The preposition

He looks at me, unwavering with that sinister smirk on his face.

My composure falters but I still try to hold steadfast my calmness.

"For someone who just got nabbed you seem to be taking it well", he walks to me and stands in a way that he's looking down at me with one hand in his pocket.

Both men's attention on me is sickening but I take it as an unfortunate opportunity. "Who's your boss?" I ask.

Buzz cut's smile broadens, he squats before me

He holds my chin, making us look eye to eye

"My boss is a very terrible person, you don't want to know the absurd things he'll do to you"

he lets my chin go and walks to blondie while saying "clearly he can't be interested in a board so he probably wants to use you for an exchange"

My limbs weaken at the thought of that. I need to finish college and graduate, my mother's retirement is counting solely on me. No way I'm letting myself get sold or bought.

"I hope he doesn't" said Blondie, "those perverted clients don't need such a beauty, boss should give her to me I'll take good care of her" his eyes didn't hide the lust lurking within.

Curse my judgement on appearance!, for some seconds there I forgot Blondie is still a thug.

Buzz cut empties his pocket on the table and walks towards me. Easily, he lifts me over his shoulder. His collar bone was such a dead weight, pressing hard into my stomach but I ignore it.

"Hey Manuel, bring the little lady's purse". Blondie, or rather Manuel grabs my purse and follows out the door.

"Where are we going?" I ask hoarsely due to my position

"Somewhere reeeeal nice, you'll like it". His reply sends chills down my spinal cord and spreads to the rest of my nerves, I doubt I'll like it.

With my head down, it was almost impossible to keep track of the path he followed. I remain silent.

I can tell, the room I was held in and the place I'm heading to were both in the same location.

Anticipation mixed with excitement clouds my mind. It's weird, I'm excitedly looking forward to my doom.

Suddenly it feels like I'm ascending, the higher buzz cut goes, the more staircase I see. I frown.

Soon his pace gradually slows down and he stops.

"Do you think he's in?" Manuel asks, and by he, I'm sure they mean their boss—who is currently anonymous

The door creaks open and I feel buzz cut's shoulders relax. In the next minute I'm laying on a king sized bed. He pats my cheek "have a nice stay" he smiled before leaving with Manuel. I struggle with the sheets and sit up, my hands are still tied behind and my wrists ache.

I take my time to analyze the room, definitely a masters bedroom filled to the brim with luxurious details and touches. The lighting, natural and the air serene,

Buzz cut had said that "the boss'' was a really dangerous man, the colors, the lightening, the design were in a complete contrast.

The room extends outside, making a terrace and a crystal chandelier dangled right above at the middle of the ceiling.

I look to the window leading outside to the terrace, I could jump through there, but then again my arms are restricted and I can't guarantee the length of this building. I might end up attempting a suicide and things will get worse if I'm found alive.

The corner of my eye catches a square platform hung near the built in wardrobe. The famous painting made by Vincent van Gogh called the starry night made from oil on canvas.

This has to be counterfeit, the original starry night is home at the museum of modern art in New York. No matter how rich this guy in question is, he can't afford the real deal in his home.

The door opens and a man steps in. The first thing I notice is his beige skin color and his ruffled undercut. His side profile is what I personally term godly, the sharp jawline accompanied with beards give off a manly demeanor.

I stare up and down at him, I never realized how much I am into men whose Adams apple were visible. His bulging biceps hold firmly his folded sleeve and he's holding his suit in hand. He shuts the door.

He hasn't notice me yet but still I stay silent, unmoving. He looks distracted.

My entire theory shatters before my eyes as he looks at me suddenly. He noticed after all, then again, he was the one who instructed buzz cut and Manuel to bring me here.

I forgot about that.

I lean back and watch his lips curl into a faint smile. He walks to the bed and sits close to me. I lean further back as he reaches out to my face

"Prettier in person" he caress my cheeks

His words came as a shock to me, though it seemed plain, my guts tell me it's far more than what I'm thinking.

I gulp.

"Do you know why you're here?" He retreats his hand and looks at me instead.

I narrow my eyes at his question, I was kidnapped! How should I know the reason?. I bite my lower lip, fighting the urge to spill out my dark sarcastic gut.

Alas! I couldn't.

"Yes, why I'm here to fulfil my lifelong dream of being abducted"

My humor breaks as he frowns, I purse my lips nervously.

—you see Isabella! The reasons why you can't have friends—

He sighs and stand up, pocket both his hands and look out the wide window.

"My...." He pauses, for dramatic effect I suppose, before continuing "family needs an heir"