The abduction

I stop and look behind for the third time. The wavering feeling that I'm being followed itched my insides, still, not only is the streets busy with people but busy with people minding their own businesses.

I shake off the thoughts as well as the awkward stares from passers by and continue my journey.

I feel the rush of the wind on my face and the hairs on my arm rise, there it is again, the feeling that I'm either being watched or followed.

My grip on my hand bag's strap tighten—it could be a robber or worse, a stalker— however, the streets were busy so attempting a robbery here won't be wise.

But just to be safe, I look into an ally— one of the many "shortcuts" when reaching the university— I walk in with quick steps.

I immediately regret my decision as the feeling only grew with the eerie silence.

I begin to rethink the entire thing, which was better? Walking down the streets alone with peering eyes and people around or taking a shortcut through a dark shadowy ally with no one around..

Clearly, the former is the best option.

I turn around swiftly, only to bumb into something, or rather someone. Someone extremely muscular and huge.

I take a step back and stare wide eyed at the man with big broad shoulders. My heart beats ridiculously fast and my mouth short of words.

Surely the best option is to run, continuing in the ally path but my legs have a different opinion in the matter. I gulp.

"Miss Isabella Wilkins", His deep voice echoed all the way from my ears down to my stomach. I feel my intestines knotting each other, certainly, big scary man calling your full name in an ally isn't a good thing.

Am I being robbed?

"Miss Isabella, we've come to abduct you so please comply" he gives a hand signal

It all happened so fast, I only catch a glimpse of another man behind him before a black bag was put over my head.

My mind goes wild and my erratic breaths suck in more oxygen.

No, this isn't oxygen, smells weird. My head spins and I suddenly feel like I'm falling but I'm held, not sure who's holding me but I can't struggle.

Forget the weird smell inside of the bag and the sound of an engine starting, did I just get abducted politely? I swear I heard please..

I struggle a bit with the drowsiness before succumbing to the clingy darkness.

I am Isabella Wilkins, first child and only daughter to the Wilkins family. I'm an art enthusiast currently attending one of the best universities here in Threp, Australia and ever since I moved here to chase my dreams as an artist, I've lived an ordinary life of a nineteen year old teenager.

—not as ordinary though, being introverted and all, I'm yet to make friends but I'm okay since I find solace in reading novels and creating artwork pieces—

But this little life of mine just stopped being ordinary the moment I had a bag over my face.

With a throbbing headache, I open my eyes. First, I scrutinize my location. With an attempt and fail to sit up, I realize my hands are tied behind my back.

I stop struggling and stay still after hearing footsteps.

"The kid's awake!" The first man comes to view, smiling.

The second man followed behind with an expression completely in contrast with the first, "that's a bummer, I was starting to think we killed her"

I'm marvelled, not because they acted weirdly and one wants me dead, but because they're different from the ones who came to abduct me.

I study them a bit, they're dressed casually unlike the man who bagged my head—he was on a suit— and these men are rather smaller in size. If it's ransom they want, then my abduction is in vain cause they'll get nothing, my dad's dead and my mom owns a flower shop.

I'm not sure why but I'm calm, so calm that it's bothering. I should be screaming or something, or rather crying but the calm rhythm of my heart beat scares me.

I arrive at a decision after an inner battle between my body, mind and soul, I'll inquire about my kidnap.

The Blondie that was excited about my being awake sat, smoking while the black buzz cut one with an arrogant look stood in front of a table decorated with an array of weaponry.

I gulp and rethink my question, last time I made a quick decision it got me a bag over my head.

"Why am i here?" I ask, my current lying position is just getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

Neither of them battled an eye lid for my question, they didn't even look at me, almost like I didn't say anything yet. Doubt floods my mind, did I say something or was that all in my mind.

Black buzz cut picks a knife up. I watch him keenly. He assumes a sitting position opposite blondie who had a deck of cards in hand.

"Why'd you think the boss wants a woman like her?" Blondie asks while shuffling the cards

"Who knows, flat ass, no boobs, honestly, I don't even know what he's looking for here. Are we even allowed to call her a woman?" Buzz cut's reply is laced with a sneer

I frown at their choice of discussion, not all women are built the same. I love myself the way I am and I'm certain that someone will as well.

Blondie shrugs and distributes the cards evenly. A phone call has them suspending their game. Buzz cut answered the call and after putting the phone down, he looks at me..