Destroying an Ideal

Then I looked at Shirou, I knew his ideals do to me Reading the visual novel as I looked at him, as he looked at me

Shirou just looked at me. Master I wanna be a hero for justice to safe everyone, by using the grail I can't

I just looked at him. Alright shiro id you wanna be a hero of Justice tell me this, if you had to sacrifice, Sakura to save a few life would you

Shirou then stopped, his breath holded, as he looked at me to sacrifice Sakura one he consider a Sister was something, then was the thought of saving her to a few life, this has left shiro stop talking, Archer just gived me thumbs up as I nodded back at him

As I looked at Shirou. You being a hero for justice is for a selfish reasons, you save life not because you really want to, it is because it makes you happy, make you feel better, your survier guilt comes that tell me hie many time, you gave yihr food to thr homeless ot yiur clothes only for Kiritsugu who was already overworked to be more overworked, then tell how many more time have you done tbis or will do this, not just that yiu say you wanna safe everyone, doee that include killer, war criminal, people that commit genocide will you safe them.

Shirou's expression became conflicted as he grappled with my questions. The weight of his ideals and the reality of their implications hung heavily between us.

"Master, I..." Shirou started, his voice wavering. "I want to save everyone. That's why I became a hero of justice. But... sacrificing Sakura..." His words trailed off, unable to form a complete sentence.

I listened quietly, letting him process his thoughts. Archer, observing from the sidelines, gave a knowing nod. It was clear that these were questions Shirou had avoided confronting until now.

"You're right," I continued gently. "Being a hero of justice isn't just about saving lives. It's about the choices you make and the consequences they carry. Sacrifices are inevitable, and sometimes they're not clear-cut decisions. But your motivations, Shirou—why you want to save everyone—matter deeply."

Shirou looked down, his fists clenched. "I've... I've always wanted to help others. To make up for the people I couldn't save. But..." He paused, his voice strained. "I've never thought about the ones who might not deserve saving."

I nodded, acknowledging his struggle. "It's a difficult realization. The world isn't black and white. People aren't always good or evil. Sometimes, the hardest choices challenge our ideals. What matters is how we face those choices."

Archer spoke up, his voice steady. "Shirou, being a hero of justice means more than just protecting the innocent. It means understanding the consequences of your actions, even the ones that are morally ambiguous."

Shirou looked up, meeting Archer's gaze. "But what if I can't decide? What if I make the wrong choice?"

I placed a reassuring hand on Shirou's shoulder. "No one expects you to have all the answers. But asking these questions is the first step. It shows your dedication to understanding what it truly means to be a hero."

Shirou took a deep breath, his resolve strengthening. "I want to protect everyone. But I need to think more about what that really means. Thank you, Master."

With that, Shirou began to contemplate his path as a hero of justice, knowing that his journey would require him to confront difficult choices and wrestle with his ideals. As we prepared for the challenges ahead, I knew that Shirou was on the path to truly understanding the weight of his aspirations and the responsibilities that came with them.

After a while, Sigurros had copied the grail and gave one to Rin, Archer, Sakura, Medusa, Shirou and Artoria. As then Shiro, Artoria, Sakura and Archer returned the grail to me for Sakura she had no witch For Emiya Archer will his wish was already done this Verison of him never will make contract with the will of humanity, for Artoria aem Shirou they just relsihes that they dream were selfish and not something they didn't want to use the grail for, Sigurros destroyed the grail that was returned to me.

As Sigurros destroyed the grail that had been returned to me, there was a solemnity in the air, a finality to our decisions and actions. Rin, Archer, Sakura, Medusa, Shirou, and Artoria each held their respective grails, contemplating their wishes and the implications of their desires.

Rin looked at the grail in her hands, her expression thoughtful yet resolute. She had always been cautious with the power of the grail, knowing its potential dangers.

Archer, standing beside Rin, nodded silently. His wish had already been fulfilled in this timeline, and he no longer sought to change the past.

Sakura held her grail gently, a mix of relief and introspection on her face. The burden of the grail's corruption lifted from her, she could now focus on her future without the shadow of her family's legacy.

Medusa, her eyes flickering with determination, gripped the grail firmly. She had seen enough of the grail wars to know its pitfalls and dangers, but now she held it with a newfound purpose.

Shirou and Artoria stood together, their grails in their hands. They had come to realize that their wishes were rooted in regret and selfishness. The grail had tempted them with the possibility of rewriting their mistakes, but they had chosen to let go of their past desires.

