Chapter 13

Leo, you are a thorn, a virus, a parasite. It'd be best if you would only realise your own mistake. There is no going back. The people that had their comrades and friends die in your hands are no longer willing to stay quiet.

Dear Leo, I hope you fall into the deepest pits of despair, so that I could maybe, just maybe, feel satisfied in the end. When I saw you, as I was descending the stairs of my carriage and as I was tended to by my maids, I saw that look in your eyes. It was one, only a deceiving and evil individual could give. I will rid my dear sister of your grubby and smelly hands. I've seen through you and I've come to realise, that… you're by far not as untouchable as you might think.

Dear Leo, people are greedy. They tend to do anything, if it could only be paid back in money. Even someone from the Sanctaria Curch themselves is plagued by this basic human flaw. I find that to be sad. If only people would stop falling for these cheap traps set by the devil, to get them to do evil. People are so ignorant nowadays, even the king himself was blinded by his instincts to protect his children, locking them in confinement in the process.

Humans really can't stop doing things wrong, can they?

Dear Leo, there are people that hurl insults at me, calling me all sorts of words. Do you remember the guard, that called me an alcoholic earlier? To that, I have but one question: Why do people always butt into innocent peoples business, while letting criminals run loose? What did I ever do to deserve this kind of harassment, which the king does not receive. Why do people point their fingers at me, when all I do wrong to, is myself. These people have no right to judge my indulgences, while bringing harm to others. I have the moral highground, which these vermins will have to understand.

These people are doomed. Doomed to unknowingly cause their own demise, or that of a loved one, while doing the right thing. Desires for peace and love are all but a trap, laid out by the higher beings on this earth. Comfortability is a fleeting emotion and doing the morally right thing will just end up in allowing others control the way you behave.

Dear Elara, It was this reason, why I unintentionally caused your demise. There hasn't been a day, that I didn't regret it. It was this moment, that taught me the ways of this world. To strive for freedom was and always will be a mistake. To desire in this world is to lose, so why do I submit to this intense desire of getting rid of Leo? It is due to there simply being nothing for me to lose. I will make sure to make that Leo realise, that it was a mistake to desire a life as a royal instructor in the palace. You see, Leo is quite similar to me, so to see him succeed in what I couldn't and seeing him go against my philosophy of life, all that is left for me to do, is make sure he goes down the same path as I did and relieve myself of living right after the fact.

Tonight, I will unveil all the misery you caused and plunge your bright world into darkness.

*knock knock*

{Elara}: „Leo? Are you back?"

{Aldric}: „Sister, it is me. I wish to talk."

{Elara}: „Dear maid, may you prepare a tea for our guest?"


{Elara}: „Why have you come, Aldric?"

{Aldric}: „Rid yourself of Leo, I demand it. Don't you see… he will end up causing your demise. It'd be best to distance you-"

{Elara}: „Shut the hell up. When did you ever know what was best for me?"

{Aldric}: „Then you will see what happens, dear sister. But promise, that if you ever think Leo unfit to be your partner, please ditch him, you deserve better."

{Elara}: „Please escort this rude guest outside."

{Aldric}: „Excuse me, I will take my leave now."

How sad… It seems my dear sister still has much to learn.

„ Mister Aldric Eisenhart? His greatness has called for you."

{Aldric}: „I take it you want to speak to me Lysander?"

{The Maestro}: „Aldric, judging from your appearance, you still spend your time wasting your life away."

{Aldric}: „What prompted you to speak down on me like this today?"

{The Maestro}: „Please just… don't ruin Leo's life in regret of your own. I know how you must feel, but if you truly find Leo to be similar to you, why are you being so harsh to your younger self? You must abandon your regrets and life on."

{Aldric}: „What meaning would it have for me to change my ways now. You, Lysander, are a great friend, so I intend to tell only you. I have abandoned hope in this life. I thought to have it all, riches, fame, even after I became a secondary branch noble. That was until I heard of Leo. He was someone who desired it all, but lost nothing. It's something, that couldn't, shouldn't be happening. So my philosophy broke and with it, my self. Now all there is left for me to do, is be the change I want to see in the world. I will ruin Leo's life, thus restoring my world views."

{The Maestro}: „It's really miserable to see an upright individual like Leo get threatened by an immature child. The world doesn't work according to the simple principles you live by and that's just how it is. You will only make the only person who doesn't hate you, Elara, despise you. You make me mad, Aldric."

In the past, Lysander was known for always wearing a smile and being cheerful. That same guy is in front of me, hurling insults at me. How far has it come for me to get badmouthed by someone I respect… I don't want to lose Elara. I just want this pain in my chest to go away, is that so bad?

Every time I look at anyone from my former family, all I get is weird stares but this guy, who wasn't even part of the family is loved by all. I'm sure I am immature and I am sure, that what I am doing is something bad, but I won't need to care about that after my death. All I want to do now is carry out my emotions before my light extinguishes.

{Aldric}: „You will understand my actions sooner or later, trust me."

I better hold on and wait until I've made up my mind. There is no real reason to send the wittnesses yet.

It was a lukewarm sunset outside and the air had a calm sense to it. I guess I was mistaken though, as a group of noble thugs were headed my way. Urgh, how can they even stand looking at their faces in the mirror each morning? These insects are truly something else.

„ Hey you. You're a fucking disgrace, do you know that?"

„ Your title of noble should be revoked for god's sake."

{Aldric}: „Just get it over with. I know why you're here so don't waste time with talking shit."

It was a usual occasion for me to get beat up by other nobles, who think my existence as a fellow noble is a stain on their reputation.

I put my hands up in order to atleast fight back a little. My heart beats fast and before I could even react, a fist comes flying towards my face, making me stumble and fall on the ground. Two of them head over to my body and start kicking my sides. I curl up in a ball as the filth from the ground stains my pure white suit. A heavier guy comes and jumps on my back. It cracks and it hurts like hell. I can barely hold out before passing out.

I wake up approximately an hour later to bugs crawling on my chin and the throbbing pain on my head, back, shoulders and nose. My whole throat is covered in blood and all I can taste is iron. The wind feels like a million needles, making it hard to breathe. My eyes start to water, turning into myself bawling my eyes out.

This is reality for someone like me, who desired freedom. One little mistake as a child was all it took. My stomache starts to churn as painful memories come up. This time, though, it hurts way more than anything else. The emotional scars start bursting and I tilt my head before throwing up.

There I lie. In a pool of filth, blood, sweat and my own puke. The screeching from the cicadas gets louder and my ears ring. My vision starts to blur and it fades to black.

„ Have you finally woken up?"

There's someone? Who is it? I can't see.

{Aldric}: „Where…am I?"

„ You're in the infirmary right now. I found you laying on the path earlier and brought you here."

{Aldric}: „Who are you? I can't see."

„ My name is Leo, have you already forgotten who I am?"

I go silent for a moment and then, against my control, tears start bursting out. To think that the person I hated most and wanted to ruin ended up showing the most kindness ever shown to me my whole life. My mind races with thoughts, but it all goes silent after I feel a hand on my head.

{Leo}: „I understand. Your life has been hard. That doesn't mean you can just lay outside the whole night all bruised up like this. I tried some cold water but you should still lay in bed for a while."

{Aldric}: „I don't know what to say…"

{Leo}: „I'll go now. If you need anything, just call for me."

This Leo guy is pretty alright I guess.