Able Vs Berserker

As I was in Shirou's house at night, 105 stood beside me. Kiritsugu and Shirou were also present, along with Saber and Archer, prepared for protection. Rin was about to say something when the house was suddenly attacked. Thanks to the bounded field, we were safe. I went outside to see two people: a white-haired girl with red eyes and a purple outfit, and a giant man with dark gray skin, yellow eyes, and a sword. I recognized them as Illya and her servant Berserker, Hercules. Kiritsugu emerged, visibly shocked to see Illya.

Illya's eyes narrowed at Kiritsugu and Shirou. "Long time no see, Father. I'm here to kill you and brother."

As Hercules moved, I drew a sword and blocked the attack, activating SCP-106's ability. Both of us were sent to my pocket dimension.

"I'll take care of the servant," I said, looking at everyone. "You guys handle the kids."

I looked at Hercules and summoned the Gate Guardian sword. Fighting Hercules was going to be a challenge, but it was something I was ready for. "Trace on," I said, invoking my ability to copy skills and abilities. "Copy: God Hand."

Hercules, with his immense strength and nearly invincible God Hand, was a formidable opponent. I wondered how many lives a single swing would take from him. Powerful swords like Excalibur could take away multiple lives together, but the Gate Guardian sword was stronger than any other weapon.

Hercules charged at me with a roar, his sword swinging down with tremendous force. I met his attack with the Gate Guardian sword, the clash creating a shockwave that reverberated through the pocket dimension. The sheer power behind Hercules' blow made my arms tremble, but I held my ground.

With my newfound ability to copy God Hand, I could withstand his attacks better. Each strike from Hercules was a test of endurance and skill. I needed to exploit the few moments of vulnerability he had between his attacks.

I dodged his next swing and countered with a powerful slash, aiming for his chest. The Gate Guardian sword glowed with an otherworldly light as it connected, cutting through Hercules' skin. One life down.

Hercules staggered but quickly regained his footing. His eyes burned with fury as he roared again, charging at me with renewed vigor. I braced myself, knowing that each swing of his sword could be lethal.

I parried his next attack and struck again, this time aiming for his arm. The Gate Guardian sword cut deep, taking another life. Hercules roared in pain but did not falter.

"Just how many lives can you withstand, Hercules?" I muttered, focusing on my next move. I knew that I had to be relentless, exploiting every opening I could find.

As Hercules swung his sword once more, I sidestepped and unleashed a flurry of quick strikes. Each blow from the Gate Guardian sword took another life from him. The battle was intense, and I could feel the strain of maintaining my abilities.

With each successful hit, Hercules grew weaker. His once formidable strength began to wane as I continued my assault. Finally, with a powerful overhead strike, I delivered the final blow. The Gate Guardian sword cleaved through Hercules' body, taking his last life.

The pocket dimension stabilized as Hercules' form collapsed to the ground. I stood over him, panting and exhausted but victorious.

Returning to the real world, I saw the relief in the eyes of my allies. "It's done," I said, my voice steady despite the exhaustion. "Berserker is defeated."

Illya's eyes widened in shock and anger. "This isn't over," she hissed, retreating into the night. Before Illya could escape, I dashed forward, catching up to her swiftly. With a quick, precise move, I knocked her out. Carrying her unconscious form, I turned and tossed her gently but firmly to Kiritsugu.

"You have a lot of things to explain to her and your son," I said, looking directly at Kiritsugu.

Kiritsugu caught Illya and looked down at her with a mix of sorrow and resolve. Shiro, standing beside him, seemed both confused and anxious, glancing between his father and Illya.

Kiritsugu nodded, understanding the weight of the situation. "I know," he said quietly. "There's a lot she needs to hear from me. And a lot Shiro needs to understand."

Iris, Rin, and the others gathered around, the tension slowly dissipating now that the immediate threat had been neutralized. Archer kept a wary eye on the surroundings, ensuring no further surprises awaited us.

"We should get inside," I suggested, looking around. "It's not safe out here, and Illya needs to rest."

Everyone nodded in agreement, and we moved back into the house, making sure all entry points were secure. Kiritsugu carried Illya to a room where she could rest, while the rest of us gathered in the living room to regroup and plan our next steps.

