Confronting Kirei

Kirei Kotomine looked at me with a cold, calculating gaze. "I see you're Able, another one of the Foundation's assets."

I was shocked. He looked exactly like Kirei Kotomine from the Nasuverse, and if he was here, it meant the Church might know about the Foundation. This opened up a whole new set of questions and potential threats.

I narrowed my eyes and opened a portal, summoning one of my swords. Kirei's eyes widened slightly, a clear indication that the events of Fate/Zero had indeed occurred in this world. "What do you want with the boy and SCP-239?" I demanded.

Kirei smiled faintly. "The boy has potential, and as for SCP-239, her power is of great interest to us. We believe she could play a crucial role in our future plans."

"Over my dead body," I growled, raising my sword.

Kirei chuckled. "If you insist." With a swift motion, he drew several Black Keys, the signature weapons of an Executor of the Church.

Our fight began with a clash of steel and magic. Kirei moved with inhuman speed, his attacks precise and deadly. I countered with my own abilities, summoning more swords through my portals to block and strike.

As we fought, I could feel Able's power surging within me, guiding my movements and amplifying my strength. "We can't let him take them," Able's voice echoed in my mind.

"I know," I thought back, focusing on the battle.

Kirei's smile never faltered as he pushed me back, his attacks relentless. "You are strong, Able, but you cannot win. The Church's reach is long, and our goals are absolute."

I gritted my teeth, refusing to back down. "This isn't just about strength," I said, parrying another strike. "It's about protecting those who can't protect themselves."

With a final burst of energy, I knocked Kirei back, creating some distance between us. He landed gracefully, his expression unchanged. "Impressive," he said. "But this is far from over."

Before I could respond, he threw a smoke bomb, enveloping the area in thick, black smoke. By the time it cleared, Kirei was gone.

Back at the Foundation, I regrouped with Dr. Bright, Dr. Clef, and the rest of Pandora's Box. "Kirei Kotomine," I said, pacing the room. "He's working with the Church, and they know about SCP-239."

Dr. Clef frowned. "This complicates things. If the Church is involved, we could be looking at a much bigger threat."

Dr. Bright nodded. "We'll need to increase our security and gather more intelligence on their plans."

As the days passed, we kept a close watch on SCP-239 and Shiro. I also trained harder, preparing for the inevitable confrontation with Kirei and the Church. Despite the tension, SCP-239 seemed blissfully unaware of the danger, enjoying her time at school and with her new friend.

One evening, as I was going over some reports, Cain approached me. "You did well, brother," he said. "But we must remain vigilant."

"I know," I replied. "We can't let our guard down, not for a moment."

Cain placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "We'll get through this. Together."

As we continued to monitor the situation, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning. The Church, the Chaos Insurgency, and now the Nasuverse—our world was becoming increasingly complex and dangerous. But with Pandora's Box by my side, I knew we could face whatever came our way.

### Chapter 21: Unveiling the Church's Role

I looked around at all the doctors in the room. "So, um," I began, trying to keep my frustration in check. "When the hell was I going to learn that the Church was a group like the Foundation?"

Dr. Bright sighed and rubbed his temples. "Able, the Church has always been a complicated matter. They've been around for as long as we have, maybe longer. Their goals sometimes align with ours, but their methods... well, let's just say they have their own way of dealing with anomalies."

I leaned back in my chair, processing this information. "So, they're like the Church in a few video games and strory I hurd? Executors, Holy Grail, all that?"

Dr. Clef nodded. "Pretty much. They have their own set of protocols and a particular interest in anything they consider 'unholy.' That includes powerful anomalies like SCP-239."

"Great," I muttered. "Just what we needed. Another group of zealots with their own agenda."

Dr. Bright leaned forward. "This could be an opportunity, though. If we understand their motivations and their methods, we can predict their moves and counter them effectively."

Over the next few days, we gathered as much information as we could about the Church and their activities. Dr. Clef and Dr. Bright were invaluable, providing insights and strategies for dealing with them.

Meanwhile, I continued training with Cain, SCP-682, and the rest of Pandora's Box. We couldn't afford to be unprepared, especially with the Church and the Chaos Insurgency both making moves.

One evening, after a particularly grueling training session, I sat down with SCP-239. "How are you holding up?" I asked.

