competition (1)

In a small abandoned hut.

that's why they were discovered. "Sona explained her conversation with the two shadows to Dimitri and others. She was brushing her hair carefully as she explained without raising her head away from the mirror that was sitting on the table in front of her."

Everyone nodded.

"When do they agree to come out?" Dimitri asked.

"In nine months' time," Sona replied, not raising her head away from the mirror. "But Snow, Mother said she's coming tomorrow." She gave Snow a smile and continued brushing her hair.

"What?" Snow almost fainted and her heart started beating faster. "Dear sister, you stopped her, right?" she blinked several times.

"What? My aim for visiting her is to communicate with those fellows, not to stop Mother from coming to meet us." Sona blinked innocently. "Look, You didn't ask me to do that assuming you've asked me to help you if Mom said she would come I would have helped you but alas it's late..too.. late." She shook her head in regret and continued brushing her hair with a pity expression on her face.

"Sona!" Snow almost blew a vein. "What do you mean I should have asked for your help can't you help without me asking?". She shouted

"A beautiful name for the most beautiful lady on earth, that's me," Sona replied arrogantly. "And yes.. as my sister, you have to beg not ask for my help, a little praise for my beauty will be enough". She replied proudly.

S-o-n-a-M-y!!. "Snow shouted in anger".

Yes, A beautiful name for the most beautiful lady on earth, that's me. "Sona repeated and smiled beautifully"

"Do you have to fall for her trick, Snow? She's merely teasing you," Sonia said.

"Who asked you to interfere? You've spoiled the fun now," Sona pouted and cast an annoyed look at Sonia.

Snow sighed in relief, but she was angered because Sona had scared her and she even fell for it, how embarrassing. "I swear I will take my revenge" she thought to herself and said. "As expected, Sonia is better than Sona. No wonder why mother named you Sona; your head is full of nothing but your non-existing beauty," she mocked Sona.

"Repeat yourself!" Sona was completely enraged, her smile disappear and stood up immediately. "How dare you say I am not beautiful! You are looking for death." Blue-green coloured wings appeared behind Sona. Clearly, she was angered by Snow comment.

Snow laughed. "Sorry, Sis, when I say you are not beautiful, then accept it. Maybe you are even better when you dye your hair black," she said. Immediately after her words, she was nowhere to be found; she had completely disappeared.

"SNOOOOW!!!!!" Sona's angered voice sounded throughout several thousand meters away. Even though Sona knew that Snow was just looking for trouble and taking her revenge, she couldn't help but take her words seriously and feel her throat burning. Because of the pressure in her voice, the whole hut caught fire.

Everyone rushed out, and Dave sighed. "Lady, are you planning to burn us alive?"

"Humph," Sona's wings disappeared, and she left.

"Snow surely knows how to anger this girl," Dimitri shook his head and sighed. "Let's go back first," he said and led the way.

The next day...

Covered face Snow, dressed in a neat outfit. Her beautiful hands were hidden inside gloves, and she went to the Star Soul gaming club.

Upon her arrival, she was welcomed by Boss Red. "Lady Phoenix," he greeted.

Snow nodded and glanced at the five men behind Boss Red, dressed in logoed shirts, undoubtedly their group sign.

"Lady Phoenix, I asked someone to make yours, but I'm not really sure if it will match your body. Check if it needs any corrections," Boss Red said, handing Snow a shirt.

Snow's shirt was slightly different, perhaps because she was a lady. It was a red T-shirt, with "Star Soul Leaders" printed on the back, and barely visible, "Phoenix" below the first words.

Snow took the shirt, knowing at a glance that it would be too tight on her but could be adjusted. She changed into it and returned well-dressed moments later.

The shirt was very fitting and perfect, even allowing the men to imagine the beauty behind the mask.

Looking at Snow, a young, handsome man with rough, spiky hair nicknamed Black Dot grumbled. "I just hope we don't return with our tails between our legs later," Black Dot remarked, casting another glance at Snow before entering the prepared van.

"Lady Phoenix, that's Black Dot, the son of owner of this gaming club. Don't mind his words; he is actually a good person and cares most about the company's image," Boss Red explained, hoping Snow wouldn't be annoyed and quit.

"It's fine," Snow replied, entering the van with a rare smile on her lips.

The other four men also boarded the van, and once everyone was inside, the driver started it up.

During the journey, Boss Red explained the gaming rules and how the competition would unfold to Snow so she wouldn't lack any information about the game.

Listening attentively, Snow only smiled. "How many people are we battling with?" she asked.

"It depends on our gaming ability and qualifications. There are a total of four rounds. If we lose by the second round, we'll be disqualified for the rest of the game. The first round is just a warm-up, so it doesn't matter whether we win or lose," Boss Red explained.

"I see," Snow commented, feeling it was her first time participating in a game, though she could guess how it might unfold. "Where will the competition take place? What will it look like?" she inquired.

"Um..." Boss Red coughed lightly. "The place is *** and it will be a bit rowdy."

Snow remained expressionless and didn't respond.

"Do you not like crowded places, Lady Phoenix?" Boss Red asked, growing nervous.

"Why are you trying to please this inexperienced lady? We will lose, that's for sure. Stop talking and be quiet already," Black Dot interjected, clearly frustrated with the decision to have a lady as their leader.

Snow looked at Black Dot, smiling faintly, and then turned to Boss Red. "Though I don't like crowded places, I can still manage. No need to be nervous; I can guarantee our success today," she paused. "I think our success rate is 99%."

Everyone looked at Snow and wondered where her confidence came from.

Seeing the doubt on everyone's faces, Snow said, "There's no need to doubt me now, nor is there a need to believe me now. Let's see what lies ahead first."

Everyone, apart from Black Dot, nodded in agreement.

Snow glanced at Black Dot, understanding his guardedness was due to the fear of embarrassment should they fail. She shook her head lightly and looked out the van window as they continued their journey.

Not very long, they reached their destination; the outside hall was filled with people, and they had no choice but to enter the hall through the back door. They arrived at the registration place and signed their names, with Snow as the leader.

Snow could hear people screaming and shouting from a distance; she knew that the shouts belonged to the crazy fans.

A young man, holding a paper and pen, arrived to welcome them. "You are here," the man said, and his gaze landed on Snow. "She?" There was a shocked expression on his face. "When did Star Soul Gaming Club start accepting females?" he wondered.

As if reading his mind, Boss Red said, "No need to be surprised; we only have one lady in our whole company." Boss Red commented in annoyance.

The young man was clearly still shocked. "Let me lead you to your room post," he said and cast another glance at Snow before leading them.