Chapter Twenty

"Sam?" Her eyes go wide like saucers. Ava's heart starts thumping erotically and her throat feels like it is about to close up. She is in shock. Sam Willis is towering over her, his dark brown eyes boring into her soul.

Ava slams the door, making sure to lock it. She slides to the floor and grabs onto her knees. Seth sees this and runs to her side. Tears silently fall her face as hair sticks to her cheeks. As soon as Seth sits next to Ava her arms latch around him.

"Ava, I know you are in there!" Sam starts to pound.

"I just want to talk." He yells through the door and these five words make Ava laugh.

"You are too late for that, buster. I divorced your cheating ass for so many reasons. How's Martha?" Ava asks sarcastically, she clenches her fists, her nails digging into her palms creating, crescent shapes on her palms.

"We are getting married, we would like for you to come. Well, this might give you a chance to make up for your family. Our split broke their hearts." Ava shoots up in anger. She unlocks the door and pulls the door open.

"You listen here, asshole I am not going to your dumb ass wedding the first one sucked. Not only did the marriage suck, but you are awful in bed. We were together for eight years, damn what a waste. What's to say you won't cheat on my cousin? She actually might cheat on you. Maybe I will come, thanks to her I got one hell of a divorce settlement. Seth, what do you get for a happy couple, that set you free and gave you a better life?" 

Seth looks at her in shock, he has never seen her this upset. Sam is just ogling her, he looks at her like he owns her. This man broke her heart, cheated on her, and had his days. Days where he would come home, jealousy shining in his eyes. He tended to never really use his hands to hurt her. He found objects and would throw them at her, or use them as weapons if he was drunk enough. The few times he used his fists on her, were on nights, he would come home late from a bar. She would be worried all night, then he would come home after hooking up with a regular. That is why he got his procedure, so he could go in and not have to, later on, suffer the consequences. He likes raw sex but does it with a wife who wants kids. Would be a big no, he couldn't risk getting her pregnant. He didn't even want her, so why would he want a kid with her?

He didn't start that until she told year two of their marriage. Their passion wasn't there. Sex was like a chore for them, he was the only one who enjoyed it. Even though she wasn't on birth control and he would insist on using a condom. He wasn't ready, he even continued to do that charade, until the very end of their sex life. They made themselves busy with other important tasks. Instead of fixing what they had. Which wasn't much.

Seth just slams the door in his smug face.

"The best gift you could get them is by showing up. We can go and mend some relationships. I could even meet your dad. Under weird circumstances, but nonetheless. It could be fun, with the right company. Or we could avoid it all and just stay in bed." He explains holding Ava close.

"I like door number two, my bed is way better with you in it. We can meet my dad for brunch, in a few weeks, if you want to meet him. He didn't raise me. My grandma did, she is the one you can go to, for dirt. I was disowned from willows industries, when, I divorced that dead weight of an excuse of an ex-husband. He doesn't want anything to do with me unless it is a business deal and I don't want him trying to take your checkbook. When he found out about my makings here he tried to schedule a business meeting with me. So, I could invest and make my family name even bigger. He is kind of insane when it comes to the business world." She explains almost in one breath. Her head begins to spin. Everything that has gone on the last few weeks has finally caught up with her. Something in the back of her mind begins to scare her. She pushes that thought away and just cries.

Seth leans down and picks her up into his large arms. She clings onto him, in an instant and buries her face into his neck. This man is too good for her, she needs to get rid of him before he gets rid of her. But his arms feel so safe, they feel like home. Like Ava was meant for their warmth and comfort.

A large crash happens right outside Ava's door.

Becky is wiping her hands off her jeans. Her ex is nowhere in sight, but then they all hear a groan, very loudly in pain.

"He looked at me funny, that will teach him from trying to grab me like that." Ava's jaw drops open in shock as Becky says this. The elevator doors open and he is bleeding. His eyes look as vicious as the time he hit Ava the first time, he is standing as if Becky was a bull Wrangler and all he could see was red.

He charges but then, Seth steps in his path. At least half a foot taller than Sam. His eyes were normally full of kindness. Show no mercy for Sam. Sam right hooks Seth in the jaw. Ava begins to dial 911, there is no stopping Sam. She can't defend, Seth she could barely defend herself. She begins to cry, she believes it is her fault as she dials.

"Hello, yeah." She explains everything that went on embarrassed that this ever happened. Why couldn't he just have left her be? She ran from him, her old life. Just to have to face it head-on. Ava fears this will cause Seth to want to go. He already has enough on his plate. She just makes life worse for him. He could have any girl, but he picks the girl with the most baggage.

After getting lost in her thoughts, security comes up, then the cops.

"I am so sorry Ava, I do not know how he got through." Doug the security guard says.

"Take him away, please. Just take him away." Ava says as coldly as she can a single tear escapes her right eye, and she wipes it away before someone notices.

"You all are going to have to give us a report. You Mr. Have the right to remain silent anything you say or do may be used against you in a court of law." These words seem to trigger him, he spits in the cop's face.

"Fuck off, that's my wife." He says looking straight at Ava. She is shaking her head in disappointment.

"Ex-wife." She explains as the cop tightens the restraints. He winces in pain as one cop stays behind.

"Now, what happened here?" He asks calmly.