She smiled brightly. "I'm okay, big brother. Shiro and I had a lot of fun at school today. We learned about heroes and how they save people."

I forced a smile, trying to hide my worry. "That's great. Just remember to be careful, okay?"

The next day, during a debriefing session, Dr. Bright brought up a potential lead. "We've intercepted some communications from the Church. It seems they're planning something big, and it involves SCP-239."

"What do we know?" I asked, my interest piqued.

"They're looking to use her powers for a ritual," Dr. Bright explained. "Something that could potentially bring about a massive shift in power. We need to stop them."

With this new information, we devised a plan to intercept the Church and protect SCP-239. It wouldn't be easy, but with Pandora's Box and the resources of the Foundation, we had a fighting chance.

As we prepared for the mission, I couldn't help but think about the Fifth Holy Grail War and the role I would have to play. The stakes were higher than ever, and failure was not an option.

As I finally found the file I was looking for, I felt a shiver run down my spine. The label read SCP-546729462: The Holy Grail. Even though the Nasuverse doesn't exist in this world, and all the characters are real, the Foundation has been keeping track of all the Holy Grail Wars and everything in them. As I read through the file, nothing was new—everything here was exactly the same as in the Nasuverse.

"Kinda makes sense," I muttered, looking at the files. "It's literally the same one from Fate. What do you think, Able?"

Able's voice echoed in my mind, a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "It's uncanny. It's as if the events you know from your world have bled into this reality. We need to be cautious."

I continued reading, my eyes scanning the detailed reports on each Grail War, the Masters, the Servants, and the outcomes. The familiarity was eerie, yet it gave us an advantage. I knew the patterns, the key players, and the potential outcomes.

The next day, I brought the file to the attention of Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef. "We need to prepare for the Fifth Holy Grail War," I told them. "This file confirms that it's happening, and we have a chance to intervene."

Dr. Bright leaned back in his chair, a thoughtful expression on his face. "If everything is as you say, then this war will involve incredibly powerful entities. We need to be ready for anything."

Dr. Clef nodded in agreement. "We should start by gathering intelligence on the current Masters and Servants. If we can identify them early, we can plan our moves accordingly."

Over the next few weeks, we focused on gathering information and preparing our team. Pandora's Box continued their rigorous training, each member honing their skills to be ready for the coming conflict. SCP-239 was given additional security measures, and we kept a close eye on her interactions with Shiro Emiya.

One evening, after a particularly intense training session, I sat with Cain in the rec room. "Do you think we're ready for this?" I asked him.

Cain shrugged, his eyes never leaving the spellbook in his hands. "We have to be. The stakes are too high, and we can't afford to fail."

As the days passed, we started to see signs of the Church's involvement. Kirei Kotomine had been making moves, and it was clear that the Fifth Holy Grail War was approaching. We intercepted communications, tracked movements, and slowly pieced together the puzzle.

Finally, the day arrived. The Fifth Holy Grail War had begun, and we were ready.

During the first night of the War, we received a report of a significant battle taking place in the city. I led a small team, including Cain, SCP-682, and SCP-953, to the location. As we arrived, we saw the telltale signs of a Servant battle—massive destruction, mana traces in the air, and a palpable sense of danger.

In the midst of the chaos, I spotted Kirei Kotomine, his eyes glowing with malicious intent. "You again," I muttered, drawing my sword. "Let's end this."

The battle was intense. Servants clashed, their Noble Phantasms lighting up the night sky. Our team fought bravely, using everything at our disposal to counter the Church's forces. As the dust settled, it became clear that this was just the beginning.

Back at the Foundation, Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef worked tirelessly, analyzing data and planning our next moves. The Fifth Holy Grail War was underway, and we were right in the middle of it.

The next day, I was ready to pick up SCP-239 from school. I waited outside, but she didn't come out. Growing concerned, I approached Shiro.

"Have you seen SCP-239?" I asked.

"She was picked up by you," he replied, his face puzzled.

A chill ran down my spine. Something was very wrong. I jumped back, readying myself for anything. Shiro was startled, but he quickly pulled out his phone and called someone. Without wasting a moment, I opened a portal to the Pandora's Box team room, where Dr. Bright and Dr. Sophia were also present.

"Coded red," I said urgently. "Coded red, SCP-239 has been taken."

Pandemonium broke out in the room. Everyone jumped into action, ready to handle the crisis.

