Chapter One

The sunbeams through an opening in the curtains. Ava stirs in the now-half-empty bed, she reaches for warmth but is hit by the cool feeling of sheets on her soft, tender skin. No one being there sends her into a halfway panic mode. That is until she hears the shower head-on. Pulling the sheets off of her she follows the path of light to a black door, which she assumes leads to the bathroom due to the loud shower noise. Everything seems noisier with her hangover.

Mr. Smith is in the shower, even though the shower is cold he still can't keep his hands from wrapping around his hard cock. He figured the shower would help, but instead, he ended up with his hand gripping his overly eager cock. Every thought he thinks about Goldie is just making his hands do double time. The pounding in his head makes his heart seem like it's going a million miles an hour. No girl has ever had this effect on him. When being tangled in the sheets with her last night, he lost one thing he was trained not to do.

He lost control, she made him feel strong but yet powerless with her touch. Her eyes were so tender and the sounds she made a play in his mind like a symphony.

Ava walks in and looks into the mirror, her mascara is all over her lids and her lip gloss is all over her chin. She runs her fingers through her hair trying to fix an unforgiving disaster. She looks at the love bites, a trail that goes from her neck to her cleavage.

"Mmmm." She startles from the sound of his growls and moans, a sound she is all too familiar with. He doesn't know her name, so making the caveman grunt is the only way he can call for her. She wipes off her makeup using a makeup wipe from her purse, which is now sitting on the bathroom sink.

She then walks over to the frosted glass shower. She can see his tempting silhouette, she reaches for the door and slides it open and shut in a haste. She bites her bottom lip at the sight of him. Her eyes are drawn to him like a magnet.

Before they can even muster up any form of communication, she jumps on him. They kiss frantically. Her bottom hits the cold white and black tiles. He holds her while following the trail of love bites he made the night before. Her nipples harden, she gasps when he takes one between his teeth teasing and sucking on it in an antagonizing matter. His lips capture hers again, he pulls away just to look at her.

She is the definition of desire and wants, he has never wanted or felt this way about anyone. Especially a woman he has just met. Something just clicks in his mind. She is meant for me. Before they can catch their breath, he plunges into her slick folds. He holds her as he pounds into her, the friction causing her to dig her nails into his back yet again. Her nails making another trail down his back, as he claims her as his. She tightens around him and he hisses, his eyes roll back at this sensation.

"Jesus you feel so dam(n)...tight." He grunts, causing her to kiss his sharp jawline that is now covered in a five o'clock shadow. It tickles her lips as she continues. Her moans get more frequent when the tension inside her builds up. He can feel the walls of her vagina, he wants to move faster, he is overwhelmingly on edge. The glorious torture sends him into a nerve-crushing orgasm, both of them scream as they both combust. Her walls clench him, so tightly, that he grabs onto her hair and pulls at the amazing sensation that is going through him, like waves. Each wave hits him so hard, causing him to be at a loss of breath.

Her muscles grow weak and she clings to him, even after they both orgasm, he stays in her. He turns the cold water off and replaces it with hot. Steam fills the shower, and she looks at him with her big doe-like eyes, his eyes soften at her glance.

"We should wash up, I have to be at work soon." His smile falls into a frown, he is practically brooding over the fact, he can't continue this all day. She looks at his adorable pout and smiles to herself. She then runs her perfectly manicured fingertips across his muscular chest. She breathes in his scent for a second, closing her eyes contemplating whether or not she should stay. But then she realizes she is here for a fresh start, not for a hot new man in her life. The ones good in bed, are never good for the heart. This is not something she wants to start up. Men always seem to let her down.

Seth notices the change in her and just holds her close to him. She melts in his arms, why does she feel so much comfort from this mystery man? He quickly washes her up as she gets engulfed by his scent, cedarwood, and mint leaf. A scent that makes her heart pound in her chest. It's been years since her divorce, marrying a man you met in grade school was what a lot of people in her hometown did. She swore she loved him, but she hardly knew him. The relationship was forced, she then moved around for his career a lot.

She now works for a company that is countrywide and travel expenses were covered.

She could fly out and save the day and then be home alone. He was never home and when she was home. She had to tend to his wounds. She never questioned it, the reason why is because when she did she would wake up with bruises the next day.

After giving him six years of her life she left him, filed for divorce, and to keep his mouth shut, and got the houses, which got sold eventually. She put the money in the bank and now lives in a five-bedroom apartment with her teacup Pomeranian who is snow white with black paws, he resembles a polar bear, so much she gave him the name Bear. He is the only man, she can depend on.

Ava is lost, when she divorced her husband, she lost her friends and family. Her father still calls every once in a while and she currently pays for her grandma's medical bills and lifestyle.

The shower turns off startling her, he gets out and wraps her up in a white fuzzy towel.

She runs to her purse and grabs out a clean pair of underwear. Her gym shorts are in there as well. He throws a Gucci t-shirt at her and she slides it on. It drapes over her and fits her figure like a baggie dress.

He writes his number on the back of a crossword puzzle, from a book on his table.

"Call me." It is the only thing he says, she leaves but not without a kiss. He hands her, the heals and dress from last night.

That's when the panic sets in, she is going to be late for work she has an important client she has to prepare for.