Able Vs Gilgamesh

As the chaos erupted in Kiritsugu's church, the sudden appearance of Gilgamesh threw everyone off guard. His arrogant demeanor and overwhelming presence made it clear that he was a force to be reckoned with. Lancer's surprise at seeing his previous Master's new allegiance added another layer of tension to the situation.

Kiritsugu wasted no time, drawing his gun and taking aim at Gilgamesh, while Archer maintained a cautious stance, ready to intervene if necessary. Rin, still trying to process the unfolding events, looked on with a mixture of shock and determination.

Before anyone could react further, a series of coordinated attacks ensued. Artoria, with her sword drawn, charged at Gilgamesh with unparalleled speed and precision. Cu Chulainn, not one to back down, intercepted Artoria's advance, engaging her in a fierce battle of strength and agility.

Meanwhile, I activated SCP-096's ability to track Lancer's Master, focusing on locating the one responsible for this chaos. The church shook violently as magical energies clashed and physical blows landed. Debris flew in all directions as the confrontation escalated.

In the midst of the chaos, Kiritsugu managed to fire several shots at Gilgamesh, each one expertly aimed to exploit any opening. However, Gilgamesh's armor and defensive capabilities proved formidable, deflecting most of the bullets effortlessly.

Archer, seeing an opportunity, unleashed a barrage of arrows aimed strategically at Gilgamesh's vulnerable points. Each arrow flew with deadly precision, forcing Gilgamesh to momentarily shift his focus from Artoria and engage in a defensive maneuver.

The intensity of the battle continued to escalate, with each participant unleashing their full arsenal of abilities and tactics. Rin, realizing the gravity of the situation, called upon her own magical prowess, casting spells to bolster Artoria's attacks and hinder Gilgamesh's movements.

As the battle raged on, the church's structural integrity began to falter under the strain of the magical and physical onslaught. Cracks appeared in the walls, and sections of the ceiling started to collapse. The combatants were forced to maneuver carefully amidst the falling debris, adding an element of danger to an already chaotic situation.

Just as the tension reached its peak and the outcome hung in the balance, a powerful explosion rocked the church. The force of the blast sent everyone flying outwards, landing in disarray outside the church grounds. Smoke and dust filled the air, obscuring vision and adding to the sense of disorientation.

Amidst the aftermath, injured and exhausted, the combatants slowly began to regain their bearings. Gilgamesh stood tall amidst the rubble, his expression unchanged, while Artoria and Cu Chulainn took stock of their injuries. Rin, Kiritsugu, and I regrouped, assessing the situation and preparing for the next phase of the Holy Grail War.

The confrontation at Kiritsugu's church had set a new precedent for the intensity and stakes of the ongoing battle, leaving everyone involved to ponder their next moves in this dangerous and unpredictable conflict.

As the clash between Gilgamesh and I intensified, the air crackled with magical energy and tension. Gilgamesh, infuriated by my audacity, summoned weapon after weapon from his Gate of Babylon, each one a legendary artifact of immense power. Swords, spears, bows — a torrential onslaught of weapons materialized in the air around him, ready to rain down upon me.

Undeterred, I wielded the Gate Guardian sword with skill and determination. Its gleaming blade, infused with the essence of protection and guardianship, radiated a potent aura. With each swing, I deflected Gilgamesh's onslaught of weapons, matching his attacks with precise counters.

Archer, observing the battle, couldn't help but find amusement in Gilgamesh's disbelief and anger. The King of Heroes, known for his arrogance and pride, was visibly rattled by my ability to not only counter but also emulate his powerful artifacts.

"Quite the show you're putting on," Archer remarked, firing off arrows intermittently to keep Gilgamesh off balance. "Who would've thought someone could stir up Gilgamesh this much?"

Gilgamesh's expression darkened as he intensified his assault, his weapons becoming more varied and dangerous. From the Gate of Babylon emerged divine treasures and mythical relics, each aimed to overwhelm me through sheer force and versatility.

However, I remained steadfast, utilizing the Gate Guardian sword's abilities to create defensive barriers and redirect the onslaught away from myself and my allies. The battlefield around us became a chaotic spectacle of light and sound, with each clash of metal echoing through the night air.

As the battle wore on, it became clear that Gilgamesh was not accustomed to facing an opponent who could match his prowess in such a manner. His attacks grew more desperate and ferocious, fueled by a desire to prove his superiority.

Meanwhile, Rin and Kiritsugu coordinated from the sidelines, providing strategic support and analyzing Gilgamesh's patterns. Rin cast spells to bolster my defenses and weaken Gilgamesh's attacks, while Kiritsugu fired shots from a distance whenever an opportunity presented itself.

