshan, who remained calm and composed. "You need to learn your place," Simon growled.

Roshan sighed, his demeanor unchanging. "Simon, I don't want any trouble. We're just going to the library."

Simon, blinded by jealousy, swung a punch at Roshan. With lightning-fast reflexes, Roshan caught Simon's fist in mid-air, holding it firmly but gently. Simon struggled, but Roshan's grip was unyielding.

"Calm down," Roshan said evenly. "This isn't worth it."

Simon yanked his hand free, his face red with anger and humiliation. "This isn't over, Roshan," he spat before storming off, his frustration palpable.

Elena watched Simon leave, her expression a mixture of annoyance and pity.

As they disappeared into the library, Simon watched from a distance, seething with resentment. His jealousy had been a harsh reminder of his insecurities, and the image of Roshan's calm and composed demeanor only fueled his desire to prove himself.

"I'll make you pay for this, Roshan," Simon gritted his teeth.

Roshan and Elena walked side by side through the academy's corridors, their footsteps echoing softly against the stone walls. The air was cool, filled with the faint scent of old books and the distant murmur of the few students who had only come to the library to engage in quiet conversations. Elena kept her gaze ahead, her usual stoic expression firmly in place, while Roshan's mind churned with questions.

As they turned a corner, Roshan broke the silence. "Elena, there's something I need to ask you."

Elena glanced at him, her eyes briefly reflecting curiosity before settling back into their icy neutrality. "What is it?"

Roshan took a deep breath, choosing his words carefully. "You are a top member of the dragon cult. Why do they want me dead?" Roshan asked, his voice calm.

Elena suddenly jumped away from Roshan while releasing a barrage of icicles towards him, which he dodged gracefully. She turned around, trying to run away but found no way out. She couldn't hear any students talking; it was like the world stood still.

"This is a separate dimension. You can't escape," Roshan said.

"Who are you?" she questioned. She didn't even know why she had followed Roshan here; it was like she was pushed to follow him by an unknown force.

"I'll do the questioning," Roshan said.

"Arrrgh!" Elena roared as she attacked Roshan.

Roshan moved with uncanny speed, dodging Elena's ice spikes effortlessly. He countered with a wave of his hand, sending a gust of wind that shattered the ice projectiles into harmless shards. Elena's eyes widened as she realized the extent of Roshan's power.

"You're not just any mage, are you?" Elena hissed, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and anger.

"No, I'm not," Roshan replied, his tone cold. "I know about the cult, Elena. I know about Ghelgath and the High Priestess. I need to know why they want me dead."

Elena summoned a massive ice wall between them, trying to buy herself some time. "You won't get any answers from me!" she shouted, retreating a few steps.

Roshan sighed, his patience wearing thin. With a flick of his wrist, the ice wall shattered into a thousand pieces. "Elena, you don't understand. I'm trying to help you. I know you were forced to join the cult, you're in danger."

"Help me? By interrogating me?" Elena scoffed, launching another volley of ice spikes.

Roshan dodged again, this time closing the distance between them in an instant. He grabbed Elena's wrist, his grip firm but not painful. "Yes, help you. The cult is using you."

Elena's eyes softened for a moment before she yanked her hand free, summoning a blade of ice and swinging it at Roshan. He caught the blade with his bare hand, the ice melting upon contact. "Elena, please. We need to work together."

Elena's resolve wavered, her blade dissolving into a puddle at their feet. "Why should I trust you?" she whispered, her voice cracking.

"Because if we don't, we're both as good as dead," Roshan said, his voice earnest and sincere.