The Exorbitant

I look over to the close door, clearly disappointed. I avert my eyes to the full length mirror and sometimes, you know, I feel I'm not as beautiful or pretty. I often compare my features with other pretty women I see outside—its a habit I'm trying to subdue and finally appreciate the way I'm created.

My wet golden brown hair gently resting on my shoulders, my blue eyes, slightly full lips, zero make-up. I turn to my side and recall buzz cut's words, I'm down right equivalent to a board, or at least that's what I tell myself.

I must be so resistable. How did Ethan find me? What is it that he loves about me?... These thoughts cloud my mind while I dress up.

I marvel at how this purple flay is fitting, almost like it was made strictly for weird.

Downstairs, I stand before the dinning table although it's yet to be set. I think back to last night and how the food was served only after Ethan sat.

I hold my grumbling tummy, I'll find him.

After the fifth maid passes by me, I finally sum up courage. "Excuse me!" I call out hastily

The young maiden, blonde hair packed in a bun, slight bows "madam Isabella"

I smile at her familiarity and how she already knows my name—perhaps Ethan must have instructed them so.

"Do you know where Ethan is?" I ask

She looks up at me, her facial appearance neutral "master Hades is up in his personal gym"

Master Hades....." his personal gym?" I repeat her words while pointing up. I tilt my head

She nods, "follow the elevator and push the top button" 

I nod, I understand some of it. She bows again slightly, indicating she's about to go back to her business.

"What's your name?" I ask all of a sudden

"My name is Gabbie" her response hinting on how polite she was in nature.

"Okay Gabbie you can go about your business. Thank you". She points to me the elevator's direction before leaving.

My jaw drops at the sight of an actual elevator. I was skeptical about there being an elevator in his home and yet here it is, right before my naked eyes.

As if sensing my presence, it suddenly opens, startling me.

Slowly and cautiously, I enter and it closes. According to Gabbie's instructions, I push the top button.

The elevator ride was slow and silent, unlike the one at the mall which played a soothing music and is often crowded.

The elevator goes ding! And I step out. I stare half amused at the hallway. There's a door at the end of the hallway, looks suspicious but I'm not the curious type. I need to find Ethan, I'm starved!

Passed two doors before reaching one with engraved golden letters "GYM".

I open it, anticipating...but I'm greeted with silence. The place is empty—no one is present but the room's filled to the brim with work out equipment.

Name it, treadmills, ellipticals, stationary bikes, weights and the many more I either don't know the name or I've never seen it. 

I wonder what Ethan's job is that he's able to spend so extravagantly.

He's not here so I shouldn't be here either. I shut the door, pause, I open it again. I heard a grunt.

This time, I open the door fully and I notice another door straight ahead. It's open and the grunts become more audible.

Like I said earlier, I'm not the curious type but this might solve the mystery of the androgynous being I saw yesterday. As I get closer, I see movement of a silhouette—a slim figured one at that.

the closer I get, the more aroused my inquisitiveness gets. I'm eager, no I'm desperate to find out why this gym leads to another gym. Could it be it belongs to someone else? The androgynous being?


My heart makes a thud sound at the sudden call of my name. I stop and look behind, "Ethan" he scared me just now.

My cheeks burn when I finally notice who I'm staring at. My eyes roam him up and down, his full chest and toned abs and bulging muscles.

I bite my lower lip, his hung a towel over his shoulder and left one of his hands akimbo, he's only on shorts. I think he just bathed, water droplets still linger on his hair and eyelash.

"What are you doing here?" He asks

My mind snaps back and I resist the urge to ask who the other person is, the sounds coming from there ceased already.

"I was looking for you, I haven't had breakfast yet" I tell him, avoiding eye contact. I can't look at him straight without my eyes straying all over his body.

He chuckles and I look at him, he taps the tip of his ear.

My entire being turns red as I realize what his gesture meant. I immediately lift my hand and cover both my ears. 

He laughs at my spontaneous reaction.

Oh earth, please open up and swallow me.

"Come with" he says and I walk towards him, shamefully with my head hung low.

I look back a bit and notice the door that was open is now closed, I didn't even hear it click. This means someone was infact there.

Ethan closes the door after I come out. At this time, my embarrassment is still quite fresh. He walks in front of me and I wallow in his back tattoo.

I expected it, for him to have at least one and he does, one large almost scary one. It's a dragon, although there are no definite colors, just black shading 

It's still quite frightening.

So far what I know is that Eastern-style dragon tatto is a symbol of power. Dragons are one of the Five Blessings and symbolizes power, wealth, wisdom, health, and longevity.

"Do you like it?" Ethan asks but doesn't look back.