Annie says "Oh I know which is which. Edens on the left and Ember is on the right. But if I tell you the answer, you must promise to never speak of this to anyone." Jack says, "Deal." Annie takes a moment and then say's "It started when I met your father, In 1975. I was 18 and your father was 25. We met at a party that was business people like him. My father happend to be the catering for the venue while my mother stayed at home. You see my parents weren't rich like your father's family and owned a small bakery business. I was wearing a yellow dress and your father was wearing a grey suit"
"I thought Dad didn't like Grey."
"He doesn't."
"Then why wear it?"
"Cause your grandfather thought it would look good on your father. Little does he still know he hates Grey. Anyways back to the story."
Set in the 1970s Annie's pov:
"Whats wrong? Your usually happy" My father said looking at me.
"Oh Dad. I just graduated from high school and I can't see any of my friends. And I just broke up with my ex boyfriend." I say looking at him.
"Well take this as a learning experience. You'll make new friends and maybe find yourself another man."
"Yeah right. Who am I gonna find at this hour?"
"I don't know. But their are a lot men here. Maybe you'll find a man who treats you right."
"Oh Dad, not this again."
"No I'm serious! How about you go dance and I watch the stand."
I hesitate but then I said "Yes." My father says "Okay, have a fantastic time!" I walk away and go to the floor to dance. I'm dancing minding my own business until I back up and bump into someone. I turn around and I had bumped into his drink and it spilled on his suit. I was shocked but wided eyed cause he looked like one of those important business men. I wanted to beg on my knees he'd forgive me but my legs were shaking and all I could say was "Sorry! I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to spill on your suit!"
He smiled and said "That's quite alright. I never really liked this suit anyway. Just between you and me I never really liked Grey." I smiled and said "Neither do I."
"Say what's your name?"
"Annie. My name is Annie. Annie Jones. And you?"
"Arthur. Arthur Winters. I must say Annie your quite a beautiful girl."
"Why thank you."
"How old are you?"
"I'm 18. Just graduated from high school. And you?"
"25. Who are your parents here?"
"My mother is Sandy and my father is Jackson."
"Never heard of them."
"That's because they own a small bakery."
"Oh. Interesting. Say how about a dance?"
"A dance with me?"
"Surely you can spear time and have a dance with me now right? Surely your father won't mind."
"I'm sure not."
"So how bout it?"
"Why not."
So Arthur and I danced. I felt so happy I didn't want it to stop but sadly Arthur had to go; he was getting tried and didn't want to be sleepy on the road while driving. Which I get so I wrote a piece of paper with my houses phone number and said "Here's my phone number in case you want to call me or meet up with me." He looked at the paper and looked back at me with a smile. He then said "I will certainly do that."
Eventually Arthur and I went on dates. Weather it was a fancy dinner or the movies or anywhere really he would always treat me right. But one day in particular we went to the park to walk and he got down on one knee and said "Will you marry me?" I nod and said "Yes! A thousand times yes!" He gets up and puts the ring on my finger. He then says "If we marry you must promise me one thing." I say "Anything."
"Leave your family and never speak to them again."
I hesitated and thought about it. I should've said no but I loved him to much I couldn't let go. So I said "alright." He said "Good. I never really liked your family anyway. Plus it well look good for the business if you stop seeing them."
"Glad we had this talk. I'm so happy I get to marry you."
On my wedding day I should've felt happy to marry the love of my life but all I felt was sadness that my father couldn't be their. Or any of my family really. But of course I just smiled and said yes to the question of whether or not I wanted to marry Arthur. Eventually years later I got pregnant and Arthur was passed down the business after his dad retired. Arthur was so happy he assumed it would be a boy. But when I asked him "what if it was a girl?" His answer was "it will be a boy. No matter how long it takes I will have a son and heir to the business name."
Eventually I had went in to labor and had twin girls. Arthur was so mad he wanted to kill my babies. So when we got home and Arthur was busy I told the maid I was giving the twins for adoption. I had named the twins Eden and Ember. I wanted them in separate families. I had filed the paper work for both girls and already both of them were going into different homes.
Set back in 1995
Jack says, "It makes sense to split them up but why do they get a normal life and I don't?" Annie replies, "Cause I thought your father would be happy if he finally got a boy."
"Happy? I get treated so bad by Dad and I'm not aloud to have any friends but the ones he wants me to have."
"I know. But know that you know the truth you must go with either Eden or Ember family and never come back."
Eden says "about that. Embers family died. So the orphanage is looking for Ember cause she ran away." Annie replies "fine then I'll call Edens adopted parents and they'll take care of you or I'll find someone else. No hurry out and never come back before he sees or hears about this."
Just then the door opens and everybody looks to see it's Arthur and his got George and Faith by pointing a gun at them and Arthur says "You're not going anywhere."