Chapter 12

We are ready to depart for the banquet, which is held still within Regal but is a one hour journey.

Elara insisted on getting me dressed up so I have to make do in this uncomfortable and restricting suit. We said goodbye to Leopold and Adelinde and shortly after, get picked up as well.

As we arrived, there were a lot of nobles staring at the presence of the royal carriage. As representatives for the primary branch, our time here will surely be filled with 'very exciting' things.

The banquet is an event, that stretches for five days, during which we, as the primary guests, are offered housing to spare the hour long trip. Due to this, we made sure to arrive early and check out our rooms before it actually started. During the five day stay, there are lots of performances, entertainment and lots and lots of balls held.

{Elara}: „Everyones talking behind our backs… I don't dislike it I guess."

{Leo}: „This trip will be filled with that. Better get used to it."

{Elara}: „We'd better meet with the hosting families head. That's the first thing father asked us to do."

{Leo}: „Let's do that."

The hosting family is a noble bloodline, known for their incredible artists and entertainers. The head of the family himself created a world-wide phenomenon with his outstanding talent for music. They call him 'Maestro Lysander Aurelian'. The title 'Maestro' emphasizes his musical genius and leadership in the arts. From what I know, I'd rank him as top 10 most powerful people in Regal easily.

{Elara}: „My name is Elara and I come from the primary branch. I would like to request a short meeting with the head."

„ His greatness is eagerly awaiting your entry. Please proceed, while I guide you."

„ Your greatness, the primary branch has arrived."

{The Maestro}: „Let them in and bring us some tea, please."

{Elara}: „I greet the head of the Aurelians:"

{Leo}: „I greet the head of the Aurelians."

{The Maestro}: „You have no need to be so formal, kids haha. Just sit down."

{Elara}: „It is great to meet with you again, Lysander. I still vividly remember my first banquet here."

{The Maestro}: „It truly motivates me to hear that from you, Elara. But tell me, who is the person beside you?"

{Leo}: „My name is Leo and I have been chosen by the king to not only guard but also accompany my partner during the banquet."

{The Maestro}: „Ha. Truly? Elara must be very lucky to have someone like you by her side. Why don't you tell me more about it?"

We enjoyed a relaxed conversation with the head of Aurelian in a big, well lit room. It had huge windows similar to Lysanders huge personality. He had gray hair, even though he was still 37 and wore a white suit. His eyes are bloodshot, revealing his well known horrible sleeping patterns. After the tea, we were brought to our room. Elara looked content and I think she enjoyed the conversation. The room alone was as big as my house back in Achenheim. The first thing on today's schedule is lunch. We can rest easy for now, as Aldric is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. I know Elara said, she didn't mind but it still weighed on my mind.

*At the dining hall*

{Elara}: „Can you see what's gonna be served today? I'm really hungry actually."

{Leo}: „Looks like a stir fry of expensive vegetables. I guess this is their way of showcasing their connections."

{Elara}: „A stir fry? No protein? That's unusual… usually you'd serve nobles actually nutritious food, right?"

{Leo}: „Yeah, I agree. Though there are a plethora of dishes without Protein, it is still unusual to see a dish completely lacking of macros. They could at least give us some bread made with yeast."

{Elara}: „You wanna ditch dinner and look for food elsewhere? I don't really feel like eating stir fry."

{Leo}: „Sure what do you want to do?"

{Elara}: „Let's go outside the palace for a short while."

{Leo}: „That's allowed!?"

{Elara}: „Nope haha."

We went anyways. The guards easily let us through and we straddled through the city with lots of turned heads. Everyone in this part of town knew who Elara was, based on a recently locally released article. They seemed intrigued, at the fact that Elara was walking around town with her arm around mine. At some point, it got to an extreme, though.

{Journalist}: „Excuse me, are you the famous Leo from the primary branch and princess Elara?"

{Leo}: „That's right. What is the purpose of your inquiry?"

{Journalist}: „Do you mind holding an interview. You see, the people have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the primary branch's couple."

{Elara}: „Sure, we'd love to. As long as you can recommend a good spot to dine in town."

{Journalist}: „So… is it true, that the two of you heroically survived an ambush near Sanctaria territory?"

{Elara}: „It's such a horrific memory… I'd rather not remind myself. Why don't you take it, dear~"

{Leo}: „Haha, sure. We currently have no information on who ambushed us that day, but it is true, that despite the odds, we were able to escape by surviving two long weeks in the forest. All alone at that."

{Journalist}: „That's incredible. Sir Leo, right after your employment in the palace, it is reported, that you got into a fight with Leopold von Eisenhart and beat him onesidedly. Any comment on that duel?"

He's purposefully leaving out the unsavory details of that duel. Is he trying to be polite, or testing me?

