Time skip

"See my name on the list?" a GOC agent said, glaring at the other guard behind the door.

"Hold on, let me make a call," the guard replied, picking up the phone. "Yeah, hello there"

Before he could finish, the door was violently broken open. The GOC agent removed his mask, revealing Able, who now looked nine years older.

"I thought I could do this the easy way," I said, looking at the stunned guard. "But I guess not."

Suddenly, Iris appeared, also nine years older, and sent her photos flying. SCP-953, SCP-049, and Cain emerged, ready for action. Iris sent out two more photos, releasing SCP-682 and SCP-239, who now looked like a seventeen-year-old girl. Finally, she pulled out one last photo, revealing our newest member: SCP-853-JP, Keteru Yamiko.

"Let's move," I commanded. "We don't have much time."

As we stormed the facility, chaos erupted. The GOC guards were no match for our combined strength and abilities. Iris's photos created portals for quick navigation, while SCP-953 shape-shifted to infiltrate security.

Cain's invulnerability and SCP-049's lethal touch made them a formidable pair. SCP-682 rampaged through the facility, unstoppable as ever. SCP-239, now fully aware of her powers, provided crucial support with her reality-bending abilities. Keteru Yamiko, with her unique skills, added an extra layer of unpredictability to our assault.

We fought our way to the central control room, where critical data about the Church and their plans for the Scarlet King was stored. As we breached the final door, alarms blared and red lights flashed, signaling the facility's imminent lockdown.

Inside the control room, I accessed the main terminal while the others held off incoming guards. The data we found confirmed our worst fears: the Church had been planning to use SCP-239 to summon the Scarlet King. Detailed records of rituals, key locations, and influential Church members filled the screens.

"We need to stop this," I said, urgency in my voice. "If they succeed, the world could end."

"Then let's not waste any more time," Cain replied, resolute.

With the data copied, we needed to make our escape. Iris opened a photo portal, but before we could step through, an elite squad of GOC agents cornered us. A fierce battle ensued, with Able and 682 taking the lead.

"Go, I'll hold them off!" I shouted, engaging the GOC squad.

One by one, the team went through the portal. Just as I was about to follow, an explosion rocked the facility, and debris fell around us. I made a desperate leap through the portal, narrowly escaping the collapsing building.

We returned to the Foundation, battered but victorious. The data we retrieved was handed over to the O5 Council, and preparations to counter the Church's plans began immediately.

"Good work, everyone," I said, addressing the team. "We have a lot more to do, but this was a crucial step."

As the team dispersed, I couldn't help but reflect on how far we had come in nine years. From a ragtag group of anomalies to a formidable unit known as Pandora's Box, we had become a family. And together, we would face whatever came next.

With the threat of the Scarlet King looming, we trained harder than ever. SCP-239 continued to hone her abilities, now fully integrated into the team. Keteru Yamiko proved to be an invaluable asset, her unique talents adding new dimensions to our operations.

We knew the road ahead would be perilous, but with the strength and unity of Pandora's Box, we were ready to face any challenge.

As the days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, one thing remained clear: we were not just fighting for our survival, but for the future of humanity itself. And no matter the odds, we would not back down.

The next day, I found myself at SCP-239's school for a parent-teacher meeting. Alongside me was Iris, who, despite now being an adult, still felt a bit weird about our guardian roles. As we waited, I noticed Shiro talking to SCP-239, with Sakura by his side. Yes, the same Sakura from Fate. One thing was clear: I hoped SCP-239 wouldn't get dragged into the Holy Grail War.

As we observed them, we were approached by Miss Taiga Fujimura, SCP-239's teacher.

"Mr. Able, Miss Iris," she called out, waving us over. "Can we talk about Sigurrós for a bit?"

We followed Miss Fujimura into a quiet corner of the schoolyard. Her expression was a mix of concern and curiosity, which made me brace myself for whatever she had to say.

"Sigurrós is an exceptional student," Miss Fujimura began, "but there are some... peculiarities."

I exchanged a glance with Iris before nodding. "We're aware. What specifically is on your mind?"

Miss Fujimura hesitated before continuing. "She seems to understand things that are far beyond her age. It's almost like she has an adult's wisdom trapped in a child's body. And then there are her interactions with Shiro and Sakura—they're... intense."

Iris nodded. "She's had a unique upbringing, to say the least. But what about her academic performance? Is she fitting in well?"

"Academically, she's outstanding," Miss Fujimura said, a bit of awe in her voice. "But socially, she tends to isolate herself. Shiro and Sakura are her only close friends."

Before we could respond, a sudden noise drew our attention. A group of students had gathered around SCP-239, Shiro, and Sakura. SCP-239 seemed to be demonstrating something, and the students were watching intently.