As they returned their grails to me, there was a sense of closure. Sigurros, having destroyed the grail, ensured that its power would no longer tempt or corrupt anyone else. It was a decisive act, closing the chapter on a dangerous artifact that had caused so much suffering and conflict.

With the grail destroyed and our wishes reconsidered, we stood together, united in our resolve to face the future with clarity and determination. The Emiya household, once a focal point of turmoil and ambition, now felt peaceful, as we prepared to move forward, each with our own paths to follow and lessons learned from our encounter with the grail.

As everyone prepared to depart from the Emiya household, now transformed into a larger family unit including Kiritsugu, Shirou, Artoria, Illya, Sakura, and Medusa, I gathered them together for a final word.

"Just in case you have any problems, don't hesitate to contact anyone from my team," I assured them, my gaze settling on Kiritsugu. "The Foundation will assist in any way possible."

Kiritsugu nodded solemnly, acknowledging the support. "Thank you, Able. We appreciate everything you've done for us."

Shirou looked around at his extended family, a sense of gratitude and responsibility settling on his shoulders. "We'll make sure to keep in touch. And if there's ever a need..."

"Count on us," Artoria finished for him, a small smile touching her lips.

With a collective understanding, they bid farewell to the Emiya household, carrying with them not only their renewed bonds but also a sense of hope for the future. The Foundation's support would be there, a safety net in uncertain times, as they each embarked on their respective journeys beyond the trials of the grail and the complexities of their intertwined fates.

As we returned back to the Foundation and give them the reports, as we saw narsuarya rime who she basically been given then the title Scp 239-1, and joined Pandora's box, as after a while Bright was talking to me

Dr Bright just looked at me. Will that was while few days wasn't it Able. Dr bright said looking at Me

"Indeed, it was quite eventful," I replied to Dr. Bright, reflecting briefly on the recent series of events.

"It's not every day we handle grail wars and anomalies like SCP-239," Dr. Bright remarked with a wry smile. "But you handled it well. Your team's efforts were commendable."

I nodded in appreciation. "Thank you, Dr. Bright. It's always a challenge, but we're here to ensure everything remains contained and under control."

Dr. Bright chuckled. "That's the spirit, Able. Keep up the good work."

With that, I returned to my duties at the Foundation, knowing that despite the challenges, our efforts were crucial in maintaining the balance and safety of both the anomalous and mundane worlds.

Dr. Bright leaned back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "You know, Able, dealing with anomalies that intersect with legends and mythologies can be quite intriguing. It's like playing chess with reality itself."

I nodded in agreement. "Absolutely. The intersection of these mythologies with modern anomalies adds layers of complexity to containment and understanding."

He chuckled again, his tone slightly mischievous. "And how's your fanfic coming along? I hear you've been weaving quite the tale with these characters and anomalies."

I smiled, appreciating his interest. "It's been a creative journey, exploring the possibilities of these crossover scenarios. It's challenging but rewarding to blend these diverse elements into a cohesive narrative."

Dr. Bright leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Any new developments or characters you've introduced lately? I'm sure your readers must be eager for more."

"Well," I began, recounting recent chapters and character arcs, "we've seen alliances forged between characters like Shirou Emiya and SCP-239, tackling challenges that merge magic and scientific anomalies. It's a dynamic mix that keeps evolving."

Dr. Bright nodded thoughtfully. "Sounds like you're building quite the universe there. It's fascinating how creative minds can reshape reality in these narratives."

"Indeed," I replied, reflecting on the thematic depths and character growth within the fanfic. "It's about exploring not just the fantastical but also the human elements that resonate across these different worlds."

He smiled knowingly. "Well, keep me updated on your progress. You never know what new anomaly might inspire your next chapter."

With that, we continued our discussion, delving into the intricacies of storytelling and containment, bridging the gap between imagination and the containment protocols of the SCP Foundation.

The next day let's say something interesting happend as Scp 049 was in the hospital room he was looking at him

Scp 049 looked at me before he spoke. You won't Believe me if I said it

I just looked at him. Don't worry we have seen more crazy thisng what is happening to you is probably not something that Carzy

Dr Bright noded as he looked at 049 Defeanlty

049 just looked at me and then Dr Brighte. Will to answer you what is happening to me is that I am pregnant and going to give birth it something that happened before

I just looked at him, then looked at Dr Brighte and then drinked my coffee. Will that is a new no 1

Aa then 049 just let out an egg, as he grabbed the egg. The room fell silent as SCP-049 carefully cradled the egg. Dr. Bright's eyes widened, and he quickly pulled out his notepad, jotting down observations.

"An egg," Dr. Bright muttered to himself. "Fascinating."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. "Well, 049, congratulations, I suppose? Do you have any idea what might hatch from it?"

