I Hate Paperwork

As I sat down, I looked at a piece of paper. You might be wondering what it was. It was paperwork to enroll SCP-239 into a normal school. The girl needed friends, and this was a back-and-forth battle between me and the O5 Council. We had filled out a lot of contact information and many forms. Now, why would an SCP go to school? Simple—she was still a little girl who needed friends her age. Yes, SCP-053 existed, but she was more of a younger sister to SCP-239. Right now, I was looking at one section: "Guardian and Emergency Contacts."

"Shit," I muttered to myself. "Whose names should I put here?"

Cain decided to answer me. "Why not Dr. Clef? Oh, wait, never mind. How about Dr. Bright? No, wait, never mind."

Iris decided to give me her idea. "Why not put your name, Able?"

I considered it for a moment. "Able, the immortal SCP warrior, as a school guardian. That sounds like a recipe for disaster," I said, half-joking.

Cain smirked. "You're already taking care of her. Why not make it official?"

I sighed. "Fine. Able it is." I wrote my name down, feeling the weight of the responsibility settle on my shoulders.

Later that day, as I walked down the hallways of the facility, I bumped into Dr. Bright.

"Hey, Able," he greeted. "How's the paperwork coming along?"

I groaned. "I hate paperwork. I've had to fill out so many forms just to get SCP-239 enrolled in a normal school."

Dr. Bright raised an eyebrow. "You're really going through with that, huh?"

"Yeah," I replied. "She needs friends, and I think it will be good for her."

Dr. Bright nodded thoughtfully. "Well, good luck with that. If you need any help, you know where to find me."

Back in my room, I reviewed the paperwork again. The thought of SCP-239 going to a normal school was both exciting and nerve-wracking. But I knew it was the right thing to do. She deserved a chance at a normal life, even if it was just a small part of her day.

As I was deep in thought, SCP-239 walked in. "Big brother Able, what are you doing?" she asked, peeking over my shoulder.

"Just some paperwork, little one," I replied, smiling at her. "Getting you ready for school."

Her eyes lit up. "School? With other kids?"

I nodded. "Yes, with other kids. You'll make lots of friends, I'm sure of it."

She hugged me tightly. "Thank you, big brother Able."

I hugged her back, feeling a sense of determination. No matter what challenges lay ahead, I was going to make sure SCP-239 had a chance at a normal childhood.

The next day, SCP-239's school uniform arrived. When I saw it, I nearly had a heart attack. The uniform was basically the same one a young Tohsaka Rin from Fate wore, which raised more questions than I was prepared to answer. As the other members of Pandora's Box talked about how cute SCP-239 looked in it, I was sweating bullets at the thought of this world being part of the Nasuverse.

"So, are we in trouble?" Able said in my head. "Because you're nervous and since I'm connected to you, I can feel it."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. "I'm just overthinking things," I thought back. "It's just a coincidence... I hope."

SCP-239 twirled around in her new uniform, beaming with excitement. "Do I look okay, big brother Able?"

"You look great," I said, forcing a smile. "Just remember to be yourself and have fun at school."

Cain, who was observing from the corner, smirked. "Looks like you've got a little magical girl on your hands, Able."

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Just make sure she stays safe, okay?"

Later, I found myself in a meeting with Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef, discussing SCP-239's enrollment.

"I still can't believe we're doing this," Dr. Clef said, shaking his head. "But if anyone can pull it off, it's you, Able."

Dr. Bright nodded in agreement. "Just make sure she doesn't use her powers at school. We don't need another incident."

I sighed. "I know, I know. She's been practicing control, and I'll be monitoring her closely."

As SCP-239's first day of school approached, the members of Pandora's Box gathered to see her off. SCP-953 adjusted SCP-239's bow, while Iris took a few photos for her scrapbook.

"You'll do great," Iris said, giving SCP-239 a hug.

SCP-239 smiled. "Thank you, Iris! I'll make lots of friends!"

Even SCP-682, in his own gruff way, offered a nod of approval. "Just remember, little one, if anyone bothers you, you know what to do."

I shot him a warning look. "No violence, 682."

As SCP-239 left for school, the room felt strangely quiet. I couldn't help but worry about her. She was powerful, but she was still just a child.