Shiro looked at me, his eyes filled with questions. "What happens now?" he asked.

"Now," I said, taking a deep breath, "we prepare for the battles ahead. This war is far from over, and we need to be ready for whatever comes our way. But for now, let's focus on recovering and understanding our situation better."

Rin glanced at Shiro and then at Kiritsugu, who had returned to the room. "We'll also need to have some serious conversations," she added, her tone firm but not unkind.

Kiritsugu nodded again, his expression somber. "Yes, we will. There are many things you all need to know."

As the night wore on, we began to piece together our strategies and strengthen our bonds. The Holy Grail War was a daunting challenge, but with our combined strength and determination, we were ready to face it head-on.

The next day, Kiritsugu gathered everyone in the living room to explain everything. Illya, having woken up, listened initially in silence. However, as soon as Kiritsugu began to talk about their past, she erupted in a fury, hurling fire magecraft at him. For a few minutes, it was a chaotic but somewhat comical scene, with everyone in the room trying to stifle their laughter.

Once Illya had calmed down, Kiritsugu continued his explanation, detailing the events of the previous Holy Grail War and the implications for the current one. Everyone listened intently, absorbing the gravity of the situation.

As the room fell silent, I decided to break the tension. "So, um," I began, looking at Kiritsugu, "any idea who Rider, Lancer, and Assassin's masters are, or even their servants?"

Kiritsugu shook his head slowly. "Not yet," he replied. "But we can make some educated guesses based on their actions so far. Rider's master is likely someone with significant resources, given the power and mobility Rider has shown. Lancer's master is probably a skilled mage, given Lancer's prowess in combat. As for Assassin, we need to be careful. Assassin's master will be someone who values stealth and subterfuge."

Rin nodded, deep in thought. "We need to gather more information," she said. "Maybe we can use some reconnaissance spells or send Archer to scout around."

"Good idea," I agreed. "We need to stay one step ahead. Shiro, you should continue training with Saber. Your progress yesterday was impressive, but we need to keep pushing forward."

Shiro looked determined. "I will," he said. "I won't let anyone down."

Iris spoke up next. "We should also keep an eye on the town. Any unusual activities might give us clues about the other masters and their servants."

Kiritsugu nodded. "Agreed. We need to be vigilant. This war is about more than just the Grail; it's about ensuring the safety of everyone involved."

With our plan set, we dispersed to prepare for the challenges ahead. The Holy Grail War was in full swing, and we were ready to face whatever came our way.

As Illya and I discussed the plan, she couldn't help but express her doubts about my strategy.

"Illya, trust me. This plan will work," I reassured her, though I could see she wasn't entirely convinced.

Suddenly, we heard a commotion and saw Lancer, also known as Cu Chulainn, leaping down into our midst. I exchanged a smirk with Illya, who began her act immediately. The plan was to pretend that I was her servant, Berserker, in order to lure out Lancer. After defeating him and allowing him to escape, I intended to use SCP-096's ability to track him and his Master down.

As Lancer landed gracefully before us, Illya and I sprang into action. She took on the role of the commanding Master, directing "Berserker" (me) to engage Lancer while she observed from a safe distance. Cu Chulainn, always eager for a good fight, eyed us both warily but seemed intrigued by the challenge.

"You think you can take me on, Berserker?" Lancer taunted, his spear at the ready.

I nodded, summoning the Gate Guardian sword once more. "Let's find out."

With a swift movement, I charged at Lancer, clashing swords with him. His agility was impressive, dodging and parrying my strikes effortlessly. It was clear he wasn't giving his all yet, testing my skills as Berserker. Meanwhile, Illya maintained her act, shouting strategic advice and commands, keeping up the facade.

As the battle intensified, I began to analyze Lancer's movements, looking for an opening. Suddenly, I saw my chance. With a feint to the left, I swung the Gate Guardian sword in a wide arc to the right, catching Lancer off guard. The blade connected with his side, drawing blood. Lancer staggered back, surprised by the force behind the blow.

"You're not bad," Lancer acknowledged, wiping blood from his mouth. "But I'm not done yet."

