Fixing The Grail

The next day in the Emiya House, I was experimenting with the power I had gained from copying Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish. As I tapped into the power, my eyes turned red, giving me a glimpse into the future. I closed my eyes and focused, and when I opened them again, I could see the future clearly.

I opened the Gate of Babylon and saw many swords from the Nasuverse, ranging from the prototype of Excalibur to the chains of Heaven, Enkidu.

I smirked as I looked at the gate. "Would you look at that," I said to myself. "I wonder if..."

Able's voice came through, interrupting my thoughts. "Summon games," he said. "I want to see if you can do it."

I summoned a few games, and as I looked at them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.

I turned my attention back to the Gate of Babylon. "Yeah," I said, "never show the foundation about this."

The door to my room opened up, and I saw SCP-239, Sigurros, standing there. She looked at me with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Hi, Sigurros," I said, trying to lighten the mood. "Haha, Iris told you about the fight, huh? I can see you're mad."

Sigurros crossed her arms and sighed. "You could have gotten yourself killed, you know."

I shrugged, trying to downplay the situation. "It wasn't that bad. I had it under control."

She raised an eyebrow. "Really? Summoning Enuma Elish and going head-to-head with Gilgamesh doesn't sound like 'under control' to me."

I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling a bit sheepish. "Okay, maybe it was a bit reckless. But I learned a lot from it."

She stepped closer, her expression softening. "Just be careful, okay? We need you."

I smiled. "I will. And hey, thanks for worrying about me."

Sigurros nodded and gave a small smile. "Just don't make it a habit."

As she left the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. The Grail War was far from over, and I needed to be ready for whatever came next.

As everyone gathered in the living room, the air was thick with tension. Kiritsugu had just finished recounting the story of the Grail and its dark history, his eyes lingering on his daughter, Illya, with a mixture of sorrow and regret.

"And that is everything," Kiritsugu concluded, his voice heavy with the weight of past decisions.

Sigurros glanced at Kiritsugu, her expression one of mild disbelief. "Is that all your problems?"

Emiya looked at his friend and nodded. "Yeah, that's about it. I think. Again, I'm new to this."

Sigurros turned her gaze to Illya. "Well, that's not that big of a problem."

At that moment, the Grail's presence surged within Illya, causing Kiritsugu to pass out. Sigurros felt a sudden, dark energy and instinctively reached out, removing the dark essence. As she held the writhing darkness, she saw Ness's form in it. I recognized the malevolent energy as Angra Mainyu, known in the Fate fandom as the Angry Mango.

Sigurros, concentrating intensely, began purifying the dark energy. In a surprising twist, she transformed the corruption into a small, innocent-looking baby wolf that immediately trotted over to her. The room fell silent, everyone processing the bizarre but heartening sight of the once-corrupt energy now turned into a harmless creature.

I broke the silence, my tone lighter, "Well, that's one way to deal with a cursed artifact."

Sigurros nodded, stroking the baby wolf's head. "It's not over yet, but it's a start."

Illya, looking at the wolf, managed a small smile. "Thank you, Sigurros."

Kiritsugu, regaining consciousness, groaned and sat up, his eyes widening at the sight of the baby wolf. "What... happened?"

Sigurros explained briefly, and Kiritsugu's eyes softened. "Maybe there's hope after all."

The room seemed lighter, the oppressive tension lifting as everyone realized they had taken the first step towards resolving the chaos surrounding the Grail.

Sigurros then turned to Illya, her expression resolute. "Also, I can do this, so Illya doesn't need to turn into the Grail."

With a focused gesture, Sigurros used her power to remove the Grail from Illya. The process made Kiritsugu pass out again, unable to handle the shock of what he was witnessing.

I looked at Sigurros, concern etched on my face. "That still doesn't fix her dying in one year."

Sigurros met my gaze and nodded confidently. "Don't worry, big brother. I've got this as well."

She approached Illya once more, placing her hands gently on Illya's shoulders. With a deep breath, Sigurros began to channel her power again, this time focusing on Illya's lifespan. A soft, golden light enveloped Illya, growing brighter with each passing second.