Able's voice echoed in my mind. "She'll be fine. You've trained her well. And remember, we're not alone in this."

I nodded to myself. "You're right. We have a strong team."


Back at the Chaos Insurgency, Agent Sunday, with his golden eyes and silver hair, removed his headset. "Interesting," he mused. "They've managed to get SCP-239 into a school. It seems the Foundation is getting creative."

One of his subordinates approached. "What's our next move, sir?"

Sunday smiled, a cold glint in his eyes. "We'll let them play their game for now. But soon, we'll make our move. And when we do, they'll never see it coming."

As the day ended and SCP-239 returned from her first day of school, she was bursting with stories about her new friends and teachers. Seeing her so happy made all the stress worth it.

"How was your day?" I asked, kneeling down to her level.

"It was amazing!" she exclaimed. "I made so many friends, and the teachers were really nice."

"That's great to hear," I said, ruffling her hair. "Remember, if you need anything, we're all here for you."

"Oh, I made a friend!" SCP-239 said, looking at me with bright eyes. "His name is Shiro Emiya. He is my age. He says he wants to be a hero of justice."

At that moment, both my and Able's souls practically left our bodies. The implications of that name hit us like a freight train. Shiro Emiya? I quickly explained everything about the Nasuverse to Able—the concept of Heroic Spirits, Holy Grail Wars, and the sheer danger that could lurk around such individuals. We hid our alarm as I congratulated SCP-239 on her new friend.

"That's wonderful, 239," I said, keeping my tone light. "It's great to have friends your own age."

"But we need to be careful," Able thought to me. "If this really is Shiro Emiya, we could be dealing with a lot more than we anticipated."

I nodded internally. "We'll keep a close eye on things."

That night, I found myself restless, unable to shake the feeling of foreboding. Able's voice echoed my concerns. "Do you think this could be connected to the Chaos Insurgency?"

"Anything's possible," I thought back. "We need to gather more information."

The next day, I visited Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef to discuss the new development.

"Shiro Emiya, huh?" Dr. Clef mused, stroking his chin. "That's quite a coincidence."

"More than a coincidence," I said. "We need to be prepared for anything."

Dr. Bright nodded. "Agreed. We'll increase surveillance around the school and monitor any unusual activity."

Meanwhile, SCP-239 was enjoying her time at school, blissfully unaware of the potential dangers. She spent her days laughing and playing with her new friend, while I watched from a distance, always on alert.

One afternoon, as SCP-239 and Shiro were playing, I noticed a faint glow around Shiro. It was subtle, but unmistakable. "Able, do you see that?"

"Yeah," he replied. "That's definitely not normal."

We decided to approach them casually. "Hey, 239! How's it going?"

She ran up to me, smiling. "Hi, big brother! We're having so much fun!"

I turned to Shiro, who looked at me curiously. "Hello, Shiro. How are you?"

"Hi, mister," he said politely. "I'm good, thank you."

As we walked away, Able's voice was tense. "We need to find out more about this kid."

I agreed. "Let's start with some background checks."

Over the next few days, we gathered information on Shiro. He was an ordinary kid on paper, but there were too many coincidences. Able and I decided to confront him subtly.

One day, while SCP-239 was busy with her friends, I approached Shiro. "Hey, Shiro. Can we talk for a moment?"

He looked at me with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Sure, mister. What is it?"

"Do you know anything about magic?" I asked, watching his reaction carefully.

His eyes widened slightly, but he kept his composure. "Magic? Not really. Why?"

I smiled. "Just curious. It's always good to know if there's anything unusual around."

As I walked away, I could feel Able's concern. "He's hiding something."

"I know," I thought back. "But we need more proof."

That evening, as we reviewed the day's events, we received an alert. There was unusual activity near the school. Able and I rushed to the scene, ready for anything.

When we arrived, we saw a figure cloaked in darkness, emitting a powerful aura. "Looks like we have company," Able thought.

As the figure approached, I prepared myself for a fight. "Who are you?"

The figure stepped into the light, revealing a sinister smile. "My name is Kotomine. I've been waiting for this moment."

Able and I exchanged a glance. "This just got a lot more complicated."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stone, also for people wondering why this Ch is shorter then normal I relished a glitch happened and I fixed so yeah that is why