Cu Chulainn, recovering from his earlier skirmish with Artoria, joined in to provide assistance, launching swift strikes against Gilgamesh whenever he saw an opening. His agility and combat prowess added another layer of complexity to the battle, forcing Gilgamesh to divide his attention.

In the midst of the chaos, I seized a moment of opportunity. With a decisive thrust of the Gate Guardian sword, I aimed directly at Gilgamesh's exposed flank, channeling the sword's protective energies to disrupt his concentration.

The blow struck true, causing Gilgamesh to stagger back momentarily. His expression twisted in a mixture of surprise and fury, realizing that I had managed to land a significant blow despite his overwhelming arsenal.

"Is that all you've got, King of Heroes?" I taunted, my voice ringing out across the battlefield. "You speak of worthiness, yet you struggle against mere mortals."

Gilgamesh's eyes narrowed, his resolve hardening. With a thunderous roar, he summoned even more weapons from the Gate of Babylon, determined to prove his superiority once and for all.

The battle between us continued to escalate, each clash resonating with the weight of ancient grudges and unfathomable power. As the moon hung overhead, casting an eerie glow on the battlefield, the outcome of our confrontation remained uncertain, shrouded in the mists of impending destiny.

As I channeled the full power of the Gate Guardian sword, a wave of energy surged forth, radiant and formidable. The blade hummed with ancient strength, resonating with the essence of protection and guardianship that it embodied. With a resolute swing, I directed the wave of power toward Gilgamesh, its force aimed to overwhelm and subdue the King of Heroes.

Gilgamesh, caught off guard by the sudden surge of energy, attempted to conjure a defense from the Gate of Babylon. Swords, shields, and divine relics materialized around him in a frantic attempt to intercept the oncoming wave. However, the sheer intensity of the Gate Guardian sword's attack proved too much for his defenses to fully withstand.

The wave of power crashed against Gilgamesh's barriers with a thunderous impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. Blades clashed, sparks flew, and the very ground beneath us trembled from the force of our clash. For a moment, the battlefield was engulfed in a blinding light as the opposing energies collided in a spectacular display of magical prowess.

As the dust settled, the outcome of our confrontation became clear. Gilgamesh, though formidable and unmatched in his arsenal of treasures, was momentarily staggered by the sheer potency of the Gate Guardian sword's strike. His defenses faltered under the relentless assault, leaving him vulnerable and off balance.

I seized the opportunity, pressing forward with renewed determination. With another swift motion, I closed the distance between us, the Gate Guardian sword poised for a decisive blow. The blade gleamed with ethereal light, its edge honed to perfection for this critical moment.

"You speak of worthiness, yet you underestimate mortals," I declared, my voice unwavering as I confronted the legendary King of Heroes.

Gilgamesh, recovering swiftly despite the blow, gritted his teeth in defiance. His pride wounded, he summoned his remaining reserves of power and launched a retaliatory strike. Swords, arrows, and mythical artifacts surged forth once more from the Gate of Babylon, aimed with deadly precision at my position.

But I was prepared. With nimble agility and the aid of strategic support from Rin, Kiritsugu, and Cu Chulainn, I deftly navigated through the onslaught, deflecting and evading the barrage of attacks. Each movement was calculated, each counterstrike executed with precision born of experience and determination.

As the battle continued to unfold under the moonlit sky, the clash between Gilgamesh and I intensified into a contest of wills and strength. The fate of this encounter would shape the course of the Holy Grail War, its echoes reverberating through the annals of history and myth.

The battlefield echoed with the clash of titans, the clash between ancient heroes and modern guardians, each fighting for their own reasons and beliefs. Amidst the chaos and intensity of battle, the outcome remained uncertain, hanging in the balance as both sides pushed themselves to their limits in pursuit of victory.

As Enuma Elish, the Sword of Rupture, emerged from the Gate of Babylon, its sheer magnitude threatened to engulf the entire battlefield. The air itself trembled under its weight, and the sky seemed to darken as if acknowledging the arrival of such a formidable weapon.

Gilgamesh, his eyes ablaze with fury and determination, unleashed Enuma Elish with unyielding intent. The blade, wreathed in divine power and imbued with the authority to bring devastation, hurtled toward me with terrifying speed. Its edge shimmered with an otherworldly brilliance, a testament to its unmatched destructive potential.

In the face of such overwhelming power, I knew mere evasion or defense would not suffice. With a deep breath and a surge of determination, I focused my mind on the Gate Guardian sword, drawing upon its essence and channeling its protective energies to their fullest extent. The sword responded, resonating with my will and readiness to confront the King of Heroes on equal terms.

With a swift motion, I traced the form of Enuma Elish, a feat that defied conventional wisdom and logic. The act of replication itself was a testament to my projection abitly and the wish I made unparalleled abilities and my unyielding resolve. In a breathtaking display of magical prowess, I summoned a duplicate of Enuma Elish, mirroring its form and purpose.

