Chapter 62: Establishing Anchor Point, Opening the Channel

Chapter 62: Establishing Anchor Point, Opening the Channel

After inspecting the new changes in Aridowei City, Gu Xi wandered around a few more times to confirm the next building targets before leaving Aridowei City.

This time, his exit was not as abrupt as last time when he was thrown into the Isis River.

This time, he entered Aridowei City through a regular route and exited from where he entered, appearing again at the ruins.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Shaya standing calmly beside him.

The ruins had changed. The three-story building's exterior was complete, and some goblins were working on the finishing touches.

Seeing Gu Xi disappear and reappear, the goblins paid no attention.

To them, Gu Xi just sneaked out and back in, a common occurrence among noble families.

However, Gu Xi was intrigued by the goblins' activities.

He noticed these small goblins always brought out items to speed up construction.

These items varied in size and function; some Gu Xi understood, others he did not.

The only certainty was that anything related to technology had a steampunk style.

The goblins used a black powder as fuel. At first, Gu Xi thought it was coal, but it felt like seeing a corpse.

This was the instinct of a necromancer, sensing residual resentment in the black powder.

This wasn't the resentment of miners who died extracting coal; it contained something else.

Gu Xi did not want to delve deeper into Victoria City's affairs just yet.

Only after his strength increased would he consider these matters.

He avoided seeking invisibility cloaks or testing his luck, preferring to watch from the ruins.

Unbeknownst to Gu Xi, staying put saved him from much trouble.

Under Gu Xi's supervision, the goblins worked quickly. Any issues were addressed immediately, speeding up construction.

By dusk, the building was fully constructed.

The backyard steam engine was ignited, and goblins poured a large bag of black powder into it.

A foreman-like goblin approached Gu Xi with a contract.

"Sir, the building is complete. You can inspect it now. Once we leave, we won't be responsible for any issues."

"Sure, wait here. I'll take a look around."

As Gu Xi spoke, Shaya went to inspect the building.

As a thief, Shaya had her methods for inspecting buildings, quickly identifying any problems.

With Shaya handling the inspection, Gu Xi checked the front gate, backyard pond, and steam engine room.

These magical components needed Gu Xi's personal attention to transfer control.

Especially the gate and steam engine room, critical for security and energy.

The gate's lion head ornaments were magical items, requiring a simple transfer of magical authority.

The backyard steam engine room was more complex, needing goblins to teach Gu Xi how to use it.

"This is coal slag. A small handful provides a day's steam supply, powering hot water, lights, and room energy.

For special needs, add an extra handful, but never exceed two at once, or problems arise.

Coal slag is expensive, costing one pound per handful. This bag contains thirty handfuls, a month's supply, a gift from our patron.

Future coal slag will be charged. Without it, steam devices won't function, and we won't be responsible.

Remember to store unused coal slag in water, never under direct sunlight, which affects its effectiveness."

Gu Xi glanced at the gray sky, wondering about sunlight.

Shaking his head, he picked up some coal slag, triggering a message in his mind.

[?? Coal Slag (Gray): Popular fuel in Victoria City. No one cares about its origin, just its utility.]


"Don't ask us. We don't know its origin. You can purchase from us, with discounts for bulk orders."

Gu Xi returned the coal slag, clapping his hands.

"Got it. Maybe next time."

As he spoke, Shaya appeared, nodding to Gu Xi.

"Everything's fine. You can sign the contract."

"Good, no issues. Sign here."

The goblins swiftly prepared the contract, pointing out details.

"If no problems, sign here."

Professional as they were, Gu Xi quickly signed, confirming the building's completion.

The goblins packed up and left swiftly.

After they left, Shaya quietly said, "Sir, the security here is poor. Should I make adjustments?"

"Yes, I'll have Luna join you to enhance the security."

As Gu Xi spoke, he opened the city gate. Luna and skeleton soldiers quickly filled the courtyard.

"Luna, you're just in time. The building is ours. Place the hearthstone by the fireplace.

Once the anchor point is set, I'll leave to handle some matters, and you and Shaya can secure the building."

"Don't worry, I'll handle it." Luna nodded, taking the hearthstone inside.

Gu Xi and Shaya walked around, considering additions to the courtyard.

Suddenly, a notification sounded.

[Ding! Hearthstone successfully placed. You can now freely enter and exit Aridowei City and Victoria City through the fireplace at Northumberland Avenue No. 12 in Victoria City.]

[As Aridowei City is an exclusive death city, player 629SHD2S0FXC30 has established a world entry channel. Conducting anchor point review.]

[Player anchor point requirements (complete any one): Own independent residence or building in-game (completed), Own in-game identity or status (not completed), Remembered by many NPCs (not completed)...]

[Player anchor point established, player channel established. Player 629SHD2S0FXC30 can freely enter and exit game world 629SHD2S0FXC30 without a dedicated game login device.]

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