The Contract

I pause


He turns around and his gaze meets my questioning look.

"An heir?" I repeat his words in a whisper. He nods, "in order for me to continue my lineage, I need an heir"

I feel the intensity coming from his stare, he opens his mouth "Isabella I've chosen you to be the mother of my children".

I'm uttered speechless by this statement. I was abducted to be forced to marry someone I haven't even seen before and bear his children.

This is ridiculous, I mutter to myself.

There's no way! I'm still a college student and marriage has never been a priority to me. But then again, I glance around the room, this man's wealth is surely no joke

Living life here will certainly be sumptuous but I'm skeptical if I'll be allowed to attend college still. The more I try to deny it, the more my mind wraps around the fact that this is a golden opportunity to climb the social ladder.

I don't even know what to think anymore. 

"A month Isabella" his voice grabs my attention and I stare into his determined face. He continues, "give me a month" he says

" a month?" A month for what?

He walks towards me, "a month and I'll make you fall for me". My heart skips a beat as he reaches out to my chin, I gulp

He leans in, only inches away from my face. I fight the urge not to look down at his lips, his aroma, both alluring and danger filled.

He leans further in and stares down at my lips. I shut my eyes tightly by reflex and my mind races with absurd thoughts. 

I ponder about the texture of his lips, will it be rough or smooth or coarse, what will it taste like, sweet or savory or bitter sweet.

My legs twitch in desperation. I leave my lips slightly open, I've only seen kissing scenes in movies and romance books and I'm not bothered that my first kiss might be from a total stranger.

My shoulders tense up and I feel his warm, soft lips but not against mine. I open my eyes, my cheeks flush with embarrassment—he kissed my forehead—

I have this sensational gift or rather it's a curse. Whenever I feel embarrassed or flustered, my left ear goes up my reflex and right now, this damned ear is erect.

It hurts more that I can't even cover my face of shame, my hands are still tied behind. I avert my eyes from his smiling face.

"Do you accept this?" He asks

I regain my composure and try to look past what happened seconds ago. I look at him, "what happens if I don't fall for you by the end of the month?" 

"I'll let you go"

Hmm, so a month to make me fall in love with him and if he fails he'll let me go and very conveniently, tomorrow marks the first day of the new month June. Does this mean he'll keep me here till the end of June?

"About my studies..."

"You can keep going there provided you live here till the time elapse". I find nothing wrong with it all, I can keep studying and if he doesn't succeed in making me fall for him in a month then I can return to my ordinary life.

"Any questions? I'm willing and ready to answer them" he urges me

I think for a little while, what's the most important thing to get knowledge on from him right now....

"Who are you?" I ask 

"Ethan Hades, you can call me Ethan". The name immediately registers in my brain, Ethan Hades, I've never heard of it before.

"Ethan?" I call out, I look behind him at the clock that hung on the wall

"A problem?",he asks and I look back at him

"Is that wall clock correct?" I ask him. His brows crease and he looks behind, he nodded at me slowly.

I missed morning lectures because of all this shenanigans, no way I'll miss the evening ones.

"I have evening lecture by 4pm" the clock just struck two

He chuckled before grabbing a small scissor and walking towards me. He snips the rope, the cable wire to be precise.

I rub my wrist.

"I'll get the maids and servants to freshen you up and take you back to the university" he assures before leaving.

Once the door closes, I jerk up. Out of curiosity, I walk out to the terrace. I look over the rails and notice a person on leather black outfit. From up here, the person seems androgynous 

I squint and peer.

"Madam Isabella" 

Startled, I turn and walk back into the room. The maids are already here.

The person from outside couldn't have been Ethan due to the lack of broad shoulders and muscles, maybe a woman then?

Funnily, the maids bathed nd clothed me like I was a doll, I felt like royalty. Will I get to live like this everyday if I eventually marry Ethan? How thrilling that would be.

Don't call me a gold digger, there's not a soul who doesn't want money. I'm not ashamed to admit it, I need money and lots of it at that. Marrying Ethan will change my life, I can feel it.

The lecture ends and I make my way outside. The black porche used to bring me here is still packed outside. A man, and if I'm not mistaken, my original adductor is standing beside the car.

"Madam Isabella" he greets and opens the door.

Down the drain goes my days of invisibility. My record of keeping a low profile just became a nothing. Who would believe a girl who drives to and fro from school in a porche car was an average family's spawn?