Meanwhile, in a car, SCP-239 looked at the man who resembled me. Confusion and fear clouded her young mind. The car stopped at a church building, and she was led inside. The place was unfamiliar and eerie, filled with religious artifacts and a cold, foreboding atmosphere.

Back at the Foundation, we were in full panic mode. Dr. Bright immediately started coordinating a search and rescue mission. Dr. Sophia was busy hacking into surveillance systems to track down the car that had taken SCP-239.

"Alright, everyone," Dr. Bright said, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We need to move fast. Pandora's Box, you're on retrieval. We need to find her before it's too late."

Cain, SCP-682, SCP-953, and I quickly geared up. We had to act swiftly if we wanted to save SCP-239.

Using the hacked surveillance footage, we traced the car to a remote church building on the outskirts of the city. We opened a portal and stepped through, arriving in the church's dimly lit interior.

The place reeked of religious fervor, and the atmosphere was thick with tension. As we moved through the corridors, we encountered resistance—armed men who were clearly part of the Church's security.

"Stay sharp," I told the team. "We need to get to SCP-239 as quickly as possible."

We fought our way through the church, taking down guards and avoiding traps. Finally, we reached a large, ornate room where SCP-239 was being held. She was surrounded by robed figures chanting ominously.

"Stop right there!" I shouted, drawing my sword.

The chanting stopped, and the figures turned to face us. One of them stepped forward—it was the man who had taken SCP-239, the one who looked like me.

"Welcome, Able," he said with a sinister smile. "We've been expecting you."

A fierce battle erupted. Cain and SCP-682 took on the robed figures while SCP-953 and I focused on the doppelgänger. He was strong, but we were stronger. With a well-coordinated attack, we managed to subdue him and free SCP-239.

As we made our escape, the church began to collapse around us. We barely made it out before the entire building crumbled into ruins.

As we made our way out of the collapsing building, I held SCP-239 close, ensuring she was safe. Suddenly, a figure stepped out of the shadows, watching us with keen eyes. It was Kiritsugu Emiya.

"I see," Kiritsugu said, his voice calm and detached. "I didn't need to get involved. I guess I wasn't really needed."

He turned to leave, his presence enigmatic. I was left wondering how he was still alive. As he walked away, I refocused my attention on SCP-239.

"239," I said, looking at her, but she wasn't responding. Her eyes were distant, lost in the trauma of what had happened.

I decided to use her real name to get through to her. "Sigurrós Stefánsdóttir, why did they take you? You can tell me."

She looked up at me, her eyes widening in surprise. "You... you know my name?"

I nodded. "Of course I do. You're more than just a number to us, Sigurrós. Now, please, tell me what happened."

She hesitated for a moment, then began to speak. "They wanted to use my powers... for something terrible. They kept talking about a ritual, about using me to summon something."

My grip tightened protectively around her. "You're safe now. We won't let anything like that happen to you again."

Back at the Foundation, Dr. Bright and Dr. Sophia were waiting for us. They quickly ushered us into a debriefing room, eager to hear what had transpired.

"Good job, everyone," Dr. Bright said, his relief palpable. "SCP-239 is safe, and we've learned a valuable lesson about our enemies."

Dr. Sophia nodded, her expression serious. "We need to increase our surveillance on the Church and ensure this never happens again."

I placed Sigurrós in a chair, kneeling down to her level. "You're going to be okay," I assured her. "We'll figure this out together."

Later, as Sigurrós rested, the team gathered to discuss the next steps. Dr. Bright and Dr. Sophia were adamant about implementing stricter security protocols.

"We need to be more proactive," Dr. Bright said. "We can't afford to be caught off guard again."

Cain, SCP-682, SCP-953, and I agreed. The safety of our team and the containment of the SCPs were our top priorities.

As the meeting concluded, I went to check on Sigurrós. She was asleep, clutching a small stuffed animal we had given her. Seeing her like that, so vulnerable yet so strong, reinforced my resolve.

"We'll protect you," I whispered, closing the door quietly behind me.

As I left her room, I heard Sigurrós murmuring something to herself, lost in the memories of the day's events. No one else was in the room with her, and I paused to listen.

"My father..." she whispered in her sleep. "You want me to summon someone by the name of the Scarlet King."

I felt a chill run down my spine at the mention of the Scarlet King. This was far more serious than I had initially thought.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones