Chapter 59: Changes in Aridowei City

Chapter 59: Changes in Aridowei City

Gu Xi then adjusted his clothes, took out the Staff of Destruction, and held it like a ceremonial staff as he walked slowly towards his territory.

While walking, Gu Xi put a piece of jerky into his mouth. If the other party made any move, the jerky would turn into a corpse explosion bomb and be thrown at that person's face.

Whether it could kill or not, it would at least create a sound to attract the nearby guards.

Fortunately, this oddly dressed fellow did not intend to attack Gu Xi.

He glanced at Gu Xi and, upon confirming that Gu Xi was the owner of this land, smiled at him.

It was only then that Gu Xi clearly saw the man's face. He was quite handsome, with a brown beard covering half of his face, and his eyes appeared normal, unlike the twisted mages Gu Xi had killed before.

But for some reason, when the man smiled, Gu Xi felt like he was being watched by a powerful beast.

However, Gu Xi was not one to back down. Facing such pressure, he instead took a step forward, curled his lips, and showed a disdainful smile.

The action clearly mocked the person in front of him.

The man was not angry and simply watched as Gu Xi entered the ruins before slowly leaving.

After the man left for a while, Shaya, who had disappeared, sneaked into the ruins.

At this moment, Gu Xi was sitting in front of the unfinished gate, seriously drinking a cup of hot water.

"How was it?"

"I found that guy's hideout and gathered some information. The person who appeared at our door today is known as the White Demon King. They belong to a semi-official magic organization in Victoria City, which has its own academy and administrative system.

The White Demon King is the strongest in this organization. It's said he has even slaughtered a dragon."

"Wait, you said this is a semi-official magic organization in Victoria City. Doesn't the British Emperor care?"

Gu Xi interrupted Shaya.

"How could he? The founder of this organization, Merlin, was King Arthur's advisor and mentor. When James I exiled Mirror City, he did so with the help of these mages in the name of the state.

Do you think anyone would dare to go against them under such circumstances?

Believe it or not, every high-ranking noble family in Victoria has one or two powerful mages."

"It seems this place was originally a secret node set up by those mages. Unfortunately for them, it's ours now."

Gu Xi said carelessly. As long as he waited here for a day, once his small building was finished, he could quit this game.

Who knows when he would be back next time.

What if he offended a few magic organizations?

Even if he offended the British royal family, Gu Xi wouldn't back down.

Shaya didn't know Gu Xi's thoughts, but she herself was fearless. Now that she was an undead, she didn't take the magic organization seriously either.

Hearing Gu Xi say this, she didn't pay any more attention to the White Demon King and his people.

At this moment, Gu Xi said to Shaya, "You came back just in time. I'm going to Aridowei for a bit. Guard this place and don't let anyone approach."


Shaya knew Gu Xi had a city of his own, but he had never taken her to the undead city.

Now hearing this, Shaya solemnly said, "Don't worry, sir. As long as I'm here, there won't be any problems."

Gu Xi nodded and disappeared into thin air.

In the next moment, Gu Xi was in front of the council hall in Aridowei.

"Sir, why are you here?"

"Just checking things out. Also, take this and find time to build this library."

While speaking, Gu Xi handed over the [Library Design Blueprint] and ten fairy tale books.

Luna quickly flipped through the [Library Design Blueprint] after taking it.

"Sir, this is a great item."

At this moment, Gu Xi was observing the changes in Aridowei. Although he had been away for only a few days, Aridowei City had completely changed.

Useless buildings and ruins had been demolished, and various pieces of furniture had been transported away.

Moreover, materials and corpses brought in from the ruins had been sorted and categorized.

Currently, there was no warehouse, so most of the stones and timber were stacked in the open space outside the council hall.

Even so, these materials were neatly arranged, indicating Luna's obsessive tendencies in some aspects.

The corpses brought back were all sent to the evil chapel for final cleaning.

After cleaning, the corpses would be selected.

Those that were relatively intact would be preserved and deployed on the battlefield when needed, whether for corpse explosions, bone shields, or summoning spells, all requiring a large number of corpses.

Without other sources of corpses, these battlefield-deployed corpses were like ammunition.

Although somewhat wasteful, it was necessary.

As for those less complete, they were buried in the cemetery behind the evil chapel, where they would be reconstructed to increase the skeleton production rate in the next few weeks.

After a short tour of Aridowei, Gu Xi saw the newly built tavern and owl house.

The tavern was converted from an original three-story building, with the first-floor walls removed so one could easily see inside from the outside.

A wooden sign hung above the tavern door, depicting a mug of ale and a small dagger.

Having learned some common knowledge from Shaya, Gu Xi instantly realized that the tavern, besides serving drinks and meals, also functioned as a thieves' guild.

[Building Name: Tavern

Level: Level 1 (Upgradeable)


The tavern can provide five servings of regular food daily.

The tavern can boost the morale of the garrison.

Depending on the number and level of taverns, it can also provide relevant enemy intelligence.]

Looking at the tavern's attributes, Gu Xi had a puzzled expression.

A tavern could boost the morale of the garrison, which was good, but did the undead need morale?

The tavern could provide enemy intelligence.

But were there any enemies near Aridowei?

Luna used up a core building spot just to provide five servings of food daily. It seemed somewhat wasteful.

Knowing this, he would have strongly insisted on building the warehouse first, even if it meant going hungry.