He launched into a rapid series of attacks, forcing me to defend myself with quick reflexes and agile dodges. Illya watched intently, her expression a mix of concern and determination. We were gaining the upper hand, but Lancer was resilient, pushing us both to our limits.

Just as I prepared to unleash another strike, Lancer suddenly disengaged, leaping backward with remarkable agility. "This isn't over, Berserker. Next time, I won't hold back."

And with that, Lancer retreated into the shadows, disappearing from sight. Illya rushed to my side, checking for any injuries. "Are you alright, Able?" she asked, her concern genuine now that the immediate danger had passed.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assured her, feeling a rush of adrenaline from the battle. "We did it. Now, let's use SCP-096's ability to track him and his Master."

Illya nodded, regaining her composure. "Right. Let's find out who Lancer's Master is."

We headed back to Kiritsugu and the others, ready to formulate our next move in the Holy Grail War.

As I actived 096, abitly created a portal and arrived at Kiri church. Yeah not surprise

Me, Kiritsugu and Able in my head said together, will not Rin she was questing everything, I just rolled my eyes, as I broke the gate, as I saw Kiri there as Cu Chulainn cane down looking at me surprise how they find him

I just looked at Kiritsugu. Yeah we meet again so where is the other one

Everyone was confused hearing a lapp as they saw who it was , Artoria seeing it was Gilgamesh as Lancer was shocked his master that stole him from his previous master, had Another Servant, Kiritsugu pulled out his gun and Archer just looked at Gilgamesh.

As the chaos erupted in Kiritsugu's church, the sudden appearance of Gilgamesh threw everyone off guard. His arrogant demeanor and overwhelming presence made it clear that he was a force to be reckoned with. Lancer's surprise at seeing his previous Master's new allegiance added another layer of tension to the situation.

Kiritsugu wasted no time, drawing his gun and taking aim at Gilgamesh, while Archer maintained a cautious stance, ready to intervene if necessary. Rin, still trying to process the unfolding events, looked on with a mixture of shock and determination.

Before anyone could react further, a series of coordinated attacks ensued. Artoria, with her sword drawn, charged at Gilgamesh with unparalleled speed and precision. Cu Chulainn, not one to back down, intercepted Artoria's advance, engaging her in a fierce battle of strength and agility.

Meanwhile, I activated SCP-096's ability to track Lancer's Master, focusing on locating the one responsible for this chaos. The church shook violently as magical energies clashed and physical blows landed. Debris flew in all directions as the confrontation escalated.

In the midst of the chaos, Kiritsugu managed to fire several shots at Gilgamesh, each one expertly aimed to exploit any opening. However, Gilgamesh's armor and defensive capabilities proved formidable, deflecting most of the bullets effortlessly.

Archer, seeing an opportunity, unleashed a barrage of arrows aimed strategically at Gilgamesh's vulnerable points. Each arrow flew with deadly precision, forcing Gilgamesh to momentarily shift his focus from Artoria and engage in a defensive maneuver.

The intensity of the battle continued to escalate, with each participant unleashing their full arsenal of abilities and tactics. Rin, realizing the gravity of the situation, called upon her own magical prowess, casting spells to bolster Artoria's attacks and hinder Gilgamesh's movements.

As the battle raged on, the church's structural integrity began to falter under the strain of the magical and physical onslaught. Cracks appeared in the walls, and sections of the ceiling started to collapse. The combatants were forced to maneuver carefully amidst the falling debris, adding an element of danger to an already chaotic situation.

Just as the tension reached its peak and the outcome hung in the balance, a powerful explosion rocked the church. The force of the blast sent everyone flying outwards, landing in disarray outside the church grounds. Smoke and dust filled the air, obscuring vision and adding to the sense of disorientation.

Amidst the aftermath, injured and exhausted, the combatants slowly began to regain their bearings. Gilgamesh stood tall amidst the rubble, his expression unchanged, while Artoria and Cu Chulainn took stock of their injuries. Rin, Kiritsugu, and I regrouped, assessing the situation and preparing for the next phase of the Holy Grail War.

The confrontation at Kiritsugu's church had set a new precedent for the intensity and stakes of the ongoing battle, leaving everyone involved to ponder their next moves in this dangerous and unpredictable conflict.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones and also thank for all the support you guys are giving this fanfic give me power stones,