"What's going on over there?" I asked, a knot forming in my stomach.

Miss Fujimura sighed. "That's another thing. Sigurrós sometimes... does things. Things that defy explanation."

Iris and I exchanged a worried glance. "We need to ensure she doesn't draw too much attention," Iris said, voicing my thoughts.

Miss Fujimura looked between us, her expression softening. "I don't know what your situation is, but it's clear that Sigurrós is special. Just... be careful. The wrong kind of attention could be dangerous."

As we walked away from the meeting, I couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding. The presence of Shiro and Sakura, and the concern from Miss Fujimura, all pointed to a potential involvement in the Holy Grail War. SCP-239's abilities made her a prime target.

"We need to keep a closer watch on her," I said to Iris. "And we need to be prepared for anything."

Iris nodded, her expression serious. "I'll increase surveillance. And maybe we should consider contingency plans."

Back at the Foundation, I briefed the rest of Pandora's Box on the situation. SCP-239's unique abilities and her proximity to key figures from the Holy Grail War made her a potential focal point for future conflicts.

"We need to protect her at all costs," I said, looking around at the team. "And we need to find out what the Church and other factions are planning."

Cain nodded. "We'll be ready. Whatever comes, we'll handle it together."

As we prepared for the days ahead, one thing was clear: the world was becoming increasingly dangerous, and we would need all our strength and unity to face the challenges that lay ahead.

The next day, I headed to the training area and noticed everyone gathered around SCP-239. Their worried expressions made my heart sink.

"Um, big brother," SCP-239 said, looking at me while hiding her hand. "Did you need something?"

I approached her cautiously, hoping my fears were unfounded. Gently, I pulled her hand into view and saw it: a symbol of a witch hat—a command spell. This could only mean one thing—she had been chosen as a master by the Holy Grail. The realization hit me like a freight train, and for a moment, it felt like my soul left my body and went to meet the dragon before being pulled back by Able.

"Sigurrós," I said, my voice trembling slightly, "how long have you had this?"

She looked at me with wide, innocent eyes. "It appeared last night. I didn't know what it was, so I didn't tell anyone."

I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of thoughts swirling in my mind. "Alright, listen to me carefully. This mark means you've been chosen to participate in something very dangerous. It's called the Holy Grail War."

Iris, who had been observing quietly, stepped forward. "We need to protect her, Able. If she's a master, she'll be targeted by other masters and their servants."

Back in the briefing room, I gathered the team to discuss our next steps. "SCP-239 has been marked as a master in the Holy Grail War. This changes everything."

Cain frowned, his usual calm demeanor slipping. "We need to secure her immediately. Ensure she's never alone and keep her in a safe location within the Foundation."

Dr. Bright leaned forward, his eyes serious. "We should also consider the possibility that other masters are already aware of her. Our defenses need to be at their strongest."

Over the next few days, we increased security around SCP-239. She was never left alone, and every member of Pandora's Box took turns keeping watch. Meanwhile, I researched everything I could about the Holy Grail War, trying to prepare for what was to come.

One evening, as I was poring over ancient texts, SCP-239 came into my office. "Big brother, will I have to fight?"

I looked at her, seeing the fear in her eyes. "Not if we can help it. We'll protect you, Sigurrós. You're not alone in this."

Our first encounter with another master came sooner than expected. While on a routine patrol, Iris spotted a suspicious figure near the Foundation's perimeter. It was Kiritsugu Emiya, and he wasn't alone.

"Prepare for engagement," I ordered through the comms, alerting the rest of the team.

As we approached, Kiritsugu raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "I'm not here to fight. I want to talk."

I eyed him warily. "Talk about what?"

"I know about the girl," he said, his voice steady. "And I know you're trying to protect her. We share a common goal."

Kiritsugu explained his position. He had no interest in the Holy Grail anymore, but he wanted to ensure it didn't fall into the wrong hands. "If she's involved, she'll be in grave danger. I want to help you protect her."

After a tense discussion, we agreed to a temporary alliance. Having someone with Kiritsugu's skills on our side could be invaluable.

"We need to set up a meeting with all our allies," I said. "This war is starting, and we need to be ready."

The next day, we convened a meeting with all potential allies, including representatives from the Church and other Foundation branches. The room buzzed with tension and urgency.

"We need a comprehensive plan," I began. "Our priority is protecting SCP-239 and ensuring the Holy Grail doesn't fall into the wrong hands. We also need to identify and neutralize other threats."

With our allies on board, we began fortifying our defenses and training rigorously. SCP-239's abilities were honed under the watchful eyes of Cain and Iris. Every member of Pandora's Box was on high alert, knowing the stakes were higher than ever.

