Chapter 60: Tavern Functions

Chapter 60: Tavern Functions

Although somewhat reluctant, Gu Xi understood that Luna wanted him to build the tavern for his own benefit.

He didn't want to let Luna down. Standing in front of the tavern for a moment, Gu Xi then entered the tavern holding the Staff of Shattering.

At this time, the staircase from the first floor to the second floor of the tavern was piled with various debris. This showed that the tavern's level had not been upgraded, and the upper floors were not yet completed.

In the lobby on the first floor of the tavern, there were a total of seven round tables, all of which were filled with corpses.

These corpses were covered in cobwebs and dust. No one knew how long they had been sitting there.

It seemed the tavern hadn't handled much else, but the terrifying atmosphere was spot on.

When Gu Xi entered, a skeleton in a red dress walked out from behind.

"Customer, what would you like to eat?"

"Any recommendations?"

Gu Xi sat down opposite a corpse and cleaned the dusty plate in front of him.

"Currently, we only offer roasted owl."

Gu Xi was stunned. So the 50 units of meat provided weekly by the Owl Tower referred to owls.

This thing should be edible... right?

Gu Xi thought uncertainly.

At the same time, he gestured for the skeleton in the red dress to serve the food.

As the skeleton left, two more skeletons in red dresses emerged nearby. Their rib cages were exposed as they surrounded Gu Xi and asked in low voices.

"Customer, do you need any other services?"

Gu Xi glared at the two skeletons, "I want a big bone soup. Can one of you lend me a leg bone?"

The two skeletons, embarrassed, quickly left.

After they left, Gu Xi pressed his head in frustration. Were these skeletons brainless?

Did they not see what they looked like? Who would be interested in a bunch of bones?

"Sorry, those two were not well-trained. Please bear with us. Oh, it's the Lord of the City. Why didn't you say so earlier?"

As Gu Xi was rolling his eyes, another skeleton in a red dress came out from behind. Her dress was tightly wrapped around her, and her footsteps were light and graceful, giving Gu Xi the impression that skeletons could be beautiful.

Before the skeleton could approach, Luna appeared in front of Gu Xi, blocking her.

"Luna, what's going on?"

"She appeared with the core building. This is a tavern maid. Originally, I thought a bartender and thief would appear, but it turned out to be something like this."

Gu Xi understood immediately. The difference between core buildings and large buildings was here.

Core buildings not only had functional aspects but also assigned corresponding personnel for management and operation.

If Luna had built a warehouse, a warehouse manager would have appeared.

Knowing this was his subordinate, Gu Xi casually checked her attributes.

Compared to Luna, a contract spirit, her attributes were fewer, but more than those of skeleton soldiers. As Luna said, she represented the core building's characteristics.

[Tavern Owner: Tavern Maid (Level 1)

Characteristic Influence:

Owner: The main person in charge of the tavern, responsible for its operation. As the tavern level increases, new positions, dishes, and services can be added.

Brewer: Responsible for making drinks for all residents and soldiers in the city. Currently available drinks: one type (1/5).

Thief Leader: Trains thieves and spies. Currently has 3 subordinates (3/5). Each additional subordinate increases the information they can gather by one item.]

[Note: The tavern maid's level corresponds to the tavern level. She has no combat ability but won't be attacked inside the tavern.]

"Continue with the roasted owl, and give me a glass of your drink and some local information."

After reading the tavern maid's information, Gu Xi knew how to deal with her.

The tavern maid gave Gu Xi a flirtatious look and left.

Soon, the items Gu Xi requested were brought up.

The roasted owl was the first to arrive. It looked like a small roasted chicken without any side dishes, only golden-brown roasted owl meat.

[Roasted Owl (White, Food): Roasted owl. Due to either the chef's skills or the ingredients, the taste is just passable. Eating it increases intelligence by 1 point for 2 hours.]

The drink was something like beer. Gu Xi could see that it had a slightly green color with white foam.

[Green Ghost (White, Beer): A green wheat beer of unknown origin. It tastes bitter but is drinkable. Drinking it increases morale by 1 point and restores 50% mana.]

With each item in hand, Gu Xi's eyes flashed with the attributes of the food and drink.

Gu Xi accepted that the drink could restore mana, but he was surprised that roasted owl could increase intelligence, even temporarily.

For a mage, intelligence was the most important attribute.

It seemed the owls in Aridowei City were in danger.

As Gu Xi ate and drank, the tavern maid returned with a parchment. Seeing Gu Xi's hands were full, she spread it out in front of him.

Gu Xi glanced at the parchment and saw it was a detailed map of Aridowei City and its surrounding areas.

He recognized it because he had seen a similar map in the council hall.

But this map was more detailed.

Especially the next target area Gu Xi and Luna discussed.

[Wharf District, covering 0.4 square kilometers, population 1722 (Ghost Shadows). After occupying, gain 3 wharves (medium buildings, need activation), 1 large plot, 2 medium plots, 2 small plots, 2 quasi-core plots (for building wharf warehouses and markets only).]

[Border Tower (Garrison Troops' HP +20), Wharf District Defense, Garrison: Ghost Shadow (Level 2) 210, Ghost Shadow (Level 3) 70, Ghost Shadow Leader (Level 4) 1 (Defense, HP 670), Ghost Shadow Leader (Level 5) 1 (Mage, has Fireball spell).]

[After taking the Border Tower, gain 1 large plot (with attribute bonuses for building barracks).]

"This is very detailed."

Looking at the information, Gu Xi couldn't help but sigh.

"Of course, my trained girls are all capable."

"Can you lure these Ghost Shadows out?"

Gu Xi asked suddenly.

The tavern maid shook her head, "Sir, I am a thief and spy, not a diplomat. This isn't something we can do."

"Alright, then gather more details about them. I need to know their defense layout."

"This can be done, but it will take a few days. I have a little sister in training. Once she's trained, she can be assigned to gather information."