{Leo}: „During the duel, I was stuck on something else mentally, so I incorrectly handled the situation, I must admit. Though it was pretty fun to spar against a strong warrior like Leopold after such a while of no proper fights."

{Journalist}: „There's recently been accusations against sir Leo regarding slave trade. Do you know anything about that?"

HUH? Who told you that?! I have to react calmly, it must be just some dumb rumor.

{Leo}: „Haha, are you trying to make jokes? I was a mere farmer before entering the palace, so there was no way for me to even meet anyone. I used to spend weeks and even months in almost complete isolation. I don't know if that was meant to be an insult, but I'd appreciate the questions to stay formal."

{Elara}: „It's obviously a baseless rumor, so please help us in letting this conspiracy die out."

{Journalist}: „I'm sorry, this was a big fumble on my part. I'll make sure to lecture the people of this revelation."

{Leo}: „Any more questions?"

{Journalist}: „Are you perhaps familiar with an individual that goes by the name 'Rufus'?"

(Thief from chapter one)

{Leo}: „No, not at all."

{Journalist}: „Okay, I thank you for your honest answers. I hope we can stay on good terms in the future as well. I'll get going now."

*Back at the Aurelians palace*

{Elara}: „You think the interview was a mistake?"

{Leo}: „I don't know yet. I guess we'll get to see in the near future."

As the night goes on without any major misshapes, we silently go to sleep. There was only one bed in the room we got, so it was a bit awkward, though we managed.

Before I knew it, the next morning had arisen. The morning of the second day was pretty much void of any activities, so I let Elara sleep in while I make my way to search for any form of training I could conduct. I eventually found the training grounds, but before I could begin, I heard the sound of a carriage arriving. There I saw a frail man with bags under his eyes step out. His maids called him… Aldric.

Before I noticed how rudely I was staring, he stared right back. He felt disgusted at the sight of me. He then proceeded to ignore me and make his way toward the hall, where the other nobles were.

I resumed training but I just couldn't get that stare out of my mind. Even though he looked weak and obviously sick, that stare was powerful. When the sun started rising, there were a lot more people visiting the training grounds. It was a friendly atmosphere and there were even some people challenging me. Nothing of note, until I saw Aldric appear. Before he could even do anything, one of the guards, that were training, walked up to him and started to talk him down.

„ Well if it isn't the alcoholic sex-maniac I've heard so much about. What brings the superior little kid, who has never been seen working out, to the training grounds?"

{Aldric}: „Step away, maggot. Don't forget your place. Every single on of you is the same, all muscles, no brain."

„ What? How dare a noble who had it all and then proceeded to lose it, talk like some otherworldly being, who is oh so much smarter than us common folks? Even after you made the biggest mistake anyone could make, your daddy was still lenient with you. I'm afraid he should have taught you more of a lesson."

„What? Did the last concubine not suck your penis to your liking? Why the long face, dipshit."

{Aldric}: „I don't have the time to talk with a nobody like oneself. Leo… that is you, right? Step here."

All of a sudden he calls out my name and motions me over. I guess this was his reason for coming here. I discard my weapon and walk over to him.

{Leo}: „Yes, my name is Leo. What is your purpose in coming here to talk to me?"

{Aldric}: „You know… your kind pisses me off the most. From what I've read in the article, you're not entitled to live some kind of fairy tale life in the royal palace. You reek like shit and your only talent is your no-brain barbaric fighting style. What do you think, did Aurelius see in you, to allow you to trample on my pride as a former primary branch like this. To basically take my place in the capital and to make out with my sister. It's deplorable, seriously."

{Leo}: „If that is all you wanted to say, I wont be giving you an answer. I think you should know why."

{Aldric}: „Go on. Pretend like you're the bigger person, while being responsible for the misery of tens, no hundreds of innocent people. You can pretend all you want, but the truth is an ultimatum. you will never escape the unforgiving hand of justice."

{Leo}: „The only lives I take, are impure ones. The only ones I kill, are those, that deserve to die. I am not scared of mere conspiracies. Aldric, you of all people should know, that those with the intention to kill, should be ready to die themselves. I won't lie to you and tell you, that I've never killed, but I will tell you, that every life I took, was a life, that sought out my death. Is that not reasonable to you?"

{Aldric}: „It's not a question you should be asking me. The people will decide. I wish the best of luck to you, who is living the life, that was originally promised to me."

… What now? Is killing him an option? My anger is so high, I can't think straight. My mind wanders in places, that would get me executed. I can't help but hate this individual, who purely out of spite, decided it is his job to ruin my life. I don't know if he has any proof of my misdeeds, but if he does… It could prove problematic.

I will have no choice but to silence Aldric Eisenhart.