"Wait a minute," SCP-239 said, her eyes widening in recognition. "You're Shirou's father."

"That is correct," Kiritsugu replied, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Thank you for being such a good friend to my son. Anyway, has she summoned her servant already?"

I shook my head, indicating a no. "Not yet."

"I see," Kiritsugu said, his expression thoughtful. "What class do you think she will summon?"

I considered his question, looking down at SCP-239. "Given her abilities and nature, she could summon almost any class, but I have a feeling it might be a Caster. Her magical aptitude is off the charts."

Kiritsugu nodded, understanding. "A Caster could be both a blessing and a curse. They're powerful but can be difficult to control if not handled properly. We need to ensure she's prepared."

I agreed. "We'll help her through the summoning ritual and make sure she's ready to handle whatever comes through."

SCP-239 looked up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Will you be there with me?"

"Of course," I said, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "We'll all be there."


Later that evening, we gathered in a secure room within the Foundation, prepared for the summoning ritual. SCP-239 stood in the center of a magic circle, her command spell glowing faintly on her hand. Cain, Iris, and the rest of Pandora's Box were positioned around the room, ready to support her.

Kiritsugu watched from a distance, his face a mask of concentration. "Remember, focus on what you need in a servant, not just what you want."

SCP-239 nodded, taking a deep breath. She began to chant, her voice steady and clear. The air around us crackled with energy as the summoning spell took effect.

A blinding light filled the room, and when it faded, a figure stood in the center of the circle. A woman with long, flowing hair and robes adorned with mystical symbols—definitely a Caster.

The woman looked around, her eyes finally settling on SCP-239. "I am Medea, summoned under the Caster class. Are you my master?"

SCP-239 nodded, a mix of awe and determination on her face. "Yes, I am."

Medea smiled, a glint of approval in her eyes. "Very well. I will serve you and protect you with all my power."

Kiritsugu stepped forward, examining the new servant. "Medea, Caster of the Argonauts. A formidable choice. This could work to our advantage."


Over the next few days, we trained intensely. SCP-239 and Medea worked to synchronize their powers, while the rest of us strategized and prepared for the coming battles. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and tension.

One evening, as SCP-239 and I were practicing in the training room, she looked up at me, a question in her eyes. "Big brother, do you think we can win?"

I knelt down to her level, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's not just about winning, Sigurrós. It's about protecting you and ensuring the Grail doesn't fall into the wrong hands. We'll do everything in our power to make sure you're safe."

She smiled, a small but determined expression. "Thank you."

As we continued our preparations, the reality of the situation settled in. The Holy Grail War was upon us, and we had to be ready for anything. With Kiritsugu's guidance and our combined efforts, we were determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As SCP-239 recited the summoning chant, the air around us began to hum with mystical energy. Her voice echoed through the chamber with a commanding presence, each word resonating with power and purpose.

"Let silver and steel be the essence. Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation. Let the color I pay tribute to / Let my great Master be the ancestor. Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall. Let the four cardinal gates close. Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate. I hereby declare. Your body shall serve under me. My fate shall be your sword. Submit to the beckoning of the Holy Grail. If you will submit to this will and this reason… Then answer! An oath shall be sworn here! I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven. I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell! From the Seventh Heaven, attended to by three great words of power, come forth from the ring of restraints, Protector of the Holy Balance!"

The chamber filled with a blinding light, and when it dimmed, a small girl stood at the center of the summoning circle, holding a book in her hands. Her eyes sparkled with wisdom beyond her apparent age, and her presence exuded an otherworldly grace.

"I am Caster, Nursery Rhyme. Are you my master?" she asked, her voice soft yet filled with an underlying strength.

SCP-239 looked at Nursery Rhyme with a mix of surprise and wonder. "Yes, I am your master," she replied, her voice steady despite the awe in her eyes.

Caster Nursery Rhyme smiled warmly. "Then I shall serve you faithfully, my dear master."

Kiritsugu stepped forward, his expression unreadable yet contemplative. "Nursery Rhyme, Caster of the Holy Grail War. A most unexpected but intriguing choice," he remarked, his gaze shifting between SCP-239 and the newly summoned servant.

Iris and the rest of Pandora's Box looked on, amazed by the spectacle unfolding before them. Each member knew the significance of this summoning—Nursery Rhyme's ability to manifest stories and legends into reality would prove invaluable in the battles ahead.

As the excitement settled, I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. The pieces were falling into place, and with Nursery Rhyme at our side, we were more prepared than ever to face the challenges of the Holy Grail War.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones also last ch I made a mistake, by saying the 5th holy Grail war had started, which after writhing it I relished didn't makes sense so I changed the plot only to forget to edit it oops