Gilgamesh's expression shifted from one of confidence to one of shock and disbelief as he witnessed the impossible unfold before him. Two Enuma Elishes now stood poised against each other, their energies intertwined in a delicate balance of power. The clash of these legendary swords sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, each strike threatening to reshape the very fabric of reality.

Archer, witnessing this spectacle, could not contain his amusement. He chuckled heartily, his admiration for the audacity and skill on display evident in his expression. The irony of Gilgamesh facing his own weapon turned against him was not lost on him, nor on the others who watched in awe and anticipation.

For a brief moment, the world seemed to hold its breath as the two Enuma Elishes clashed in a titanic struggle. Sparks flew, energies collided, and the air crackled with raw power. The outcome of this clash would determine the fate of our confrontation, a battle of wills and strengths that transcended mere mortal conflicts.

As the swords locked in a contest of unparalleled might, I maintained my focus, drawing upon every ounce of strength and determination within me. The Gate Guardian sword hummed with celestial energy, its protective aura shielding me from the full brunt of Enuma Elish's fury.

"You underestimate mortals, King of Heroes," I declared, my voice steady despite the intensity of the moment. "We are capable of more than you could ever imagine."

With that proclamation, I braced myself for the final push, prepared to face whatever consequences arose from wielding such divine power in opposition to Gilgamesh's might. The clash of Enuma Elishes would echo through the ages, a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity and the boundless potential hidden within each of us.

As both me and Gilgamesh just looked at each other but of us screamed the name Enuma Elish, as we both fire at each other, as at that moment everyone but me and Gilgamesh started to pray, as the clash happened.

As the clash intensified, the world itself seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. The two Enuma Elishes, embodiments of immense power and divine authority, met with a force that threatened to rend reality apart. Gilgamesh's determination to unleash destruction clashed against my resolve to protect and defend.

In that critical moment, as the energies surged and the heavens themselves seemed to tremble, a profound realization dawned upon me. The counter force, that mysterious cosmic entity tasked with maintaining balance and order, surged forth in response to the impending cataclysm. Its power intertwined with my own, bolstering my resolve and augmenting the strength of the Gate Guardian sword.

The earth beneath me trembled as if in recognition of the peril that beset it. The forces of nature, bound by ancient laws and unseen threads of fate, rallied to my aid. Energy surged from the very ground, empowering me to withstand Gilgamesh's assault and push back against the destructive forces of Enuma Elish.

With every fiber of my being, I channeled the protective energies of the Gate Guardian sword and the earth itself. The clash between the Enuma Elishes became a battle not just of physical might, but of willpower and determination. Each strike sent shockwaves through the air, threatening to tear apart the fabric of reality itself.

As I held my ground against Gilgamesh's onslaught, a chorus of prayers rose from those around us. Their voices, a symphony of hope and belief, intertwined with the energies of the counter force. It was as if the very essence of humanity's resilience and spirit lent me strength in that decisive moment.

"You shall not destroy this world, Gilgamesh!" I shouted above the roar of battle, my voice echoing with defiance and determination. "I will protect what is precious!"

The earth beneath us rumbled with affirmation, as if in agreement with my resolve. The clash reached its zenith, energies swirling and colliding in a tumultuous dance of power. Sparks flew, celestial energies mingled, and for a heartbeat, the world stood on the precipice of chaos and salvation.

Then, with a resounding impact that shook the heavens, the clash of Enuma Elishes reached its conclusion. The combined forces of my determination, the counter force, and the protective energies of the Gate Guardian sword prevailed. Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish faltered under the weight of our combined efforts, its power dispersed like stars fading at dawn.

In the aftermath, a profound stillness settled over the battlefield. The air crackled with residual energy, and the ground bore testament to the titanic clash that had transpired. Gilgamesh, his expression a mixture of astonishment and begrudging respect, lowered his sword.

"You have surprised me, son of Adam," Gilgamesh murmured, his voice carrying a rare note of acknowledgment. "To wield such power and stand against Enuma Elish... You are indeed worthy of my attention."

As then Gilgamesh felt down, as he started to Desiper, as his time was over as, we all seat down after the fight

"It seems we have averted disaster once again," Kiritsugu remarked, his gaze lingering on me with pride and concern.

I nodded, still catching my breath from the intensity of the battle. "For now, at least. But the Holy Grail War is far from over."

As we regrouped and assessed the aftermath of our encounter with Gilgamesh, I couldn't shake the feeling that more challenges lay ahead. The clash had tested not just our strength, but our resolve and unity as a team facing extraordinary circumstances in a world where myth and reality intertwined in unpredictable ways.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones