Elena stared at Roshan, her icy exterior beginning to crack under the weight of his words. "You're lying," she whispered, her voice trembling.

"I'm not," Roshan said softly. "They chose you because of your talent, but they also plan to use you. Your life means nothing to them compared to their goal."

Elena's resolve faltered, her eyes filling with uncertainty. "What do you expect me to do? If I betray them, my uncle, Nolan Fiske, will disown me. He'll throw me out of the clan, and I've already lost my parents. I have no one else."

Roshan stepped closer, his expression softening. "Elena, you have a choice. You don't have to be a pawn in their game. I can help you. We can stop them together."

Elena looked away, tears welling up in her eyes. "You don't understand. My uncle raised me. He means everything to me."

Roshan placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Elena, I understand more than you think. I lost my family too. But you deserve to know the truth." He paused, his voice lowering to a whisper. "My family was murdered by the ice dragons, I am the last of my kind"

" What're you saying? The Arcadians are still alive" Elena replied with irritation in her voice

" No, I don't mean them, The race that was slaughtered by the ice dragon was my family, I'm the slime lord," Roshan said as he morphed his hand into a sharp blade.

Elena's eyes widened in shock. "What?!!!" Suddenly the words said by the high priestess flashed into her mind " That boy is no ordinary mage"

"I have your uncle trapped in another dimension," Roshan revealed. "I can take you to see him. You deserve to hear the truth from him."

Elena hesitated, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. Finally, she nodded. "Take me to him."

Roshan raised his hand, creating a shimmering portal. "Follow me."

They stepped through the portal into a dimly lit dimension, filled with ethereal mists and eerie silence. In the center, trapped within a cage of translucent slime, was Nolan Fiske.

"Nolan!" Elena called out, her voice echoing in the void.

Fiske looked up, his eyes wild and filled with a twisted glee. "Elena, my dear niece! Come to gloat, have you?"

Elena's breath hitched. "Nolan... What happened to you?"

"Your little friend here trapped me," Fiske snarled, his voice teetering on the edge of madness. "But it won't last. I'll be free soon, and then we'll continue our work."

"Our work?" Elena's voice shook. "You mean using me as a vessel for Ghelgath?"

"Of course!" Fiske's eyes gleamed with insanity. "You're special, Elena. You're meant for greatness. We will bring the dragon lord back, and you'll be the instrument of his rebirth!"

Roshan stepped forward, his voice calm and steady. "Elena, he doesn't care about you. You're just a means to an end for him and the cult."

Elena turned to Roshan, her eyes wide with realization. "Is that true? Everything he said... is it true?"

Roshan nodded. "Yes. But you can choose a different path."

Fiske laughed maniacally. "Different path? There's no escaping destiny, Elena. You belong to us."

Elena's eyes hardened as she reached into her cloak and pulled out a small vial of poison she had intended to use against Roshan. She held it up for Fiske to see. "It's over, Nolan. I'm done being your pawn."

With a decisive motion, she smashed the vial against the ground, the contents sizzling as they evaporated into the air.

Fiske's laughter died in his throat, replaced by a look of pure rage. "You ungrateful wretch! You'll regret this!"

Elena turned away from him, her gaze meeting Roshan's. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude and the beginning of something deeper. "For showing me the truth."

Roshan smiled gently, his eyes warm and reassuring. "You're welcome, Elena. You're stronger than you know."

As they stepped back through the portal, leaving Fiske's maniacal ranting behind, Elena's heart was filled with a mix of resolve and burgeoning affection for Roshan. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but she no longer felt alone. With Roshan by her side, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Back in the academy courtyard, Elena and Roshan walked side by side in silence. The morning sun cast a golden glow over the campus, but Elena's mind was far from the tranquil surroundings.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" Elena finally asked, her voice breaking the silence.

"I needed you to see the truth for yourself," Roshan replied. "I didn't want you to think I was manipulating you."

Elena nodded, understanding his reasoning. "You were right. Seeing my uncle like that... it opened my eyes."

Roshan glanced at her, his expression serious. "Elena, joining me won't be easy. The cult will come after us. They'll do everything in their power to stop us."

"I know," Elena said, determination steeling her voice. "But I'm tired of living in fear. I want to fight back."

Roshan stopped walking and turned to face her. "Are you sure? Once you choose this path, there's no turning back."

Elena met his gaze, her eyes filled with resolve. "I'm sure. I want to help you stop them. For my parents, and for myself."

Roshan nodded, respect shining in his eyes. "Then let's get started. We need to find out more about the High Priestess and her plans."

"How do we do that?" Elena asked, her curiosity piqued.

"We start by gathering information," Roshan said. "Fiske wasn't the only high-ranking member of the cult. There are others who might know more."

Elena's mind raced with possibilities. "There's a secret gathering tonight in the old chapel. Only high-ranking members are allowed."

"Perfect," Roshan said. "We'll infiltrate the meeting and see what we can find out."

Elena's heart pounded with a mix of fear and excitement. She was about to betray the cult that had been her life for so long. 


Night fell, and the academy's old chapel loomed in the darkness. Elena and Roshan approached the building, their steps silent on the stone path.

"Are you ready?" Roshan whispered, his eyes scanning the surroundings.

Elena nodded, her nerves taut but her resolve unshaken. "Let's do this."

Roshan placed his hand on his chest and muttered a few words. His form shimmered, morphing into the familiar figure of Nolan Fiske.

Elena's breath caught in her throat. "You look just like him."

"Good," Roshan said, his voice perfectly mimicking Fiske's. "Now, let's go."

They slipped into the shadows, making their way to a side entrance. Elena whispered a few words, and the lock clicked open. They stepped inside, the air heavy with the scent of incense and old stone.

Voices echoed from the main hall, where the cult members had gathered. Roshan and Elena crept closer, hiding behind a pillar as they listened to the conversation.

"The High Priestess has received a vision," a voice said, reverence lacing the words. "Ghelgath's rebirth is near."

"We must prepare," another voice added. "The chosen vessel must be ready."

Elena's heart pounded in her chest. They were talking about her.

"How do we ensure the vessel's loyalty?" a third voice asked, doubt creeping into the tone.

"The High Priestess has a plan," the first voice replied. "She will reveal it when the time is right."

Roshan, still disguised as Fiske, whispered to Elena, "Stay behind me. Let me handle this."

Elena nodded, her nerves on edge.

Roshan stepped out from behind the pillar, his presence commanding attention. "What is this I hear about ensuring loyalty?" he demanded in Fiske's authoritative voice. He proceeded to view the faces of the members but discovered that most of them had their faces masked with a sort of magic tool. The only people whose faces weren't masked were the people referred to as Elders. He already knew their names from Fiske's memories

The cult members turned, surprise flashing across their faces. "Nolan," one of the elders said. "We were just discussing the preparations for Ghelgath's rebirth."

Roshan, as Fiske, glared at them. "And you question Elena's loyalty? Have you forgotten who she is?"

Elena stepped forward, her heart racing. "Uncle, I have questions."

The cult members exchanged uneasy glances. "Questions?" one of them echoed.

"Yes," Elena said, her voice steady despite her fear. "How can we be sure that Ghelgath's rebirth is truly near? What if this vision is a test, or worse, a deception?"

Murmurs rippled through the crowd, doubt flickering in their eyes.

The High Priestess stepped forward, her expression cold and calculating. "Elena, your loyalty is wavering. You must remember your place."

"I remember my place," Elena said, her voice growing stronger. "But I also remember the sacrifices we were all forced to make. We deserve to know the truth."

The crowd began to shift uneasily, the seeds of doubt taking root.

"Silence!" the High Priestess commanded, her voice echoing through the hall. "We will not be swayed by the fears of one misguided soul. Ghelgath will rise, and we will be ready."

Elena's heart sank, but she held her ground. "I won't let you use me," she said, her voice trembling with resolve. "I won't be a pawn in your game."

The High Priestess's eyes flashed with anger. "You will do as you are told, or you will suffer the consequences."

Roshan, still disguised as Fiske, stepped forward, grabbing Elena's arm roughly. "Enough!" he barked, glaring at

her. "You have brought shame upon us."

Before anyone could react, Roshan muttered a quick incantation, and he and Elena disappeared in a flash of light, reappearing in a safe corner of the academy grounds.

Elena stumbled, catching her breath. "What now?"

Roshan shifted back to his true form, his eyes serious. "Now we find out what Plan B is. The High Priestess won't stop, and we need to be ready."

Elena nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "Let's do it. Together."

Roshan smiled, a warm, reassuring smile. "Together."

As they walked away, Elena felt a newfound strength in her heart. She wasn't alone anymore. With Roshan by her side, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and to uncover the truth about the cult's plans. The battle was far from over, but they were ready to fight back, together.


 The high priestess walked in an empty room that reeked of dust and gave off an archaic feeling. She muttered a few words and someone appeared before her. Upon sighting the person, she knelt with her face toward the floor as she said. " My Lord, The vessel has proven herself unworthy," She said.

"Hmm, I see." The mysterious man spoke in an otherworldly voice. "Move on to plan B, with the new vessel, I shall aid you with some of my armies." The man said

" New vessel?" The high priestess questioned, still facing the floor. 

" Yes, He shall appear to you now. " The man said as he disappeared. 

Suddenly, a boy looking to be in his late teens appeared before the high Priestess as he also spoke in an otherworldly voice. "I am ready"