Illya looked up at Sigurros, her eyes wide with hope and amazement. "What are you doing?"

Sigurros smiled warmly. "I'm ensuring you have a full life ahead of you. No more shortened lifespan. You deserve to live without that shadow hanging over you."

The light around Illya intensified for a moment before gradually fading. Illya blinked, feeling a warmth and vitality she hadn't experienced in a long time. She looked at Sigurros, tears welling up in her eyes. "Thank you... thank you so much."

Kiritsugu, now regaining consciousness again, witnessed the transformation and could hardly believe his eyes. He stumbled to his feet and rushed to embrace Illya, tears of relief streaming down his face. "I can't thank you enough, Sigurros."

Sigurros just nodded, her expression serene. "It's what family is for. We take care of each other."

Everyone in the room felt a renewed sense of hope and unity. The burden of the Grail and its curse had been lifted, and for the first time in a long while, the future seemed bright.

I turned my head to see my student Shirou and his servant, Saber. Even if the Grail provided information about the Foundation, this was too much for her. As for Shirou, this was all very new and overwhelming.

Shirou stepped forward, looking a bit hesitant. "So, this is all connected to the Holy Grail War? And the Grail itself was corrupted?"

I nodded. "Yes, Shirou. The Grail was corrupted by a malevolent entity known as Angra Mainyu. But thanks to Sigurros, we've removed the corruption and saved Illya from her fate as the vessel."

Saber, standing protectively beside Shirou, glanced at Sigurros. "Your power is remarkable. To cleanse the Grail and extend Illya's life... such feats are beyond ordinary magecraft."

Sigurros smiled modestly. "It's not just about power. It's about understanding the nature of the problem and having the will to change it."

Shirou took a deep breath, trying to process everything. "So, what's our next step? Do we still have to fight in the Holy Grail War?"

Kiritsugu, now more composed, turned to face everyone. "The war isn't over yet. We still have to deal with the remaining Masters and Servants. But with the Grail cleansed, our goal has shifted. We need to ensure the Grail doesn't fall into the wrong hands."

Rin, who had been silently absorbing all the information, finally spoke up. "We need to find and confront the other Masters. We can't let them misuse the Grail, even if it's now free of corruption."

I nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We'll need to stay vigilant and work together to protect the Grail and put an end to this war."

Illya, standing beside her father, looked determined. "I'll fight alongside you all. I want to protect the Grail and ensure no one else suffers because of it."

With the group united and a new purpose set, we prepared to face the challenges ahead. The Holy Grail War was far from over, but now we had a clear path forward and the strength to see it through.

Then I got up. "Anyway, we have a big bug man to take care of."

Hearing that, Kiritsugu just smirked. Meanwhile, in the Matou household, Zouken was furious. All three of his pawns had been taken down. No matter, he thought to himself. But before he could make another move, the entire Matou household was obliterated and removed from the earth.

I was the one to do it, and next to me were Shirou, Kiritsugu, Iris, Sigurros, Rin, Artoria, and Sakura, whom I had knocked out. None of us—me, Kiritsugu, Emiya, Iris, or Sigurros—cared that the whole Matou household was removed from the face of the Earth. Considering I had used EA, it was probably removed from more than just the Earth.

Zouken Matou, a twisted and ancient magus, was no more. The power of EA had erased him and his tainted legacy completely. The destruction was absolute.

Kiritsugu looked at the crater where the Matou household once stood. "It's finally over," he said, a hint of relief in his voice.

Rin nodded, though she still looked troubled. "Sakura... will she be alright?"

Sigurros stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Rin's shoulder. "She'll be fine. The corruption of the Matou family is gone, and she can begin to heal."

Shirou looked at Sakura, who was still unconscious. "We'll take care of her, Rin. Together."

Artoria, standing guard, kept her eyes on the horizon. "We still have other threats to consider. The war isn't over yet."

I turned to the group. "Indeed. With Zouken gone, we need to stay focused on the remaining Masters and Servants. But for now, we've struck a significant blow against the darkness that plagued this war."

