Chapter 63: Conflict Upon Return

Chapter 63: Conflict Upon Return

Qingfeng Domain, Lieyang Star, Bailian City.

In the White Calamity Trial Hall of the Academy of Wind and Bone, a silver-white skeleton suspended in mid-air emitted a mechanical electronic voice.

"Graduation trial, job assignment, player 629SHD2S0FXC30 has exited from the game world numbered 629SHD2S0FXC30. Please be aware and prepare to receive."

"Repeating, graduation trial, job assignment, player 629SHD2S0FXC30..."

As the silver-white skeleton repeatedly announced, a man standing at the door of the White Calamity Trial Hall slowly stood up.

He was tall and thin, wearing a fitted and proper Zhongshan suit. Once he stood up, he immediately straightened his posture, walked briskly to a green pool in the middle of the White Calamity Trial Hall.

At this moment, a hand reached out from the pool, and then Gu Xi, covered in green liquid, climbed out of the pool.

Standing by the pool, frantically wiping off the green liquid, Gu Xi kept complaining.

"There was no feeling when entering, but coming out is so sticky. Why can't there be a better way to log in?"

The tall and thin man watched Gu Xi without urging him.

Only after Gu Xi had cleaned off the green liquid did he step forward.

"Player 629SHD2S0FXC30, Gu Xi? Have you successfully qualified as a necromancer?"

"Qualified successfully. And you are?"

"Li Xinghui from the Radiant Dawn Guild, a level 5 necromancer. Our guild has acquired your draft rights, and you will serve the Radiant Dawn for three years. We have priority renewal rights and external trade rights.

Of course, we will provide you with comprehensive support. We can guarantee that within three years, you'll reach the level of a level 5 necromancer."

With that, Li Xinghui extended a hand. "From now on, we will be comrades in battle."

Gu Xi had heard about the selection and signing process after trials, but he didn't expect his fate to be decided so quickly.

Still somewhat dazed, Gu Xi extended his hand and shook hands with Li Xinghui.

"Alright, let's go get your graduation trial reward. Although the academy's rewards aren't much, it's still something."

At this moment, Gu Xi finally reacted.


Li Xinghui looked at Gu Xi in confusion. "What's wrong?"

"Wasn't there supposed to be a grand award ceremony and graduation ceremony after the trial? How can it be just taking the reward and leaving?"

"Award ceremony? Don't you know your own level?"

At this moment, a necromancer in a black robe emerged from the other end of the White Calamity Trial Hall. His face was half skeletal, surrounded by thick ghost fire and yin energy.

As soon as he walked out, he began reprimanding Gu Xi in a superior tone.

"It's just a job trial, it should take no more than three days. How long did you take? You stayed here for a full forty-six days. Do you think everyone is as useless as you?

The graduation ceremony ended a month ago. Do you think all your classmates would wait for you to graduate before holding the ceremony? As for the award, with the time you took, it's definitely the worst category.

You should leave quickly. At least the Radiant Dawn Guild is willing to wait for you. If you delay any longer, no guild will want you."

Gu Xi turned to look at Li Xinghui.

Li Xinghui awkwardly explained, "Our guild is ranked lower, and obtaining draft rights is difficult. Every comrade is indispensable. Rest assured, we are a professional necromancer guild.

Whether it's necromancers or death knights, we have specialized training programs. Even if you have little potential, we can still get you to level 5."

Gu Xi understood the situation, "Wait, aren't you going to look at my performance before deciding I'm no good?"

"What's there to see? Just the fact that you took forty-six days disqualifies you. With that time, your score won't be high."

"I encountered some things in the game, which delayed my time. But it was worth it. I got a good starting skill."

Gu Xi was also a bit angry. What was all his effort for if they judged him solely on his time?

"A good starting skill? How good can it be? Let me tell you, among our graduates this time, one necromancer got the Soul Hunter skill. As an academy student, you should know the significance of the Soul Hunter skill.

Think carefully. Can you really compare to the Soul Hunter skill?

Can you?"

[Soul Hunter: During battle, whenever an enemy unit is completely wiped out, a group of ghosts is automatically summoned at the location to assist the hero in battle. The number of summoned ghosts equals the hero's level, limited by the number of original troops.]

The Soul Hunter skill is quite powerful in campaigns. Although it only activates when an enemy squad is completely wiped out, the effect is excellent. It allows replenishing ghost troops in battle without using any summoning spells.

With this skill, the necromancer's role in major campaigns becomes significant.

At higher levels, they can even become a reinforcement point for the army.

However, the necromancer did not expect Gu Xi to confidently say.

"I can."

"What did you say?"

The necromancer looked at Gu Xi, puzzled.

"I said I can compare to the Soul Hunter skill."

Gu Xi stated firmly.

The necromancer laughed, "Are you joking? Get out, or I'll withhold your graduation reward, or even your diploma."

As the necromancer spoke, he noticed a city gate's phantom appearing behind Gu Xi.

As a necromancer, he naturally understood what this city gate represented.

"De...Death City?"

"Yes, Death City. You said I took forty-six days to complete a series of tasks and obtained the Death City skill. Was that a wrong choice?"

"No, not at all."

All necromancers know that encountering one of the three necromancer god skills means you must seize it. Even if it takes a year, Gu Xi's choice was profitable.

If other teachers or the headmaster of the Academy of Wind and Bone heard about Gu Xi's experience, they would praise his choice and award him first place among graduates.

However, the current situation was somewhat awkward.

The necromancer looked at Gu Xi with difficulty and decisively said.