Chapter Two

Today, Ava is going to set up her office. She then has a meeting with one of her cases. The cab driver drives her home and she pays and makes sure to give him a nice tip.

Running to her door she can hear her puppy Bear barking up a storm, ready to greet her. Her legs feel like jelly due to a man's dick, that filled her so well.

She opens the door ready to play with the happy little pup.

"How's my baby Bear? Momma missed you so so much!" Ava scoops him up into her arms holding him close to her for a second. Then she looks over at the boxes and panics internally.

"Bear if only you could unload boxes." Bear barks, his little tail is wagging away happily.

"Too bad," she says setting him down. He stumbles a little trying to stay on his paws. The wood floors make it to the point where he just slides around. She laughs at how cute he is and scoots him to the carpet.


She almost forgot about that, she dials for her assistant, named Becky. She is an excellent employee and has helped Ava for years now. When she moved to the city, she got promoted. They are good friends now, well as good as Ava will let her. The walls she put up are rock solid. She tries her best not to shatter or fall apart like glass.

"Hello? What would you like for breakfast Ava?" Ava smiles to herself and quickly decides what she needs. Her assistant will get anything, no questions asked. She has never asked for personal items. Well, that is, until now.

"I would like an iced green tea with honey, some granola, and a morning-after pill." She blushes at this request.

"Yes, ma'am. Anything else?" Ava is still blushing in embarrassment. She just did a walk, cab ride, and phone call of shame. This is why you can not take a nice man to bed! Especially if they rock your world without giving you their real name. She scolds herself while picking out her outfit. Her clothes were the first items to be flown in.

"No, that will be all. Also, thank you so much for everything!" She smiles kindly picking the right dress. For some reason, she is in a mood to wear a dress, she waxed her legs and she needs to show them off while she can.

"Oh, and ma'am I forgot to tell you before you went to the party last night that you don't have to be at work until noon. The head of the company building didn't want a bunch of hungover members today cluttering the building." Ava sighs, it is only 9 a.m and she rushed away from a dreamy guy for this.

"Okay, see you at noon." Becky hangs up and Ava decides to do yoga. Procrastination is key when having to unpack. Most of the stuff she hasn't unpacked our dishes. Gets her ex-husbands family bought.

They honestly, were nice people. Except for the fact that they were very violent. They greeted each other and interacted with each other using their fists. His mom was the worst with the poking of whoever she was speaking to. Ava at one point was a little bloated from being on her period and his mom dared to point out she looked like she was expecting. She poked the crap out of her stomach claiming she was super excited for grandchildren. Honestly, Ava loved him so much she wanted him to father their kids. She knew they would be adorable.

Ava turns on her flat-screen after changing into her yoga outfit. All black and all dangerous. The outfit is fierce and it shows off her gorgeous curves. That is one thing Ava worked on well, her body. She figured a better figure might spice up her sex life with her husband. But, nope he never paid attention.

Doing whatever poses don't hurt her, she spends twenty minutes doing that. Without changing, she decides to take Bear for a walk.

Bear is not very fond of the outdoors, but he does love a good treadmill. But as soon as Ava pulls out the little track shorts she bought him. He barks to life, so excited about these little basketball shorts.

She puts them on him and then puts on her black running shoes. Ava then grabs her purse and keys and cool water from the fridge. She grabs her yeti cup and her metal straw.

She straps on his harness and dog leash. It's black and it slims down bears white fur.

"Let's go, my baby boy," Ava says in y voice.

"Bark bark bark bark bark." He yelps in excitement.

"Momma loves you so so much so when your little paws get tired, I will put you in my purse. Ava doesn't like to go on runs or work without this pup.

Everyone at her office loves him, and when dealing with hard matters he is there for clients. He even has a harness that carries a small package of tissues. Ava owns her practice tries to sell or fix people's behavior for the press. It keeps her business good. She cleans up messes for them if Shawn Mendes was hooking up with someone and she pays off most of the press to just keep it quiet, and then, he asks for consulting. She has made celebrities scarce too, do you all remember Lil Tay. Yeah her mom paid millions to get rid of her daughter's rep. Now you don't hear about her anymore and if you do it is extremely rare.

Living in California she worked for celebs and had fun doing it. It was just hard being in a place she didn't feel accepted. You want a place to feel like home, not hell. Right?

The walk goes well Bear does his business and Ava picks it up.

Ava wonders what kind of things she is going to have to deal with. Businessmen hate to fuck up, so for the past two weeks, her future workload is booked er. One guy offered a million if she could do it asap and she had to turn him down. You can't bribe a girl who is already more loaded than most of her millionaire clients. They know she can turn them down in a heartbeat and they would eat out of her dog bowl at work just for her help.

Bear is already tired, so Ava picks him up and places him in her purse.

"Let's go home and get ready." She pops off the cap to her water bottle and pours some for Bear to drink. They head home and get ready.

Does she then wonder if she is ready for work? She still can't stop thinking of the mystery man. Everything just felt so freaking right, complete almost.

"Bear, why do guys with washboard abs affect me so much?" The dog just barks and she sighs.

"Yeah mama's stupid, isn't she? Maybe I can settle for a loyal man with a dad's body. A guy who thinks working is a thing of the 80s." Ava laughs to herself.

"Let's go Bear." He walks up behind her ready to go.