049 looked at me, a strange mixture of pride and concern in his eyes. "I am uncertain. This has only happened once before, and the result was... unique."

Dr. Bright leaned in closer, his curiosity piqued. "Unique how?"

049 sighed. "The last time, it was a small, sentient creature, highly intelligent and... quite curious. It did not survive long, unfortunately."

I nodded, taking in the information. "Alright, let's ensure this one has a better chance. We'll set up a controlled environment for the egg, monitor it closely. Dr. Bright, make the necessary arrangements."

Dr. Bright nodded eagerly, already formulating plans. "Understood. This is going to be fascinating."

As we left the hospital room, I couldn't help but shake my head in disbelief. "Only at the Foundation," I muttered to myself.

Back in the main facility, the atmosphere was buzzing with the latest developments. Reports were being filed, and personnel were being briefed on the new situation with SCP-049. I made my way to my office, ready to tackle the next challenge.

Before I could settle in, my communicator beeped. It was a message from Dr. Clef, requesting an urgent meeting. I sighed, knowing that in this line of work, there was never a dull moment.

I headed to the meeting room, where Dr. Clef was waiting, his usual mischievous grin plastered on his face. "Able, just the person I wanted to see."

"What's the emergency, Clef?" I asked, taking a seat.

"We've got a situation with SCP-682. He's been unusually quiet, and that's never a good sign. We need to figure out what he's planning."

I nodded, feeling the weight of the task ahead. "Alright, let's get to it. Any preliminary intel?"

Clef leaned forward, his expression turning serious. "None yet. But we need to be prepared for anything. With 682, you never know."

As we delved into the discussion, my mind briefly wandered to SCP-049 and his unusual egg. Just another day at the SCP Foundation, where the unexpected was always expected.

I went to the room of 682 and activated 999 abitly, just in case.

682 looked at me. Able things are quiet way to quiet when is our team going on another Mission

I looked at SCP-682, the massive reptilian creature, as its eyes focused on me with a mixture of curiosity and impatience. Activating SCP-999's ability was a precaution; the small, gelatinous entity's presence always had a calming effect, even on 682.

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Yeah, 682, things have been quiet. But we've got a few leads that need checking out. You ready for another mission?"

682's eyes gleamed with anticipation. "Of course, Able. This containment gets monotonous. What's the target this time?"

I glanced at my notes. "We have reports of an anomaly in a remote location. Potential new SCP. We need to assess the threat level and contain it if necessary."

Dr. Bright, who had been listening in, chimed in. "Don't get too excited, 682. Remember, containment first, destruction second."

682 let out a low growl but nodded. "Understood. When do we leave?"

I looked at Dr. Bright. "Give us the details, Bright. What are we dealing with?"

Dr. Bright pulled up a holographic display. "Reports indicate an entity that manipulates reality within a localized area. Witnesses have described it as a shadowy figure that alters the environment around it. Sounds like it could be dangerous."

I nodded, considering the implications. "Alright, 682. Get ready. We'll be departing soon. And remember, follow the protocol."

682 huffed but complied, moving back to its containment area to prepare.

As I turned to leave, Dr. Bright caught my arm. "Able, be careful out there. This one sounds tricky."

I nodded. "Always am, Bright. Always am."

With the mission briefed and 682 prepped, I made my way to the armory to gather my gear. The Foundation's missions were never easy, but having a team that included creatures like 682 made it more manageable, even if unpredictable.

A few hours later, we were in the transport, heading towards the anomaly's location. SCP-682, SCP-999, Dr. Bright, and a team of trained operatives accompanied me. As we neared our destination, I briefed the team one last time.

"Remember, our primary objective is containment and assessment. We don't engage unless necessary. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you."

The team nodded, and we disembarked, ready to face whatever new anomaly awaited us. The air was tense with anticipation as we approached the area where the reports had originated.

The landscape was eerily quiet, and as we moved forward, the environment around us began to shift subtly. Shadows seemed to dance and flicker at the edges of our vision.

Dr. Bright, scanning the area, murmured, "Here we go."

We pressed on, with SCP-999 close by, its presence providing a sense of calm amidst the unknown. SCP-682 took the lead, its senses sharp and alert.

As we delved deeper into the anomaly's territory, the shadows coalesced into a humanoid form, hovering in the distance. The air around it shimmered with an unnatural energy.

"Careful, everyone," I warned, "Stay sharp."

The entity turned towards us, its form shifting and changing. This was going to be a challenge, but with 682 by my side, I felt ready for whatever came next.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones so yeah enjoy