As we prepared to leave the site of our victory, a sense of determination filled the air. The battle against Zouken Matou was over, but the Holy Grail War continued. We would face whatever challenges came our way, united and resolute.

Kiritsugu, with a rare smile, said, "Let's head back. We have a lot to discuss and prepare for."

With that, we made our way back, ready to face the next phase of the Holy Grail War with newfound strength and hope.

As Medusa, known as Rider, appeared, she saw Sakura and immediately moved to attack us, thinking we were going to harm her master. I stopped and pointed at the now non-existent Matou household.

I looked at Medusa. "Yeah, do you want to give up, or do you want to meet the fate of the house? Especially since your master is safe now."

Rider hesitated, her eyes flickering between the ruins of the Matou household and Sakura, who was still unconscious. The realization of what had happened began to dawn on her. She lowered her weapon slightly, a mix of confusion and relief washing over her face.

"Sakura is... safe?" Rider asked, her voice trembling with a mixture of hope and disbelief.

Kiritsugu stepped forward, his tone calm and reassuring. "Yes, she is. The corruption of the Matou family has been destroyed. Sakura is free from their influence now."

Rider looked back at Sakura, then at us. Slowly, she retracted her weapon, her posture relaxing. "If Sakura is safe, then I have no reason to fight you."

Sigurros nodded, stepping forward. "We all want the same thing: to protect Sakura and ensure her well-being. Join us, Rider. Together, we can end this war and keep her safe."

Rider looked at Sigurros, then at Sakura once more. Finally, she nodded, a determined look in her eyes. "Very well. I will join you. For Sakura's sake."

With Rider now on our side, we had gained a powerful ally. The destruction of the Matou household marked a turning point in the war. We were one step closer to ending the Holy Grail War and protecting those we cared about.

As we began to make our way back, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The fight against Zouken was over, but the battle for the Grail continued. With our new ally and a renewed sense of purpose, we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the Emiya household, I looked at Artoria as she shared her wish.

I looked at her intently. "So you want to use the Grail to go back in time to prevent your kingdom from being destroyed. Not to rule it all over again but to not pull out the sword in the stone, Excalibur."

Artoria met my gaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of resolve and sorrow. "Yes, indeed. That is the only way I can atone for my failure as a king. If I give up my kingship, someone better can be chosen to lead and save my kingdom."

I knew that I had to confront her ideal with reality. "Artoria," I began, my voice firm, "that is an idiotic and selfish wish."

Her eyes widened in shock and a hint of anger. "What do you mean by that?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "You believe that by erasing your rule, you can prevent the downfall of Camelot. But you forget that your kingdom's fate wasn't solely determined by your decisions. History, circumstances, and the choices of countless others all played a role."

Artoria's expression hardened, but I pressed on. "Even if you could go back and stop yourself from pulling the sword, there is no guarantee that the person who takes your place will be any better. They might make the same mistakes or even worse ones. And what of the people who believed in you, who fought and died for you? You would be erasing their sacrifices, their loyalty, and their legacy."

She opened her mouth to protest, but I continued. "Your wish is driven by guilt and regret, but it ignores the strength and wisdom you gained as a king. Instead of trying to rewrite the past, you should honor the lessons you learned and use them to protect the future. Your kingdom may have fallen, but the ideals you stood for can still inspire and guide others."

Artoria's gaze faltered, and I could see the turmoil in her eyes. "You have the chance to make a difference now, not by changing the past, but by shaping the future. Embrace your legacy, flaws and all, and use it to build something greater."

Silence hung between us as she absorbed my words. Finally, she sighed, her shoulders slumping. "Perhaps you are right. I have been so consumed by my failures that I forgot the strength I gained from them."

I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You are a great king, Artoria. Not because you were perfect, but because you never stopped striving to be better. Don't let your past define you. Let it empower you."

Artoria nodded slowly, a glimmer of determination returning to her eyes. "Thank you. I needed to hear that."

With a shared sense of understanding, we both knew that the battle for the Grail was far from over. But with Artoria by our side, we were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stone so yeah enjoy