vol.1 chapter 5

 Just then the door opens, and everybody looks to see it's Arthur and he's got George and Faith by pointing a gun at them and Arthur says, "You're not going anywhere." Eden says "Mom! Dad!" Annie says "Arthur what the hell are you going to do to us? And how much did you hear?" Arthur replies "What do you think I'm going to do? I have a gun. I can shoot you at any moment same with everyone else. And I heard everything. Just when my life was perfect and I thought those stupid girls where dead, you had to ruin it by giving them up for adoption." Annie replies, "Those girls are our children!" Arthur points the gun at Annie and says, "No girl is a child of mine! I wanted boys! Not girls! Now do everybody a favor and shut up!"

  Arthur pauses and then says "Everybody out. I want everyone downstairs, under the staircase and facing me. Out! Now!" Everyone listened except for Jack. Jack had other plans. So, everyone headed out and Jack made sure to escape quietly. Everyone went to the closest staircase, whereas Jack went to the other side of the hall upstairs and somewhere there was a secret staircase. The secret staircase led to the kitchen and outside. 

  Jack heads to the kitchen and grabs a lighter. He then goes outside to the shed and grabs some gasoline. He goes back up the secret staircase and goes back up. Meanwhile Arthur is talking and yapping until Ember asked, "Where's Jack?" Just then Jack is upstairs between both staircases and says, "Eat this you shit head!" And just then pours all the gasoline and while he lights the lighter, George charges Arthur and has fight and just then the lighter falls on the ground and fire spreads. 

Soon the fire spreads faster then ever before and things start to fall apart. Eventually Annie passes out due to lack of oxygen. The room was filled with smoke. Making it hard to breath. Mean while Eden and Ember find Jack trapped between wood up stairs. They try their best to left it and get Jack and head down stairs.

Faith carries Annie and shouts for all three kids. And all three hear and go to Faith and all of them head outside of the house and go to one of the cars. George is still fighting Arthur but grabs the gun and shots Arthur's eye and stomach and runs to the front door and heads out. He runs until he finds Faith and the kids. By now all of them are either hurt or covered in smoke.

George sees a telephone pull across the street. He grabs a quarter from his pocket and goes to telephone pull and dials 911. George tells them what happend and the 911 dispatch sent an ambulance, police, and firefighters. By the time they got to the side walk, ambulance had taken Annie to the hospital. Firefighters were working hard to put out the fire. Fire fighters tried to find Arthur but saw a trail of blood headed to the back door and the back door open.

Once the fire fighters put out the fire they walk to George, his wife, and the kids. One of the fire men says "I'm here to say that he made it out. But got away." Ember says "What now? I mean he got away but what about us? What do we do?" George replies "Well you mother is in the hospital so in the mean time we can take care of you and if needed adopt you and Jack." Ember replies "That makes. It's what she wanted in the first place."

George says, "Have any of you kids ate today?" Jack shock his head and said "Not much. Just ate lunch. And snacked here and their. I could eat. And I need new shoes cause they got burned in the fire." George replies "I have some old shoes I was gonna get ride of. Their Really old converse. Shoes I wore in highschool basketball old. Their 7.5 shoes. If you have the same size I could get you them?" Jack nods and says "That would be lovely. Plus im a 7.5 anyway." Geogre says "That settles that. Now what about you too girls." Ember said "We only ate breakfast."

George then says "why don't we go to the hotel we booked? I imagin you kids are exhausted so why don't Faith take the blue mustane and you kids ride with me. In the black mustan." They go to the hotel room and try to decide on food. The eventually decided on Pizza Hut. George calls the pizza hut and picks up the food. They eat while watching TV.

Jack says, "what movie is this?" Ember says "heathers. It's Edens and I faviorte movie. How come you never see this movie? Seems like all you watched was Mash."

"That's because that's all I could watch. I couldn't have friends, couldn't talk to my mother's family. I couldnt do anything without my dads permision."

"Did you ever break that permission?"

"Yes. I tried the first time but he warned me their would be congruence for my actions. The second time was when i let you two in the house. But I'm glad I did cause now I have someone else to hopefully call family."

"Well will be here for you no matter what."

George says, "And we will hopefully try to give you much fun as possible." Jack says, "that would be lovely." The rest of the movie the watched in slience. After that they all got ready for bed. Jack decided to sleep with his sisters and George sleep with Faith.

The next day the family decided to go the hospital where Annie had been staying. Jack says, "Hello mother. How are you this morning?" Annie replies "I'm honestly not well. But I have something I want to descious with you."

"Okay. What is it?"

"I can't take care of you anymore which is why I'm giving you up for an adoption."